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"This is a used Oscillographic Block, by Special Stage Systems. This is THE chiptune/8-bit module. Great for percussion and sequencing. It has so many features, it’s kinda crazy."
You can find demos of the Oscillographic Block in the archives here.
Showing posts with label Special Stage Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special Stage Systems. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Rhythms and Melodies from the Special Stage Systems Oscillographic Block Module
Published on May 18, 2017 Perfect Circuit Audio
Supporting MATRIXSYNTH members get a %10 discount at Perfect Circuit Audio!
"Special Stage Systems has taken the SN76489AN chip that was the sound chip in many 80's video game machines and built a synthesizer voice around it with function generators, CV controls and presets. The Oscilliographic Block can create great 8-bit drum sounds and melody lines. It has two square wave voices and a noise voice with white and periodic noise types. There are 6 programmable function generators that can produce smooth or stepped waveforms. These function generators can be used like modulators, LFOs, envelopes or sequencers. 4 CV inputs can control pitch, amplitude and the speed of the function generators. The clock that runs the SN chip can even be adjusted to over or underclock for different pitch ranges. There is a 1V/octave scaling for playing the sounds in tune as well.
Available here:"
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Special Stage Systems OSCILLOGRAPHIC BLOCK /// Official Demo
Published on Oct 11, 2016 Jordan Bartee
"available now:"
"Welcome to the ultimate chip-audio workstation. The Oscillographic Block (OB) combines a three channel digital synthesizer voice with integrated function generators, preset memory, algorithmic patch generators, and CV control. Designed for maximum flexibility, the OB can generate everything from arcade impacts and abstract 8-bit drums to looping musical sequences and multi-timbral soundscapes.
The module utilizes the SN76489 chip, a digital sound generator manufactured by Texas Instruments during the early 1980’s. Better known as the “PSG” chip, the SN76 features two square wave channels, a noise channel, and dedicated 4-bit amplifiers. The SN76 possesses a characteristically rich, dark sound, and was used in a number of beloved videogame and computer systems, including the Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, ColecoVision, BBC Micro, and IBM PCjr.
The OB pairs the simple, nostalgic tones of the SN76 with a deep and innovative control system. Each SN76 channel is paired with two dedicated function generators for controlling pitch and amplitude, for a total of six function generators per preset. In standard mode, the function generators snap to discreet values; in interpolation mode, they smoothly glide between values, generating continuous LFO-like waveforms. A number of standard shapes are provided, but intrepid explorers will find themselves programming custom shapes via the powerful Envelope Graph interface. Combined with their extremely wide speed deltas, the function generators can be used to create anything from short drum sounds and 1-shot effects to slowly moving textures and sequences.
The resulting patches can be saved to any of the OB’s eight preset slots. Presets store virtually every module parameter, and are written to an SD Card for easy management and portability. Each preset is instantly recallable using the Preset CV input or the dedicated gate inputs running along the center of the module. By storing a 1-shot percussive sound in each slot, the eight gate inputs can be used to trigger each preset drum-machine-style, while the preset CV input can be used to sequence or sweep through presets with control voltage. Presets can also be algorithmically generated using the RANDOM button according to three distinct modes: Drum Mode, which generates bass drums, snares, hats, cymbals, and effects; Envelope Mode, which randomizes the function generator shapes; and Sequence Mode, which generates full looping patches and sequences.
Four assignable CV inputs allow for external control over pitch, amplitude, or speed on any SN76 channel. Each input’s assigned routing is stored along with the preset system, allowing for dramatic modulation permutations without physically re-patching the inputs.
New in 2016,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2016,
Special Stage Systems
Monday, April 11, 2016
Patchwerks Seattle Synth Meet - April 2016 - Walkthrough Video & Pics
Published on Apr 11, 2016 matrixsynth
Great meet! Above is a shaky cam walkthrough focusing on the gear with a few views of the overall space. Below are a set of pics. Malekko, Industrial Music Electronics (formerly the Harvestman), Korg, John Bowen Synth Design, Special Stage Systems (Ming Mecca), LZX, and Din Sync were represented along with tons of synth enthusiasts showing off their gear. Enjoy! Huge thanks to the Patchwerks team for setting up the meet!
Industrial Music Electronics,
John Bowen,
Special Stage Systems,
Friday, July 18, 2014
Ming Mecca and hexinverter Mutant Drums
Published on Jul 18, 2014 hexinverterDOTnet
"Here I jam out on the Special Stage Systems Ming Mecca. The Ming Mecca is a voltage controlled video game console designed by Jordan Bartee. I am fortunate to have one of the first production units in my hands!
Here I use it along with the hexinverter Mutant Hihats, Clap and Bassdrum. These modules compliment eachother really well!
The Hihats and Bassdrum are available currently as eurorack format modules from retailers around the globe as well as in PCB form as a DIY project you can build.
Special Stage Systems is taking preorders for the World and Control Core for the Ming Mecca system. Check it out here!"
This is the first Special Stage Systems post.
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