Showing posts with label Mark Steiner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Steiner. Show all posts
Monday, August 12, 2019
Mangrove Module through Sirin Filter Testing - NuEVI - Mark Steiner
Published on Aug 12, 2019 Mark Steiner
"Raw Video of very initial shape exploring of the Mangrove Module through the Sirin VCF. Breath is changing the wave shape. Occasionally I growl and the CV brings it in. I'm only using the one Eurorack module going in to the Sirin, so imagine all the amazing shape changing you can do with even just a few more modules, even simple utility. I suspect this will sound even cooler when I drive VCA with breath instead of VCF. Just does better with wood wind things that way. Plus the Sirin has a VCA and VCF CV in, so with a Eurorack simple mixer you can send various %'s of VCA and VCF from breath and/or vibrato.... now that is how you do it. All analog here. And not yet even using the Sirin VCO's, which have tricks of their own."
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Respiro, Artemis Amber & NuEVI Demo - Mark Steiner
Published on Jul 21, 2019 Mark Steiner
"NuEVI Sounds: Respiro physical modeling synth
(info at
Solo Wind Instrument: Berglund Instruments NuEVI
(info/waitlist via
String/pulley/Ondes instrument:
The Mark Steiner Artemis Amber
made for Brent McCorkle
Breath controller for the Artemis Amber:
MRT Breath Controller
(info at
Produced and performed by Mark Steiner
Please, take calcium suppliments to avoid back muscle cramps, such as shown in this video.
Especially if you are old.
My video showing a new physical modeling acoustic sound creation synth, The Respiro.
Also it has the 1st showing of playing of my 3rd Artemis instrument I built, The Artemis Amber. It was built for my dear friend, Brent McCorkle.
And also featuring the amazing, NuEVI, made by the genius and good friend, Johan Berglund.
The head-set wind controller was created by Murat Şimşek of MRT Audio in Turkey. He's a great friend and amazing person. He makes beautiful instruments.
So we see the trend here, and I’m humbled to know and work with each of these truly talented and very good men. There are other people as well in this category I know and work with.
I’m very fortunate to know all such. Love you all! Thank you for bringing your music and musical devices to the world."
Friday, July 05, 2019
SE-02 & NuEVI - CV Breath Demo - Mark Steiner
Published on Jul 5, 2019 Mark Steiner
"CV to breath from the Berglund Instruments NuEVI to the Roland / Studio Electronics SE-02. Very smooth and delicate attacks and swells.
For info/wait list on the NuEVI (and the upcoming EWI/woodwind version of it called the NuRAD), email
Johan Berglund made the breakout box used here than can bring CV from the NuEVI through both of the unused pins from the midi port.
For this instrument, I find it's best to use CV just for filter (from breath), and midi for other aspects. Also, I found using hybrid breath is best (it's sending CV to filter and also the cf breath setting in the NuEVI to the filter as midi CC). Otherwise, it appears the CV input for the SE-02 requires more than usual CV amounts, and may have some other special situations in the circuit I'm not totally sure on. But this works great!
So... set NuEVI breath to "cf"
2nd breath CV to VCF CV input on the SE-02
Turn the filter cutoff on the SE-02 to zero.
Turn the contour on the SE-02 to zero.
Also good to use gate hold on the NuEVI, especially if you will be playing large intervals."
Alternate Controllers,
Mark Steiner,
Studio Electronics
Monday, June 24, 2019
Nyle Steiner - XpressO Demo - by Mark Steiner
Published on Jun 24, 2019 Mark Steiner
"Nyle Steiner playes the DynaSample XpressO.
To purchase this great module, go to
Email for info and no cost wait list for the current available EVI and up coming EWI/woodwind version (The NuRAD). Nyle and Mark Steiner both have been consultants on these instruments, and Johan Berglund has done in incredible job designing and hand building these.
Thanks to Ingo Scherzinger for his incredible vision and ingenuity used to craft the XpressO and Xpression modules for wind synth.
