Showing posts with label Beast-Tek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beast-Tek. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2020

Beast-Tek Transmuter Sync Demo


"Demo showing Transmuter generating clock and transport signals from ER-1 MIDI output.
The sequencer (controlling Plaits) stays in perfect sync with the ER-1 😈"

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Beast-Tek Transmuter - Drum Machine and Groove Box Interface Eurorack Module


Beast-Tek Transmuter Volca Drum Test
Beast-Tek Transmuter VS MC-101
Beast-Tek Transmuter VS ER-1

"Transmuter is a bi-directional 8 channel MIDI to gate/trigger AND gate/trigger to MIDI packed into a single 10hp module. Transmuter was designed to get your external gear working together with your Eurorack modular so that you can expand your creativity and sonic palette without having to move to a bigger rack. Unlike most other MIDI to CV converters, Transmuter does not have a 1V/octave output for pitch which may seem weird at first .. BUT this is because Transmuter was designed to get external gear jamming alongside your modular without a DAW, instead of providing external control of your modular by a DAW, sequencer or keyboard.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Beast-Tek Double Dragon Dual LFO and Ramp Generator


2nd video in playlist: "Double Dragon Dual LFO channel 1 in ramp mode controlling a VCA with channel 2 at audio rate"

via Beast-Tek

"Double Dragon

Double Dragon is a dual complex LFO that packs a fatal punch! The second LFO can be twisted, warped, destroyed and modulated by the first LFO using one of seven different algorithms to produce modulations more wild than a spinning round house kick to the face!

The amount of algorithm based modulation can be blended from zero all the way to full depth using the MOD control and CV input. Each algorithm has a parameter to tweak the modulation, again with full CV control.

The glowing "Dragon Eye" provides visual feedback of the selected mode at all times.

Double Dragon has 3 different frequency or "speed" ranges accessible by the press of the encoder - allowing Double Dragon to go all the way from prehistoric times with a cycle rate of approx. 2.5 hours for one cycle to drone territory and beyond at 1.28 khz.

If this wasn't enough functionality already, configuration jumpers on the back allow each of the two LFOs to be switched from bipolar LFO mode to RAMP mode to generate unipolar ramp signals. From "ramp down" through "triangle" all the way to "ramp up" to control a VCA or modulate using an positive-only envelope. Two additional jumpers allow the RESET input to be repurposed to 1-Shot mode (one complete Wave or Ramp cycle per trigger input) or hang mode (output is held or "paused" while the input is high) providing maximum flexibility.

Want to put your modulation on hold during a fill, quite section or certain measure? - just switch the Dragon into hang mode and all your problems are solved.

Placing LFO 1 into both RAMP and 1-Shot mode in combination with a VCA module allows Double Dragon to become a drum voice - with LFO 1 providing the envelope and LFO 2 providing the audio signal. Even in RAMP mode, LFO 1 still modulates LFO 2 so the envelope produced by LFO 1 can still modulate LFO."

Sunday, December 01, 2019

New Beast-Tek Pixel Drum Eurorack Module

Published on Dec 1, 2019 paul tas

via Error Instruments & Beast-Tek

"Pixel Drum is a gritty, glitchy 12-bit paraphonic drum synthesizer containing 32 different algorithms for generating percussive weirdness. From gritty kicks and snares to evolving glitch sounds/textures to arcade machine bleeps and bloops, Pixel Drum has been designed to bring glitchy goodness to your eurorack rig."

Thursday, December 06, 2018

TEST SERIES Beast Tek Dirty Glitch VCO Eurorack Sound Design

Published on Dec 6, 2018 Outsider Sound Design

"Testing the Beast Tek Dirty Glitch Eurorack VCO.

The purpose of “TEST SERIES” is to focus on the sound design possibilities of various gear combinations. This series is not musical nor does it serve as an instructional video. It is all about sound potential.
Please consider supporting this channel by purchasing a sample pack or music download from"

Sunday, April 09, 2017

New Beast-Tek Hyper Fist VCO Plutonium 239

Published on Apr 8, 2017 paul tas

via error instruments:

"The Plutonium-239 Hyper Fist is a post apocalyptic wave table VCO with a resonant lo-fi feedback delay that can produce screechy spacey drones, wild glitches in addition to functioning as a standard wavetable VCO with pluse width modulation and waveshaping. The P-293 Hyper Fist has a clock input which can be clocked at audio rate to produce AM effects or slowly at note/beat rates to produce interesting percussive synchronization.​

