Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2012

[trailer] DORIS NORTON "RAPTUS" 2011 album reissue (30th Ann.Ed.) official

YouTube Uploaded by arkeopterex on Sep 21, 2011

Additional details on YouTube

You might remember Doris Norton from these previous posts:
Doris Norton
Doris Norton - Doris Norton Lab

I spotted the video above making the playlist below after reading this post on Computer Music Guide featuring her work for Apple. I featured the images in my previous post, but the music was not yet online, so I thought I'd put up a new post. via Computer Music Guide: "Long before U2 sold iPods, Apple’s first music “endorsement” was what you might have expected from a young computer company started by a couple of hackers: Doris Norton, an Italian-born musician-turned-producer whose pioneering compositions in avant-garde and progressive music were abetted by synthesizers like the Roland System 700, Roland system 100M and the Minimoog."


Doris Norton - Norton Apple Software
Doris Norton "A.D.A. Converter" 1984
Doris Norton "Personal Computer" 1984
Doris Norton - Computerized Anderson
Doris Norton - Don't Shoot At Animals (1983)

Monday, January 02, 2012

State Shirt - IIc [video song feat. Apple IIc]

YouTube Uploaded by stateshirt on Jan 1, 2012

"More video songs here (please subscribe!):
On Facebook:
On Twitter:
My website (lots of free music):

I just got an old Apple IIc and wanted to see what kind of music I could make with it. I'm using 8-bit Weapon's DMS (digital music synthesizer) for all of the sounds you see coming out of the IIc. I recorded this in a "video song" format—what you see is what you hear, all video captured during the creation of the song. :)"

Monday, December 05, 2011

Apple ii D.M.S. Drummer Chipmusic drum machine

YouTube Uploaded by computeher on Dec 1, 2011
Also added to this post.

"A short demo of our Apple ii D.M.S. Drummer Chipmusic drum machine software.

BUY IT HERE: http://8BITWEAPON.COM/store.htm

Apple II DMS Drummer Software
by MJ Mahon & 8 Bit Weapon

Introducing the amazing DMS Drummer for Apple II personal computers! The DMS Drummer is the only wavetable based Drum Sequencer for the Apple //e, IIc, IIc+, and IIGS computers. It comes complete with 8 drum sounds: Bass, Snare, Rim Shot, Hand Clap, Tom, Hat Open, Hat Closed, and Lazer. DMS Drummer also has a massive sequencer built-in for song writing or just some creative noodling. The DMS Drummer monophonic sequencer patterns have 16 spaces. You can create up to 16 unique drum patterns and arrange them into 256 available arrangement slots. Each drum sound can also be re-pitched or "tuned" to the users preference inside the "Tone" section of any pattern. For example, you can take the single tom sound and create a rich sequence of multiple toms in various pitches like in our demo song. Each song sequence can be saved on disk as well for safe keeping.

Features: 8 Drum Sounds (tune-able)
16 Programmable Patterns
256 Arrangement Slots for Patterns Programmable Tempo
Saves your work
3 Demo Sequences by 8 Bit Weapon & ComputeHer

Requirements: Apple //e, IIc, IIc+, or IIgs computer with 80-column capability
5.25" floppy disk drive

For more info please visit us at"

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Apple II DMS Drummer Software by MJ Mahon & 8 Bit Weapon

"Introducing the amazing DMS Drummer for Apple II personal computers! The DMS Drummer is the only wavetable based Drum Sequencer for the Apple //e, IIc, IIc+, and IIGS computers. It comes complete with 8 drum sounds: Bass, Snare, Rim Shot, Hand Clap, Tom, Hat Open, Hat Closed, and Lazer. DMS Drummer also has a massive sequencer built-in for song writing or just some creative noodling. The DMS Drummer monophonic sequencer patterns have 16 spaces. You can create up to 16 unique drum patterns and arrange them into 256 available arrangement slots. Each drum sound can also be re-pitched or "tuned" to the users preference inside the "Tone" section of any pattern. For example, you can take the single tom sound and create a rich sequence of multiple toms in various pitches like in our demo song. Each song sequence can be saved on disk as well for safe keeping. All commands/instructions can be found from the "help" page built-in to the software by pressing "?".

"Features: 8 Drum Sounds (tunable)
16 Programmable Patterns
256 Arrangement Slots for Patterns Programmable Tempo
Saves Your Work to Disk
3 Demo Sequences by 8 Bit Weapon & ComputeHer

Free limited Demo version available here

Limitations: Only 8 patterns available & no saving songs

Here is a mp3 demo*:

*All drum sounds are from the DMS Drummer except the explosions. All other musical instruments are by our original Apple II DMS Digital Music Synthesizer.