Endless thanks to Nyle for his inspiration, genius and beautiful music. And funny jokes."
Sunday, June 16, 2019
XpressO Secret Demo - Mark Steiner on NuEVI
Published on Jun 16, 2019 Mark Steiner
"It's a secret. Don't tell anyone. But go buy an XpressO at You will be glad you did. And get a NuEVI or soon, the EWI/woodwind type version (the NuRAD)... info and no-pay wait list at"
Monday, March 25, 2019
TEControl USB Midi Pedal Controller DEMO - Mark Steiner
Published on Mar 25, 2019 Mark Steiner
"Converts sustain or control foot pedals etc. into midi. But with very precise and customizable options for shape and sensitivity."
via TEControl - Price: 59.99 EUR (ex VAT)
"Configurable expression pedal controller with USB-MIDI class compliant interface for use with computer based soft-synthesizers. Configuration utility and documentation available for download on the Support page."
Friday, February 22, 2019
NuEVI Tutorial #3 - Menu Tour & 1st Settings - Mark Steiner
Published on Feb 22, 2019 Mark Steiner
"Berglund Instruments NuEVI Tutorial #3: Initial Settings & Menu Tour. With some VERY special guests.
Like Nyle Steiner and like... some special... well..."
NuEVI Tutorials
Monday, February 18, 2019
NuEVI, NuRAD, Wind Synth Moog Model D Sounds - Mark Steiner
Published on Feb 18, 2019 Mark Steiner
"NuEVI, NuRAD, Wind Synth Moog Model D iOS Collection
135 analog style sounds on the iPad Model D app. Best sounding/responding analog style app there is!
$95 - to order email me at
***** AND.... Life time, full access to all my released sound collections (past and present) will soon be awarded to 2 people.
Today I sent out the update to my NuEVI/Wind Synth collection for Moog Model D iPad APP, which brought the sound count to 135 and added 2 extra variation banks so you can have all those sounds with half the effects mix, or totally dry (so you may more easily use your own effects). There are also poly-mode patches added to the collection.
This collection is for the VERY best analog style iPad App for wind synthesis. The smoothest attacks and warmest sound I have found. Makes sense it was officially made by Moog. Even can respond to high resolution midi.
The collection is $95.
From now through March 4th, any who purchase the Model D collection, or my Arturia SEM V Plugin collection, will be entered into a drawing to get all the sounds I ever release for no additional charge for life (your life, not mine).
Good chance it will be a VERY small group to draw from, so your chances may be quite good. Small, niche group and many already have these.
To be sure I give proper love to those who already have purchased these from me, I’ll do another drawing from them and award a 2nd such life-time membership.
Thank you all for bringing wonderful music into our world!
Mark Steiner"
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Moog Model D App - NuEVI & Wind Synth Collection - Mark Steiner
Published on Jan 22, 2019 Mark Steiner
"This collection of 120 sounds are optimized for breath control keyboards and instruments, and especially for the NuEVI made by Berglund Instruments.
Please, email me at to order. Cost is $95.
After searching a great many apps and plugins, I have found Moog's official "Minimoog Model D App for iPad" to be the VERY best analog modeling app or plugin for breath control. The attacks are just incredible and the sound is gorgeous.
The design lends to some great controls as well, as you can assign multiple destinations for midi CC's. There are also little tricks to find, such as smoothly cross fading different wave shapes with breath and other controls. Very expressive!
You can modulate effects, and you can even crossfade from modulating between LFO and OSC 3. That's where things can start sounding quite modular.
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
Logic Auto Filter for Breath - Mark Steiner - NuEVI
Published on Jan 2, 2019 Mark Steiner
"Demo of my Logic configuration for using the Logic Auto Filter for breath control... including the needed Script Midi Plugin set up (be sure you have Logic or MainStage up to date):
More info:
Free Gift for Logic/Mainstage users:
The "Auto Filter" free Logic plugin (native to Logic) is so warm and has great attacks with breath control.
Use this on any plug in instrument… just set that instrument to always be loud and bright and let this filter sculpt it. And it’s a stereo filter… so cool.
