Friday, January 06, 2006

Oberheim OB-8k

Awesome. DVDBORN has a post up on the Oberheim OB-8k. If I remember correctly it was supposed to be a Gibson Oberheim midi controller with a Matrix-6 synth engine built in. The interesting thing is all of the Gibson Oberheim midi controllers at the time were the off-white cream beasties. What I envisioned was something like the Oberheim MC3000 with sliders but I never saw one. Well it looks like DVDBORN somehow found a shot. Title link takes you to the post with a much bigger version of the OB8-k prototype below. Amazing find.

Oberheim MC3000

Oberheim OB-8k Prototype (title link takes you to bigger shot)

Visual Analyser

Interesting. I'd love to have an oscilliscope but the price of one always set me back - you can buy a synth for the price of an oscilliscope. I just ran into Visual Analyser. I haven't checked it out yet, but it does look cool. Title link takes you there.

VA is a real time program which simulates a set of electronic instruments, Such as:

  • Oscilloscope (dual channel, xy, time division, trigger)

  • Spectrum Analyser with amplitude and phase display (linear, log, lines, bar, octaves band analysis 1/3, 1/6, 1/9)

  • Wave-form generator with "custom functions", triangular, square, sinus, white noise and pulse generation (NO ALIASING)

  • Frequency meter (in time and frequency domain) and counter

  • Volt meter with rms and peak to peak display

  • Filtering (low pass, hi pass, band pass, band reject, notch, "diode", DC removal)

  • Memo windows for analysis and file saving of time and spectrum displays

  • A TRUE software digital analog conversion (for complete signal reconstruction)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Pinky's Tube Synth

Title link takes you there. Via schism of Analogue Haven. Also featured on Analog Industries.

MultiMoog Patch Sheet

Title link takes you to a bigger shot. Via Dan on AH.

Analogue Haven Winter NAMM 2006

If you are forunate enought to go to NAMM this year, this is the booth to check out.

"Analogue Haven will exhibit from January 19th until the 22nd at the NAMM show in Anaheim, California. Our booth is # 1787 which is located in Hall E. For details including a floor layout please visit the NAMM show's website.

The following manufacturers and gear will be presented at our booth:

Doepfer - Dieter Doepfer and Sibille Heller - Super Suitcase with all A-100 modules including new A-188-1a/b BBD delay, A-101-9 Universal Vactrol, Switched Capacitor Filter, Zero-Thru Quadrature VCO, Touch Sensor keyboard, R2m Ribbon Controller, PK88 and LMK Professional Controller Keyboards, D3m with D3c drawbar controller, all OEM/DIY products, midi-cv and midi-sync interfaces, midi controllers and MAQ 16/3 midi/analog sequencer.

EAR Group - Mike Brown and Peter Grenader - Livewire and Plan B modules.

Eowave - Emmanuelle Gallin and Marc Sirguy - Eowave Bugs and Persephone.

Future Retro - Jered Flickinger - Revolution, Mobius, XS Expander.

Manikin Electronic - Thorsten Feuerherdt - Memotron and Schrittmacher.

Metasonix - Eric Barbour - S-1000 Wretch, TM/TX series pedals.

Modcan - Bruce Duncan - Series B system with all modules including new Analog Sequencer 54b and Clock 53b.

MOTM - Paul Schreiber - Frac Rack series modules with demonstrations from Robert Rich.

Vermona & HDB - Thomas Haller and Denny Schreckenbach - all gear including DRM, Perfourmer and Retroverb

Other gear being shown by us include:

Analogue Solutions - Vostok and possibly Concussor drum series.

Anyware Instruments - SemTex XL.

Cwejman - Eurorack module prototypes and possibly S1mk2.

Elektron - possibly Machinedrum UW.

Infection Music - Zeit.

Jomox - M-Resonator.

Macbeth Studio Systems - M5.

Sequentix Music Systems - P3.

* plus additional special guests"

Leap Sounds on CDM

This year we had what's known as a leap second, and extra second at 23:59:60. Did you remember to adjust the count to 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1! : ) Create Digital Music asked readers to submit one second pieces of music in celebration of the leap second. Pretty cool. Title link takes you there.

Golpes Bajos Korg MS

Nice shot via this VSE post. Anyone know what synth he's playing under the MS?

Mr. Moog - New Flickr Shot

Yes it's Dr. Moog. Title of shot is "Mr. Moog."

Gemini Split - New Flickr Set

User Written SE-1X Manual

Now this I haven't seen before. Jfm3 purchased a second hand SE-1X without a manual. When he went looking for a manual to dowload off the net he couldn't find one. So... He wrote his own and put it up for everyone under a Creative Commons license. Way to go! And I thought my little bits here where a bit of work. Title link takes you to the pdf. If you have any feedback on the manual feel free to comment. Below is the Preface.

1 Preface
In November of 2005 I bought an SE-1X second hand on eBay. I was pretty shocked to and that I couldn't download a PDF file of the manual for free. In fact, the charge was relatively high. I posted an admittedly in ammatory message to the Studio Electronics Yahoo! E-group about wanting a manual, I got an angry reply back saying that manuals were expensive to produce, and that it was unreasonable for me to expect
them for free over the Internet. I resolved to write my own manual for the SE-1X and release it under a Creative Commons license. This is that.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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