Showing posts with label Tim Shoebridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Shoebridge. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Introducing PolyChain DIY
video upload by Tim Shoebridge
"I am very pleased to be able to announce my latest software product called PolyChain DIY.
PolyChain DIY allows you to poly-chain together up to eight separate instruments simultaneously. Instruments can be hardware synths, electronic keyboards, samplers, grooveboxes, multi-timbral sound sources, even soft synths running as a VST in your DAW. If you can connect to the instrument via MIDI from your computer then PolyChain DIY can control it. Choose from four different poly-chain algorithms, create poly-chain zones across your keyboard, transpose your instruments, set their priority, control pan spread across your instruments as well as other basic sound attributes if your synths have suitable support via MIDI CC automation.
For more information please check out my SoundMangling website here:"
"This module allows you to polychain together up to eight separate instruments. Instruments can be hardware synths, electronic keyboards, samplers, grooveboxes, multi-timbral sound sources, ecen soft synths running as a VST in your DAW. If you can connect to the instrument via MIDI from your computer then PolyChain DIY can control it. Choose from four different polychain algorithms, create polychain zones across your keyboard, transpose your instruments, set their priority, control pan spread and other basic sound attributes if your synths have support support via MIDI CC automation.
PolyChain DIY is actually a bundle of three modules: the main polychain module itself, a stand-alone MIDI Map editor, and a software controller for controlling basic synth parameters on all your instruments simultaneously."
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
PPG - Polyphonic Pressure Generator for Voltage Modular (Hardware Demo)
video upload by Cherry Audio
"This is a quick demonstration of the Polyphonic Pressure Generator from @Tim Shoebridge of for Voltage Modular. Voltage Modular is generally regarded as a software modular system, but Tim has been creating some fantastic modules that extend it to hardware. VM runs standalone or in a DAW, and with the PPG module and a regular keyboard controller, you have all you need to transmit polyphonic aftertouch messages to Poly AT compatible synthesizers, hardware or software.
In monophonic channel aftertouch, applying pressure to any key within a chord will apply modulation to all notes currently held. With polyphonic aftertouch, modulation can be applied on a per-note basis, allowing for more expressive performances.
In this demo, the Roland JUPITER-X has a keybed that provides basic monophonic channel pressure aftertouch. But the synth engine itself actually supports receipt of polyphonic aftertouch messages and plays them accordingly. Usually, this would require an external controller like a CME XKey or the Hydrasynth to exploit the Poly AT of the JUPITER-X (or Xm).
PPG can be used to create the same expressive experience with any standard controller, and any synth that receives Poly AT (like Sequential's Prophet 6 and OB-6). This brief demo shows the difference between channel pressure on the JUPITER-X, and then polyphonic aftertouch with PPG and a simple Launchkey Mini. In this case, PPG is configured with a velocity threshold so that any notes played at or above a certain velocity get the modulation envelope applied to them. The other notes are unaffected.
For a more extensive explanation and demonstration, see Tim's PPG video [below] and get more details on this and other great hardware-oriented modules at his website at"
PPG - Polyphonic Pressure Generator
video upload by Tim Shoebridge
"Finally my latest software, Polyphonic Pressure Generator, is available to download. Here is a consolidated walk through covering all the features that PPG contains."
follow-up to this post.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Polyphonic Aftertouch for Everyone !!
video upload by Tim Shoebridge
"Would you like to be able to play polyphonic aftertouch without using a poly aftertouch keyboard? Here's a sneak preview of a new software product I've developed which should be available for download some time next week."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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