Wednesday, October 07, 2015

EMS VCS3 Explorations by Todd Barton aka bartonmusic

Seven explorations of the VCS3 by Todd Barton aka bartonmusic on SoundCloud.

Playlist (three were previously posted, two with video):

1. Vcs3 spiral stretch [video]
2. VCS-3 transmission
3. Vcs3 filter sweep [video]
4. VCS3-EML-200
5. Krell Music-1
6. Krell music-2
7. Old Krell Folk Tune [previous post sans video]

This one in via Soviet Space Child.

Modular Drums

Published on Oct 7, 2015 Sean Pendleton

"Playing with some simple modular drum patches.

Bass drum is the Mankato filter self oscillating and swept by an AR, then going into a CGS tube VCA.

Snare is the the noise form the TH super controller, Swept by an AR, then into a wasp filter clone, and into the CGS tube VCA

Hihats are 2 vcos into a ring modulator and then into a VCA.

Other drumish sound is a Wogglebug Ringmod out going into a vca. Always remember to screw your Wogglebug panel in before using.

Drone at the start is the Orgone Accumulator

Bass is an XR VCO triangle going into a MFOS Wave Freaker + a second XRVCO Saw, and then into the MA Discrete SVVCF

Leadish thing is the TTSH"

Elektron Analog Keys Patch Creation (Part 1)

Published on Oct 7, 2015 perfectcircuitaudio

Perfect Circuit Audio on eBay

Demora: quasi-tuned short delays

Published on Oct 7, 2015 wellurban

"Using very short delay times and high feedback, you can get pluck-like sounds out of Demora by just feeding a short envelope into the audio input. However, without reprogramming, the Time CV input is far from 1v/o, and at audio-rate delay times the CV is so sensitive that the resulting pitch is unstable.

Nevertheless, you can get vaguely musical results by manually tuning the CV input, and the Width effect adds extra timbral interest. Also, running a second, slower envelope into the Feedback CV means that you can control the degree of "ringing", for short or sustained plucks."

Buchla 200e "SKYLAB-ish" System with Blue Buchla Logo Gig Bag

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via this auction

"The Buchla Skylab is in Excellent condition that was purchased new from BEMI with ALL of the recent updates. If you are looking for an updated "Minty" System - here it is!

From BEMI:

The 200e Skylab system delivers exceptional power and performance in a highly portable format. Folds neatly with your patch cables connected and stores in an airline-carry-on-compatible BLUE padded bag (included). Get to the gig, unzip the case, plug into the sound system, and voila—you’re ready to perform.

This sale includes:

1 x 201e-10 Powered Cabinet
1 x 207e Mixer / Microphone Preamp
1 x 225e MIDI Decoder / Preset Manager
1 x 251e Quad Sequential Voltage Source
2 x 261e Complex Waveform Generator
1 x 267e Uncertainty Source / Dual Filter
1 x 281e Quad Function Generator
1 x 285e Frequency Shifter / Balanced Modulator
1 x 292e Quad Dynamics Manager
+ A big pile of BANANA and TINI JACKS (and extra screws!)"

Studio Electronics Omega 8 Analog Synthesizer - Black with All Green Buttons

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via this auction

Check out the individual voice cards.

"This Omega 8 is a true eight-voice, discrete circuit, multi-timbral, stereo, multi filtered, arpeggiating, DSP free Analog Dream Machine. This Omega Eight includes the stock Oberheim SEM and Minimoog filters.(CS-80, 303 and 2600 filters are sold separately from Studio Electronics website).

Overflowing with elaborate MIDI control, dynamic signal processing, and expansive modulation, its sound creation and manipulation could very well exceed the boundaries of your imagination. Salvational pads,
foundational basses, revelatory leads, electrosonic drums, other-worldly FX and thoroughly hypnotic pulsating soundscapes powered by our SE's very own discrete analog sound engine will inspire your most potent creative effort.

The Studio Electronics Omega8 delivers true ANALOG stimulation. Resist the models insist on the real!"

Oberheim OB-Xa SN 820505

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via this auction

Some pis of the inside below.

"Oberheim OB-Xa in excellent physical condition:

- Powers on with output and the classic "Oberheim" sound.

- Later model OB-Xa with storage for 120 programs.

- All 8 voice boards were recapped with new electrolytics a couple years ago. Instrument powers on and autotune functions properly to tune voice boards.

- New key bushings were also installed a couple years ago. Keys are nice and soft when depressed, not clunky...

- An E and F key second from the right didn't sound when depressed though a quick inspection revealed the J-wire for both keys is in good condition and may just need some cleaning as well as the contact bar."

Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 SN 2751

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via this auction

"The P600 is extremely versatile and easy to use! Its best functions include the onboard arpeggiator, 2-track sequencer and poly-modulation. The P600 is great for creating analog effects, swells and drones. It has a cool glide effect and has very flexible modulation possibilities! Perfect for Ambient, Dub and other electronic music.

MIDI Parameter Codes:

Record + 1 = program change on/off
Record + 2 = current program dump
Record + 3 = center pitch wheel
Record + 4 = wheel send/receive on/off
Record + 5 = sequence dump
Record + 6 = Omni mode on
Record + 7 = voice defeat (hold key down first)
Record + 8 = Poly mode on
Record + 9 = channel +/-"

After Dark - Session 21

Published on Oct 7, 2015 Anonymous Animal

"Just a quickie this time. I liked how this little jam was sounding, but it was the end of the evening and I was about to leave the studio, so I quickly shot a jam with no studio lights. Arturia Minibrute on bass, Arturia iSEM on pads and keys. Tr-8 and KP3 handling the beats, fx and loops.

Thanks for Watching!"

Analog Square Wave Sequencer V2 (test drive) by mattoverse

Published on Oct 7, 2015 karmacomputer

"Finally got V2 of the mattoverse Analog Square Wave Sequencer wired up and installed in the enclosure. It took many hours... and many wires. A relief to have it finished and working.

2 independent selectable clock sources
option to feed Clock 1 into Clock 2
Clock can control speed/tempo and/or filter lfo speed
8 steps max, selectable as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 via rotary knob
Resonant Filter
Modulate filter using clock 1, 2 or 1into2 as LFO
1/4" Mono Output
CV Out 1/8"
9volt or DC Power"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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