Apple //e, IIc, IIc+, or IIgs computer with 80-column capability
5.25" floppy disk drive

Get your Disk or .dsk image here:

Thank you~!"

Apple ii D.M.S. Drummer Chipmusic drum machine

YouTube Uploaded by computeher on Dec 1, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Moog Apple Laptop Logo

flickr By John Grabowski

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Depeche Mode Christmas Island playing on EII

YouTube Uploaded by AnalogueSolutions on Oct 8, 2011

"Depeche Mode Christmas Island playing on EII. This is the original Alan Wilder Demo (disc) running off my Emulator II. With some shots of Sound Designer running on my Mac Classic (has serial link with Emu E II)."

Note the video is by Analogue Solutions UK LTD

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

The image file name is aptly t_hero.png. He really was a hero. Truly inspiring and responsible for so much in our world. It's fascinating to think about the impact iOS devices have had and will have on the world of synths. Thank you Steve. We will miss you.

via the Apple site:
"Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

If you would like to share your thoughts, memories and condolences, please email"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

No MIDI Support for Windows 8 Tablets?

Update 6/19/12: The Microsoft Surface Pro should have MIDI as it will run Windows 8 Pro.

This one in via Sanjay. You can see the discussion on MSDN here. via anon30524 in that thread:

"While I'm sure you understand the repercussions of this, I will point it out to others viewing this who may not.

No Midi Support in Metro == No Midi support on any Windows 8 ARM devices

MIDI will still work in Windows 8 Desktop (x86/x64) in non-metro apps using the following to legacy Win32 APIs:

MME API (Written for Windows 3.0 in 1991)

DirectMusic API (Written for Win 95 in 1996)

I hope that you haven't frozen the API for Windows 8 and there is still a chance for MIDI Support. A new MIDI API would be great. Why you didn't write one when you created WASAPI in Vista is beyond me. I can acknowledge that this is probably a lot of work and it is late in the Windows 8 development cycle, however, this is not your only choice. You are already making some Win32/COM APIs available in Metro. Why not add the MME MIDI APIs to this list?

One only has to look at the iPhone/iPad to look at all the wonderful MIDI music apps possible. Windows 8 ARM device users should be able to enjoy the same type of apps.

I encourage anyone interested in Audio or MIDI to post a reply to this thread and show Microsoft that you want MIDI Device Support in Metro."

And via Apple Insider:

"The president of Microsoft's Windows unit, Stephen Sinofsky, has again pointedly clarified that new ARM tablets running Windows 8 next year won't actually run existing Windows apps for PCs."

If any Microsofties out there have more info on this, feel free to send it in. No MIDI pretty much means any Windows 8 Tablet is dead in the water for many of us, leaving the iOS and Android based tablets it for now. This would be a really poor choice for Microsoft. It will limit the market and limit free publicity with musicians that would otherwise use the tablet.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

YouTube Uploaded by AciaNetMedia on Aug 24, 2011

"The 1984 computer that changed the world."

via moonbuz

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apple II Concert - Saturday, June 25th, 2011 6PM

via Machine Project via Boing Boing where you'll find the stream once it starts. Not sure what timezone though.

snip from Machine Project:
"The Apple II’s sound system, unlike contemporaries such as the Atari 800 or Commodore 64, did not use a discreet sound chip, but rather a simple timer circuit that could be coaxed into creating square-wave tones. Most chiptune musicians tend to use sound-chip based systems, but there is a certain charm to square-wave tones. Some may define this charm as “annoyance.”

So, as a grand “musical” experiment, noted loon Jason Torchinsky has written a crude 16-step sequencer for the Apple II, and is seeking to gather up as many Apple IIs as possible to construct an orchestra which will then perform a live, dynamic concert/musical event. Machine’s resident music guru, Chris Kallmyer, will be on hand to discuss the nature of music, why some of the Apple’s 256 tones are notes and some are not, and generally help make things somewhat listenable."

That's one impressive keytar.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Computers in Action

YouTube Uploaded by dj2mn on May 18, 2011

"Here's me and my hair in 1982 demonstrating a sound card for the Apple II that makes "three distinct tones" which were in fact square waves. If i remember correctly you could peek & poke machine code values to change the duty cycle of the waveform, but mostly you just bleeped away in square.

The clip is from the ABC Children's Education show "Computers in Action" which was showing kids the amazing things computers could do at the time. I think the segment after mine was about traffic lights.