1st one is my fave: no or little res State Variable Filter.
Note that in 2 & 3 I added in a sample delay that just makes this stereo… since the AutoFilter is a true stereo filter… awesomeness.
There are still ways to tweak and make more smooth or add effects. One way is working with the envelope in the AutoFilter or even in the ES2 or other instrument.
But as is… this is great.
I prefer other 3rd party reverbs that cost but using Space Designer here as it’s part of Logic for free.
To add breath cc or any other control (aftertouch etc.) I am using the native script for plugin control via the midi effect “Scripter”. This all is standard in Logic. I just lucky I stumbled on this filter to use as a breath filter and not an auto filter.
Let me know if you find any cool tricks with this.
Tell me if this file loads fine... it's a whole song save for Logic.
Love you all, Happy New Year!!!
Email for wait list and info on the instrument played here."
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Suonopuro Synth Collection Review - Mark Steiner - NuEVI
Published on Dec 27, 2018 Mark Steiner
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Christa Steiner - Silent Night on NuEVI - 1st Time Live
Published on Dec 22, 2018 Mark Steiner
"Christa's first live NuEVI (or any instrumental) performance. She's great under pressure. I'm so proud of her. Her great uncle, Nyle Steiner, invented the EVI (wind synth) back in the 70's. So neat to see her as the 3rd generation of her family now performing on this great instrument."
Monday, October 01, 2018
Cwejman Synth and Makeup Tutorial - Dino Raindeer Mix - Christa and Mark Steiner
Published on Oct 1, 2018 Mark Steiner
"A little blush and pulse width modulation never hurt anyone."
Mark Steiner,
Steiner Parker,
synth humor,
synth kids,
synth tutorials
Saturday, September 08, 2018
NuPlunger Mute & 3 Vibrato Types - NuEVI SEM V sounds by Mark Steiner
Published on Sep 8, 2018 Mark Steiner
"NuPlunger Mute for the NuEVI and 3 vibrato approaches.
1. pitch only
2. filter/brightness only
3. both
All have their own magic.
Email me at if you are interested in my NuEVI Arturia SEM V plugin patch collection used for this video.
It is compatible with all midi wind controllers."
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
Mark Steiner - SEM V Patch Collection - Demo
Published on Sep 4, 2018 Mark Steiner
"Mark Steiner NuEVI/Wind Synth - Patch Collection
for the Arturia SEM V Pre - Order Sale.
The cost for this collection is $95 after Oct. 1st, but currently costs $65, pre-ordered.
The SEM V is the BEST analog style plugin for sound and breath control smoothness/attack I have found.
My collection of these Analog emulated wind patches will include at least 100 very carefully set up voices, specifically mapped for the NuEVI. But they also work great with WX, AKAI, head set breath controllers etc.
Doing a PRE-Order because the SEM V is half price (so $74.99 right now) up through Sept. 9th and I wanted people to be able to purchase these or at least know of them in time for that. The collection isn’t fully ready yet and I didn’t want to rush it. I want them all to be perfect, well customized, balanced and representing a great variety of expressive, very usable sounds.
In about 2 weeks I’ll release the first batch of complete patches, and the reset within a few more weeks after that.
Beyond the 100 or so patches, I’ll also release 20 more “layer” patches. These are made to layer a lead sound to give a padded background or reference. I do this a lot myself and these tend to respond a lot more subtly or automatically than the lead voices. So it’s just a matter of using 2 layers in your DAW with 2 SEM V sounds… and good to have them vary as far as reverb mix.
These sounds are worth it and are inspiring, very original and hard to stop playing and exploring. So many fun techniques within each.
Email me at"
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
NuEVI Wireless to Modular - Mark Steiner
Published on Aug 29, 2018 Mark Steiner
"This is a special, well deserved tribute/dedication to Darren Barrett. So much thanks for your sincere and powerful drive to make this all happen and seriously get the word out in a HUGE way! Just wow!!!!