8bit Grain table sound module

31khz / 10.5khz internal sample rate
PWM Audio @ 76.5khz
FREQ/MOD1/MOD2: -5 .. +5v safe but effective range 0..5v
Clock input: 0-5v only
On board 5v regulator, only +12/-12v rails required
Current Draw Approx 58ma on +12v rail
14HP Dual Layer Acrylic Panel @ 3mm total thickness"

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Beast-Tek Mini Glitch VCO Eurorack Module

Published on Nov 7, 2016 Beast-Tek

"Mini Glitch is an experimental 8bit granular VCO that harnesses controlled software errors to produce its distinctive sound. The process starts with 1v/oct phase modulated grains that wave shaped and then fed through a single buffer overflow algorithm which has real time control over the glitching produced. Finally a pitch compensation engine attempts to correct the error in pitch tracking caused by the glitches, but it is physically impossible for pitch to track perfectly at 1v/oct once glitching is underway. Mini Glitch is a lot more predictable in its control than other Beast-Tek glitch VCOs"

Beast-Tek Hard Glitch VCO Demo

Published on Nov 7, 2016 Beast-Tek

"Hard Glitch is an experimental 8bit granular VCO that harnesses cascaded controlled software glitches in combination with harsh wave shaping to produce some wild sounds. The process starts with 1v/oct FM grains that are fed through multiple software errors. A pitch compensation engine attempts to correct the error in pitch tracking caused by the glitches, but because the glitching is so extreme its efforts are mostly futile, in which case pitch tracking mostly ends up linear. Hard Glitch is highly random in its response to CV / parameter changes due to the multiple glitches feeding into one another. For a much more smoother, predictable response to parameter changes the Mini Glitch is a better choice."

Beast-Tek Rich Glitch VCO Eurorack Module

Published on Jan 5, 2017 paul tas

"Rich Glitch is an experimental 8bit granular VCO that harnesses multiple controlled software glitches feeding back into each other to produce some wild sounds. The process starts with 2 separate 1v/oct granular audio signals that are each combined with a separate sub harmonic granular signal and fed into separate glitching engines which are fed back into each other depending on the “Cold Hard Cash” setting. A pitch compensation engine attempts to correct the error in pitch tracking caused by the glitches, but because the glitching is so extreme its efforts are mostly futile, in which case pitch tracking mostly ends up linear. Rich Glitch is highly random in its response to CV / parameter changes due to the multiple glitches feeding into one another."

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Modular Patchcast #002 Dirty Glitch VCO

Published on Dec 18, 2016


Patch info: Dirty Glitch VCO splited output: 1 = direct out / 2 = via Mungo G0 (delayed) / 3 = (as background noise) space like reverb (TipTop DSP)"

Part 1 here.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Beast Tek's amazing Dirty Glitch

Published on Nov 24, 2016 Cray

See the Beast-Tek label below for more.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The DirtyGlitch VCO Eurorack Module

demo Dirty Glitch VCO 1000 sounds ?

Published on Nov 23, 2016 paul tas

Update: the Dirty Glitch VCO is from Beast-Tek.

"Dirty Glitch VCO

910x various experimentalists sounds algorithms
90x more basic lo-fi VCO wavetable sounds

The DirtyGlitch is a high experimental VCO harnessing grain table synthesis driven through dual glitch engines to produce sounds. The first 90 patches attempt to be more musical like a contemporary VCO .. make sure the delay (CLK RATE knob on these patches) is in the centre position to access all of the available tones.

The Following 910 patches are just outright bizarre, containing various clock, internal step-sequence and LFO / knob based modulations and weirdness as per the patch list. Aside from use as a VCO, Dirty Glitch can be used as a highly interesting modulation source or can produce some really kick-ass unusual percussion sounds in conjunction with a VCA.

The DirtyGlitch is a high experimental VCO harnessing grain table synthesis driven through dual glitch engines to produce sounds. The first 90 patches attempt to be more musical like a contemporary VCO .. make sure the delay (CLK RATE knob on these patches) is in the centre position to access all of the available tones.

The Following 910 patches are just outright bizarre, containing various clock, internal step-sequence and LFO / knob based modulations and weirdness as per the patch list. Aside from use as a VCO, Dirty Glitch can be used as a highly interesting modulation source or can produce some really kick-ass unusual percussion sounds in conjunction with a VCA.

8bit Grain table sound module

31khz / 10.5khz internal sample rate
PWM Audio @ 76.5khz
FREQ/MOD1/MOD2: -5 .. +5v safe but effective range 0..5v
Clock input: 0-5v only
On board 5v regulator, only +12/-12v rails required
Current Draw Approx 58ma on +12v rail
14HP Dual Layer Acrylic Panel @ 3mm total thickness"

via Error Instruments


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