Friday, January 22, 2010

polysixohsix & sh09

YouTube via vlaris
"triggering the polysix arp by feeding it a simple snarehit from ableton via a separate audio output. some bass and drums courtesy of roland and kenton usb solo."

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Tiptop Audio Modular System

YouTube via matrixsynth. This vid was too short! Short but sweet.

Brief video of the Tiptop modular system running a self playing patch at Winter NAMM 2010 at the Analogue Haven booth. You can hear Gur of Tiptop Audio talking about what's going on in the patch."

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Surfin Kangaroo Surfin Step Sequencer

YouTube via matrixsynth

Wolfgang Michalowicz of Surfin Kangaroo goes over the Surfin Step Sequencer at Winter NAMM 2010 at the Big City Music Booth."

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Metasonix D-1000 Vacuum-Tube Drum Machine

YouTube via matrixsynth. Also see this video.

Shagghie goes over the new Metasonix D-1000 Vacuum-Tube Drum Machine at Winter NAMM 2010 at the Big City Music booth. You can hear Eric Barbour of Metasonix in the background and he makes a brief appearance. Note this thing sounds insanely full in person. It's hard to describe but it sounds deep, fat and wet for lack of a better description. All drum machines sound relatively different from each other, but this one has something completely different going on."


In case anyone was wondering where all my pics and vids are, they are coming soon. I'm finally getting my head above water. I was going to put up one post linking to all pics, but the upload at 219 images and just under 1G failed last night. So, instead, and better in my opinion, I will be putting up one post per booth for images and one post per video.

I need to apologize to the manufacturers I missed out there. My trip was literally a spur of the moment decision. I couldn't book a hotel on Friday, so I flew in early Saturday and had one day for NAMM. Sunday and Monday where booked at Disneyland with my family. :) That said, I made it my focus to meet people and to only take a few shots and no video, but video happened anyway. Unfortunately my video camera ran out of juice and I switched to my camera for some which you will see shortly. I also learned the audio and video quality suck on my cameras, especially considering how noisy the floor of NAMM is. When you watch these videos focus more on the experience of being at NAMM and checking out gear vs. high quality product demos. I'll leave that to the boys at Sonic State.

I want to thank everyone I met at NAMM and the TRASH_AUDIO BBQ. It was an incredible experience and I loved everyone I met. THANK YOU!!!

NOTE: I'll be putting up my NAMM posts inbetween other posts to keep things flowing. As I mentioned before, just click on the NAMM label at the top right of the site to get to all all NAMM posts. I will leave it up until the Musikmesse in March when I switch it out to that label.


YouTube via pascalum. "Some Synths and a Spaceship"

Drs. Herb Deutsch & John Eaton Live Webcast with the MTS Keyboard

This is just a heads up that the Live Webcast of Drs. Herb Deutsch & John Eaton is this Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 7 PM PST on the Museum of Making Music website here. See this previous post for reference.

via Michelle Moog-Koussa: "this will really be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the MTS keyboard demonstrated live."


via this auction


YouTube via potterpaint2000
"an improv featuring a KP3 processed Wicks Looper from Australia, a wonderful cacaphonous little device. Thanks Brian!...also a Nord Lead and a Stylophone Drumbeat"

Bliptronic 5000 & Kaoss Pad 3

YouTube via psychopath3000
"Here's the wonderful new toy from Think Geek, the Bliptronic 5000, with a little added talk modulation from the lovely KP3. Although the Bliptronic is basically an extremely simple step-sequencer, it looks and feels great (surprisingly, as I thought it would be really light and extremely breakable) and is very therapeutic to play on.

Has anyone else got the problem of that annoying drone when using headphones or line out? Please assure me I don't have a faulty bliptronic..."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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