And thank you to everyone who has poured work, time, brains and heart into bringing the NuEVI to musician's everywhere. It's a very special, historical time. I'm in awe of the work being done and this incredible instrument.
Let's spread the love and peace and music!
Love you all and thank you, sincerely!
For info and waitlist, email:"
Sunday, August 12, 2018
NuEVI wireless playing SE-02 - new Gate Hold feature - Mark Steiner
Published on Aug 12, 2018 Mark Steiner
"Playing the SE-02 wirelessly and testing out new beta of Gate Hold mode on the NuEVI using standard resolution midi. It's the smoothest I have ever felt playing an analog unit via standard midi with breath control (with no analog slew on the end). So exploring ways to bring these types of tones in a more fluid way to others. This also smoothens any synth voice that doesn't need the attack tracked for effects or attack sound (like the bow attack of a violin).
You can do this on other wind synths manually by setting zero as though you are very slightly blowing when you really are not. This has been confirmed on the standard Steiner Midi EVI by Don Cagen with an Oberheim Xpander.
But you could also with EWI's that allow zero threshold changes (or those that don't if you ask secret agent, Ingo how).
As this doesn't work for all instruments, it's likely more for studio than live, which is why Johan has placed this feature easily switchable in the NuEVI. This approach was Johan's idea in the first place and it's truly amazing.
Also this video shows how to get smoother LFO by using XMod on the SE-02.
For NuEVI info and wait list:
Once the update for the NuEVI is released, to turn on Gate Hold, hold the EVI like a doorknob, specifically touching the bottom 3 octave rollers and the canister button, and then tapping the pitch bend up sensor. To turn off... same except tap the pitch bend down sensor.
Some synths can do this, but it's absolutely smoother setting it up on the controller side instead of the synth or sound source side. At least to a large extent due to the fact that the controller will always send note changes via midi instantly, whether you are blowing yet or not."
Alternate Controllers,
Mark Steiner,
Studio Electronics
Wednesday, August 08, 2018
Informal NuEVI/SE-02 Testing - Mark Steiner
Published on Aug 8, 2018 Mark Steiner
"NuEVI and SE-02 informal testing and trying an attack smoothening approach.
I set the breath threashold above zero slightly... so notes are always on or gated, even when not blowing. This made the midi to the analog module even more smooth than always having the gate on, on the module side. At lease partly due to every note change getting faster to the module, long before the attack.
This setting doesn't work with more complex tones and synth types like physical modeling and others. It did also smoothen better the Logic synth ES2 plugin."
Sunday, August 05, 2018
NuEVI Feels Like - by Nyle Steiner and Mark Steiner
Published on Aug 5, 2018 Mark Steiner
"How does it feel to play the NuEVI?
For wait list and info, email:
NuEVI created by Johan Berglund of Berglund Instruments in Sweden.
EVI invented by Nyle Steiner.
Save the EVI movement successfully realized and driven by Steve Anderson.
Jason, my 12 year old son asked why we were doing such a strange thing in this video. I told him it was just a stunt. He said, quite seriously, "that's really not a stunt, Dad, that's just screwing around."
A little bit distorted by youtube compression, but not as badly as often can be for an isolated saw wave sound. Doing this video I did tests and learned that their compression doesn't distort a pulse width modulated square wave. And that both are far less distorted if you pan them at about 6% (or more but I did 6%) away from center. So happy find. Thank you for listening!
Setup: NuEVI midi to CV.OCD converter to Doepfer Slew on breath, controlling a Manhatten Analog - Nyle Steiner Synthesystem Filter, which is filtering a Pittsburgh Modular VCO, which goes through Valhalla Hall reverb. A journey of human to digital to analog through digital... all used to strengthen each other."
Sunday, July 08, 2018
NuEVI Ghost Choir - Mark Steiner - Full Version
Published on Jul 7, 2018 Mark Steiner
"Dedicated to Nyle Steiner, inventor of the EVI. Performed on Johan Berglund's NuEVI. Email for info and wait list."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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