(Apologies for the poor audio, there was a plug loose somewhere. Also, yes, this is hilarious, you are allowed to lol.)"

Computers in Action Theme

Uploaded by dj2mn on May 18, 2011

"I composed the theme for a 1983 ABC TV edumacational show for kids called "Computers in Action." If you're thinking to yourself "Look Around You" then you'd be right - but this was the real thing. Transferred from old VHS with a dodgy audio cable so apologies for the sound. As if you really need it in THX."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Designer of the Alesis Fusion, ION & Micron Designed the iPad's UI

If you've been coming to this site since 2007, you might remember this post on Bret Victor. I was just reading Gizmodo and saw this post on his website. I almost skipped checking it out as I did not remember the name, but I thought I'd click through and see what got them so excited. Low and behold, I found the synth connection in his resume. I did a quick search here to see if his name came up in any post and found the one from 2007. Kind of neat when you think about it. Do check out his site (worrydream) and his resume for more that he has worked on. Note his new resume only mentions the Micron, but the 2007 post also mentioned the ION and Fusion.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Electro House bass line with the Roland SH-101

YouTube Uploaded by SynthManiaDotCom on May 16, 2011

"An Electro House - style bass line played on a Roland SH-101. The drum part is programmed in Apple GarageBand."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kinect MIDI controller (KMIDIC) - On a Mac!

YouTube Uploaded by svenisnumb on Apr 26, 2011

"Pause the video at the start to see the annotations.

Heres a video demostration of my program that uses Processing to send MIDI messages to Ableton Live and to my Novation Launchpad using the Microsoft Kinect.

Check out my blog entry for more information:

Once again, if you are a musician or music business in Australia, its free to sign up to so go do it! I'm giving you free stuff, so help me out here ok? :)"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kurzweil K150 Additive Synth + Apple II

kurtz150.flv Uploaded on Apr 19, 2011 zack dagoba·235 videos

Audio comes in at 2:29

"demo of the kurtzweil k150 additive synth originally uploaded by Sale50505. see for more"

Original YouTube Uploaded by Sale50505 on Mar 31, 2011

via this auction

"A very interesting and almost historical synthesizer.

Tone color / quality / character could be described as simply unique.

As far as I know, there are not many K150s made, and K150s are one of only a few (hardware) additive synths ever made.

And, it's a Kurzweil, meaning that there is something about the sound, beside and beyond all the specs and numbers. If you ever have owned a Kurzweil before, you know.

This military / heavy industrial looking K150 is in full working condition (all buttons, display, connections, etc.) except the headphone output.

It is completed with an Apple II system with a MIDI interface card and software. It will definitely save you hassle of searching, getting, waiting, etc, etc...

This Apple II functions as the dedicated graphical patch editor and librarian, using SMP (Sound Modeling Program) software from Kurzweil.

Without that Apple II system, as far as I know, it will be almost impossible to edit. (possible but 240 partials! editing from the front panel?)

The Apple II is completed with a dual / double floppy drive, and a CRT monochrome monitor (green letters!)"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New and improved gbTouch 2 GarageBand controller for iPad

YouTube Uploaded by DeloraSoftware on Mar 3, 2011

"Highlights the features of the Delora gbTouch 2 iPad app"

Getting Started with gbTouch 2

Uploaded by DeloraSoftware on Mar 3, 2011

"Guide for getting gbTouch 2 iPad application ready for use"

gbTouch 2 for GarageBand - Harmony Systems, Inc.
iPads on eBay

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

alphaSyntauri Demo 1

alphaSyntauri Demo 1 by RossT
"Improvisation on an alphaSyntauri Apple }{ system. Recorded and edited in Logic. The preset on the alphaSyntauri was stereo, processed through two digital delays and the channels were separated in the editing process. The deep bass/kick sound is from a soft-synth in logic."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Steve Jobs' Keys

via Cult of Mac's gallery of Steve Jobs' mansion.

This one in via Philippe of Analog Digital Music Concept.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Roland DG MRC-APL MIDI Music Recorder for the Apple IIe, II

via this auction

"Apple II, IIe Roland software for sequencing and recording MIDI music. Never used. On real floppy disc, with notebook manual, documentation."

spotted via Nick of New Alliance East

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Decillionix DX-1 preset rhythms

YouTube via FOCtv | November 30, 2010 |

On the Apple II. Follow-up to this post (that video is back up, BTW).
"Decillionix DX-1 preset rhythms using Soundbase 1."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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