MATRIXSYNTH: Where's the Party At

Showing posts with label Where's the Party At. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Where's the Party At. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 2015 WTPA2 / Where's The Party At v2 LoFi 8 Bit Sampler

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Note this is brian comnes aka baghead's WTPA2. You can see a few demos he made of it in this post from 2015.

"WTPA2 (short for Where’s The Party At v2) is a LoFi 8 bit sampler

WTPA2 is a precise and weird 8-bit audio sampler kit – hackable & open sourced – which does some stuff that no other samplers out there do.

Beside basic sampler functions like: recording, overdub, start/end/duration editing, backward/timestretch playback it has some more advanced functions like bitrate depth, realtime feedback looping, granularity settings, output sum mode (which lets you combine both of the sample banks in any way you want).

Samples can be saved and loaded from a micro-SD card or, if live sampling is used, into it’s 512k memory.

It has separate analog clocks for the two SRAM sample banks, allowing live samples to be pitched independently. Also, up to three independent voices can be played at a time and each can be controlled by seperate MIDI channels.

The sampler also has a CV-in that can make it play along with your modular or the like.

The video link is this unit in use.

This was built by me from a kit, it works great. Will include all documentation sent with kit - (emailed to you after purchase)

Because it is used electronics the only warranty is that it will not arrive DOA"

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

WTPA2 Sampler [sync to eurorack]

WTPA2 Sampler [sync to eurorack] from val pastel on Vimeo.

"trying out my freshly built wtpa2.
it has trigger out, but is snyced by a trigger input that is "pushing" the play button.
trigger output is generated with modded firmware and used to modulate the internal filter."

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Deaf Fall to Earth Vividly Amplified

Published on May 22, 2015 A Box In The Sea

"The delicate shimmer of sound I visualized if one were to fall in a vacuum. The OP1 is being delayed and sampled continuously through the Phonogene and WTPA2. I used the Octatrack to sample phrases (recorded from OP1) from Samplr which are chopped continuously as well. The Nebulae is providing texture.

OP1, Octatrack, Phonogene, Nebulae, Big Sky, Monome, WTPA2, Samplr"

Friday, March 06, 2015

WTPA2 - Where's the Party At 2 Demos by Brian Comnes

Published on Mar 6, 2015 Brian Comnes

Wtpa2 midi demo
Wtpa2 demo 1
Wtpa2 demo 2

Saturday, December 20, 2014

WTPA2 - Where's the Party At 2 Hackable 8-Bit DIY Sampler

via I Got Junctions On the Low Low

"Todd Bailey, after making his fans wait 4 years(!) finally released Where's-the-part-at 2.0 WTPA2 today. There's about 300 units in the initial run and they will go fast. Todd has made noise about a Euro-rack version in the future.

Its a hackable 8 bit sampler DIY kit. from the manual:


WTPA2 (usually) stores samples as 8-bit, monophonic, uncompressed audio. When used for live sampling, it initially stores samples to RAM. WTPA2 has 512k of RAM. WTPA2's sampling rate is anywhere you tell it to be, usually somewhere from ~30kHz to ~8kHz (or less). This means that WTPA2 can sample anywhere from ~17 seconds to more than a minute of consecutive audio. WTPA2's maximum bit depth (8 bits) is not high by modern standards, but it isn't terrible either. It sounds great for a thing that sounds crusty. WTPA2 can also save and load samples from an optional micro-SD card interface. Each SD card can hold up to 512 samples. Samples can be converted to AIFFs and stored on a computer, and vice versa.

WTPA2 can also play Nintendo Entertainment System DPCM samples from a properly formatted micro-SD card.

WTPA2 has three independent playback channels: Bank 0, Bank 1, and the SD-card stream. Bank 0 and Bank 1 work out of RAM, and can freely manipulate samples in all kinds of ways. The SD card stream is pulled directly from the card, and plays samples in a vanilla way at a fixed sample rate. NOTE-- samples may be loaded and saved from RAM to the SD card. WTPA2 has two general styles of user interface. Front panel buttons and knobs (Caveman) and a MIDI input (Fancy 80's Disco Style). WTPA2 can also take a control voltage input for the master sample rate VCO, and can be interfaced to modular synthesizers (Fancy 2013 Disco Style)."

See the Where's the Party At channel below for previous posts.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Good Engineer [interview w/ Todd Bailey]

A Good Engineer [interview w/ Todd Bailey] from Nick Briz on Vimeo.

"An interview with Todd Bailey for the Art21 blog.

Within the underground, DIY and circuit bending communities of Chicago, NYC and elsewhere Todd Bailey is the name associated with the 8bit sampler/kit WTPA (Where's The Party At) and other unique home-brew electronics. For the last decade, Bailey's activities have also found their way onto the shelves of toy stores like Target and the walls of museums like the Whitney."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lorne at the PNW Synth Gathering 2010

YouTube via matrixsynth | July 28, 2010

"Lorne ( goes over his various noisemakers including a modified Roland Compuphonic Jupiter-4 at the Pacific Northwest Synth Gathering.

via Lorne: "The Compuphonic Jupiter 4 is custom modified with four banks of eight user memories. On top are space rockets gristleisms, fm3s, original buddha boxes, a postcard weevil and the jackson pollock-ish item is a Dearraindrop videoscope [video below] by critter & guitari for audio to video synthesis."

Other noisemakers include the Shruti-1, Casper Electronics Drone Lab, Eric Archer, 4ms, and Where's the Party At 8-bit sampler. Click here for all PNW 2010 posts. Another MATRIXSYNTH T :) I added this and John's video to the MATRIXSYNTH Ts post.

Monday, August 17, 2009

wtpa? 8-bit sampler DIY

YouTube via kidtronic
"Tom Bugs told me about Todd's kit and I just made one with a soldering iron. Here's a look at how I decided to case mine and a small peek at what yoiu can do with it. No overdubs or computer software used. Last I heard there are only a few of the first 200 kits left, details in the end credits. Sampler the size of a paperback, and it does a lot. Thanks to George for the help drilling and cabling the case!"

Friday, July 31, 2009


YouTube via lazenbleep
"fast and stylish demo of the 'where's the party at' 8 bit DIY sampler. all sounds triggered live from the WTPA

Thursday, April 02, 2009

dorkbot chicago and wheresthepartyat - new DIY Kit

via brian c
"went to dorkbot chicago tonight... ..had a blast

after a hiatus dorkbot is re-forming and meeting the last thursday of every month

tonight's presenter was todd bailey presenting his variable bit sampler called wheresthepartyat

it will soon be a kit for sale like the x0xb0x

it is a midi controllable sampler sort of like a casio sk1 engine on steroids

todd demoed it and talked about the several generations the design went thru and the design decisions along the way

totally nerdy...totally fun

see better pics [and a ton of more info] at todd's site

more on dorkbot chicago at

i'm gonna do a presentation some night on digital versus analog distortion with my new metasonix assblaster and agonizer compared to a an alesis bitrman and frostwave sonic alienator

and for more on dorkbot global see

that's a cool organization

some more images via
Where's the Party At
8-bit Bendable Sampler


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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