Friday, September 27, 2019

Korg MS-10 vintage analogue synth (with hard flightcase) SN 132825

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Cool Korg sticker as well.

PAIA Synthesizer Electronics Literature, schematics, catalogs, info 15 pieces

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Tablebeast TB-MT14 (Circuit-Bent Casio MT-140) 2008 Black

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"Up for grabs is a super ultra rare bend by the infamous Tablebeast.

To my knowledge he only did twp bends on this particular Casio model and the other keyboard went to Trent Reznor's studio during the With Teeth sessions, or at least that is the story Jesse Savage told me. He sent this to me as part reparations for a custom amp project that went seriously wrong (ie never delivered).

Own one of these rare gems, its got glitch soul for days, nothing like it."

Casio Circuit Bent SK-1 The Glitch Monster

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"Presented here is the Tablebeast Modified Casio SK-1, model TB-SK01 mk II. Please be sure to note these keyboards are modified by hand one at a time and are MADE TO ORDER by the now defunct and infamous Tablebeast of NIN fame. O

From an old Tablebeast posting:

Of course this new mkII model still has my original bending innovation, the 16 point RCA mod patchbay, but now it also has newly researched and revised mod points. In addition to that, other new mods include a filter switch that that bypasses the Casio filters and lets through a lot more high and low frequency content. This really opens up the sound, especially under mod and works great especially if you want to filter it on your own. I have also added a soft reset switch which is great for resetting the SK-1 quickly without having to turn it off completely and losing the sample in memory. There is also an advanced pitch control circuit with a built-in bypass switch and body contact for manual pitch adjustment. I have upgraded pretty much every part and aspect of my previous mk I mod plus I have done what no other SK-1 benders on ebay do: I perform a full recap of the SK-1's electrolytic capacitors. I recap the SK-1 with high quality Nichicon audio grade electrolytic capacitors for long life, lowered noise floor, and a better overall tone. The recapping really makes a significant sonic difference. It also extends the life of the SK-1 for another couple of decades as electrolytic capacitors start to go bad after about 20 years or so. Considering these guys were originally made in the 80's, without the recap the clock would be ticking on these vital parts."

Ableton Live VOCODER Tutorial

Published on Sep 27, 2019 once upon a synth

"I go over how the vocoder works in Ableton Live then show some setup examples. The classical example is synth + voice but you can of course swap out the modulator and carrier for any audio signals."

moog ONE Demo & Review

Published on Sep 27, 2019 musictrackjp

moog ONE Demo & Review.(デモ&レビュー)
DEMO by Katsunori UJIIE.

Demo :: Jupiter 8 :: Nils Frahm 'Says'

Published on Sep 27, 2019 SOLON Music

"Demo of the Roland Jupiter 8 using the melody from 'Says' by Nils Frahm.
Delay by OTO BIM.
Reverb by Lexicon 224XL."

When Vintage Synth Glory Comes Delivered To Your Door!

Published on Sep 26, 2019 Espen Kraft

"I recently had a visit from my good friend Anders Enger Jensen who had with him some cool stuff he's procured from another guy who's selling his fleet of vintage goodness.

Through some trading and deals I was able to secure two of my dream synths from back when. +++

The track used in the video is 'Cole's Revenge' a song I made for my album 'Those Days' from 2017.
It can be found here:"

App Sound MicroFreak Synthesis Run Bonus

Published on Sep 26, 2019 APP SOUND

"Soundbank 'Synthesis Run' for the Arturia MicroFreak. Get 39 bonus presets: expressive motion pads and cool LFO basses. There are more than 100 presets in total.

11 presets for free:"

Ja Bitte - Moog Matriarch and DFAM Jam #2

Published on Sep 26, 2019 Modular Landing

"Another jam with the lovely Moog Matriarch analog synthesizer and the DFAM analog drum synth. Synths? Ja, bitte!

This features one take of the Matriarch playing an arpeggio and clocking the DFAM, then three additional takes of the Matriarch layered on, two doing leads and one which is just doing a bass drone created from using the delay just by itself (yes, all oscillators turned down to zero!). The delay is feeding back on the self-noise caused by playing a fast arpeggio of just the envelope click."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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