Showing posts with label Bug Labs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bug Labs. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lorne at the PNW Synth Gathering 2010

YouTube via matrixsynth | July 28, 2010

"Lorne ( goes over his various noisemakers including a modified Roland Compuphonic Jupiter-4 at the Pacific Northwest Synth Gathering.

via Lorne: "The Compuphonic Jupiter 4 is custom modified with four banks of eight user memories. On top are space rockets gristleisms, fm3s, original buddha boxes, a postcard weevil and the jackson pollock-ish item is a Dearraindrop videoscope [video below] by critter & guitari for audio to video synthesis."

Other noisemakers include the Shruti-1, Casper Electronics Drone Lab, Eric Archer, 4ms, and Where's the Party At 8-bit sampler. Click here for all PNW 2010 posts. Another MATRIXSYNTH T :) I added this and John's video to the MATRIXSYNTH Ts post.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

BoardWeevil Arguing with Thingamagoop=)

BoardWeevil Arguing with Thingamagoop=) from Richard Devine on Vimeo.

"Just a little fun with the BoardWeevil and Bleeplabs Thingamagoop. Using a small LED flashlight to control the light sensors causing for a noisy argument=)"

Thursday, October 08, 2009

DIY Modular by Macumbista

You'll find another pic and more at Macumbista

"The modules I've built, from top left to right:

Two Dual Thomas Henry XR-2206 Voltage Controlled Oscillators (Bugbrand PCB layouts, self-etched)
4x4 Bipolar DC Matrix Mixer (Ken Stone CGS 33 & CGS 04 PCBs)
Blank Panel (singlewide)

Super-Psycho Modulation Source (Ken Stone CGS 21)
Wave Multiplier (Ken Stone CGS 29)
Blank panel for another Dual Thomas Henry XR-2206 VCO (will complete tonight!)
Blank panel (doublewide)
Two channel DC Mixer (three inputs per channel, large jack outputs)(more CGS 04 PCBs)

Dual Synthacon Voltage Controlled Filters (Marc Bareille PCBs)
Dual Polyvoks Voltage Controlled Filters (Marc Bareille PCBs)
Blank Panel (doublewide)
Blank Panel (singlewide)
Breadboard Prototyping area (= doublewide blank panel)"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bug-updates April2009 (General + Modular)

via the BugBrand mailing list.

"Hi All,

While I've been quiet on the mailing lists, plenty of work has been going on here..

[I'm sending this mail to both the General list and the Modular list - usually I'd do these separately, but there's a fair crossover here - if you've got the message twice that'll be because you are on both lists, so sorry for the double-posting]

Small news:
- BugShop Stock - including WOM kits & Weevils
- Modular Developments
- other little bits'n'pieces

***ShopStock -> ***
I just got back from a couple of workshop events in Spain, so have made up some more WOM kits - now available through the online shop
Actually, many of these have already sold, but I should have further kits available over the next couple of weeks.
Have a read, also, of the BugBlog post about the new boards used (red with gold-trim!) and showing pics of the recent workshops:
And check the forum thread about the WOM kits:

BoardWeevils & PostcardWeevils are also currently back in-stock + again, there will be more coming over the next couple of weeks.

***Modular Developments***
The BugModular continues to grow - though, sorry to say, availability is still limited to the initial 12 system users.
Some new modules have been announced -
Plus some pics of the new prototype PortaCase on the BugBlog -

Basically, at this stage I am just adding names of people interested to the BugModular mailing list - hopefully in a few months time I will be able to expand to offering some further systems.
The work on the initial systems is going well though it is busy and constant!

***Other Little Things***
No concrete plans as yet on new standalone BugCrushers or AudioWeevils - some background work is going, but nothing can be confirmed as yet - it is all a matter of time (or lack of)!

This weekend in Bristol: Interesting Sounds at the Arnolfini, Bristol - many people talking about a wide variety of audio ideas etc - inc. myself, just before lunchtime.
11am -> 5pm -

And the following Sunday (May 3rd) - Depth of Field at the Cube Cinema, Bristol - TomBugs (Modular) vs. Nahum Mantra (Theremin) plus several other live performances.
8pm onwards - //&&//


I think that covers the most things for now.
Thanks and best wishes to all.
& enjoy the spring sunshine if you can.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bug Labs BUGsound Now Available

You might remember BUGsound from this post. It is now available. You can find more info on
Bug Blogger.
"Priced at $99 and shipping now, you can buy BUGsound from our store today. We really look forward to seeing what cool apps the community can make with this latest BUGmodule. BUGcommunity member finsprings used the BUGbase, BUGmotion and BUGsound to create phunky, a pretty nifty accelerometer-based sampling app. Check out the video [below] to see it in action."

Update: I found their YouTube channel. You'll find some good demos there as well.

YouTube via finsprings
"Demonstration of the BUGmotion and BUGsound modules. Available for download at:"

Connecting BUGmodules

vh module

Audio module

Update: and of course you can run Quake on it:
Quake on the Bugbase with dual screens

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Bug Labs BugSound

"BUGsound is for music lovers. With a 20-mm speaker, omnidirectional microphone and four stereo jacks for input, output, headphones and microphone, we’d like to think we can help inspire the next generation of hackers musicians. And with the onboard hardware codecs, you can also program BUGsound to act as an audio processing server."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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