Showing posts with label Bliptronic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bliptronic. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Stray Technologies Blitpronome Monome 64 Clone

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Up for auction is a fully built, ready-to-use Monome Sixty Four Clone based on a ThinkGeek Bliptronic 5000 sound toy. The Bliptronic's innards have been removed and replaced with a Bliptronome kit by Stray Technologies. Connected to a PC/Mac, and with the correct drivers installed, the Bliptronome will behave just like a Monome 64. Of course, the build quality is nothing like a real Monome, and it doesn't really feel like one. But then it's much, much cheaper and should be a good starting point into the whole Monome thing.

For driver download and further info see: [link]"

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Think Geek Bliptronic 5000 Music Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Friday, September 25, 2015

Battery Powered Music

Published on Sep 25, 2015 Pierre Fontaine

"I had an music track I made a few months ago but didn't know what to do with it. So I've cobbled together some really old animations done over the past ten years and made a little music video.

The song itself was made using a Korg Volca Keys multitracked to create the lead and counterpoint, a Korg Monotribe for the drums, a Bliptronic for the synth part that starts the song and runs all the way through, and a Nintendo DS game called Jam Sessions that has an awesome acoustic and electric guitar simulation. The Korg Monotron Delay provided the synth swoops towards the end of the song.

The animations were created in Truespace (most of the physics animations), iClone (the dinosaur and some of the nature animations), PD Pro Howler (the opening flybys and more abstract animations) and Canoma (animations that started as photographs but were turned into 3D animations)."

Song For A Day Off

Published on Sep 25, 2015 Pierre Fontaine

"I have the day off today and wanted to do something created. So, I made up this song and recorded it directly to a Zoom H1 using a Belkin Rockstar Headphone Splitter.

The synths used (in order of appearance) are a Korg MicroSampler with a Mellotron Flute sample, a Korg Monotribe providing bass and rhythm, a Korg Volca Sampler providing some stereo percussion, Volca Bass with mono audio cable causing it to pan hard right and Volca Keys with it's own digital delay.

Also pictured (but not used) is a Bliptronic 5000 and some mounting boards for a Littlebits Korg Synth Kit. The Synths are sitting on a custom made base made from scrap foam core found at work to keep everything organized.

I'm a big fan of inexpensive synths and love trying to make music with really simple and budget friendly devices. The Microsampler was purchased second hand on ebay while the Volcas were purchased second hand from Guitar Center."

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mr. Nibble - Toy Lovesong : Sequence of Love

Published on Oct 18, 2012 by ProduccionesNibble

"'Una secuencia no elegida, muchas veces como el mismo amor...que llega porque sí, sin elegirlo...como una secuencia de acordes sin sentido que tratas de encajar...pero que al final es imposible que suene como esperabas y querías'

A experimental song from the idea of draw a LED Heart in Bliptronic and try to build a song around this strange "sequence of love" featuring sounds of:

Love Sequence by Bliptronic 5000 + Reverb/Delay Korg MiniKaosspad
Bass Love Sequence by Bliptronic 5000 + Audio to MIDI app + synth Waldorf Nano in CME
Strange Love Percusions by Bliptronic and Impaktor app
Lover voice by Virsyn iVoxel app
Space Love Sounds by Korg Monotron into Monotron Delay
Love Trumpet Lead by Figure app
Love Drums by Korg Kaossilator
Edited and Mixed in Protools
Video edited in Final Cut"

Impaktor - The drum synthesizer - BeepStreet
iVoxel - VirSyn
Figure - Propellerhead Software AB

iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Fast Fingers

flickr By brandonwinters

Bliptronic 5000

Friday, September 16, 2011


YouTube Uploaded by UPROAR24 on Sep 16, 2011

"BLIP2000 MATRIX SEQUENCER BY WOK MUSIC a midi plugin that create sequences by clicking on the cubes and setting the time / speed. any vsti plugin can be attached to create the sound.
for more information visit


Saturday, July 23, 2011

MONOTRIBE! CV Sync w Bliptronic 5K - Part A - The LA CarMageddon Blues

YouTube Uploaded by VJFranzK on Jul 23, 2011

"DIY - Clever Prevails Again! I connected the sync out of the MonoTribe to the Bliptronic 5K, and then the headphone output of the BT5K back to the audio in of the MT, allowing the analog resonant filter of the MT to round out the "digital toy" sounds of the BT5K into an interesting timbre that at times resembles car horns honking the blues. ( Major contruction projects in LA caused a traffic jam dubbed "CarMageddon" recently, so it seems a perfect name. )"

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Bliptronome - Monome Conversion

via this auction

"Bliptronome (converted Bliptronic 5000), which acts as a fully functional monome with the added bonus of 4 rotary encoders I've added a sweet wood grain veneer to the case to make them really sexy. The device works on the arduino platform.

I've used the devices for about a year now so there's a scratch or two here or there. Nothing serious at all. All buttons and encoders work just fine and have good response time. Comes with FTDI cable for computer funzies as well as original packaging.

Information on device:
inventor video and explanation: [below]
example video: [below]
instructions for installing software: [PDF]"

Bliptronome ( Monome + Bliptronic + Arduino )

YouTube Uploaded by stuckie27out1 on Apr 9, 2010

"Working bliptronome Check straytechnolgies for more info"

next stop please

Uploaded by inductionloop on Aug 21, 2010

"little demo of the converted bliptronic 5000.
The bliptronome is running Molar 64 VST hosted within Live, other loops and ambiance created in FM8 and my Nord g2"

bliptronome no2

Uploaded by inductionloop on Oct 24, 2010

"quick rough ride into the d&b side if things for the bliptronome,
a bit messy but chunky."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

cosmic electric sector - cosmic toys - bliptronic + monotron + beatbox + omnichord

YouTube Uploaded by tominioe on Jan 9, 2011

"an ambient song did it with electronic cheap devices and analog sound!!!!!
The two bliptronic tracks with dd7 delay and eh small stone phaser.
The two beatbox tracks are 1 for bass drum and snare with dd7 delay
and the other beat box with the filter of monotron and phaser for bass
The omnichord track with dd7 delay and small stone phaser for the pad and harp
And the monotron with dd7 delay and small stone phaser for the fx and lead synth

I hope you will enjoy it!!!!!!!!"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Alien machines

YouTube Uploaded by noisythang on Mar 27, 2011

"A bunch of stuff, all in sync and out o' tune!
Just having fun with Synthrotek 16-step sequencer kit, and pile o' goop."

"16-step clock -> Oberheim XK sync in -> MeBlip
16-step step 1 trigger -> Bliptronics trigger -> Electric Western Phantastron Sync in -> ADSR
16-step gate (split 1) -> Pigronix ADSR
16-step gate (split 2) and CV -> Chimera BC9.

Somewhat out of tune, hey it's a demo.

The synthrotek kit is a fun unit..... (i don't work for them)"

Synthrotek DYI

Uploaded by noisythang on Mar 27, 2011

"Synthrotek 16 step - clock drives OB XK arps MeBlip, Gate drives Pigtronix ADSR, trigger drives Bliptronics. Bliptonics drives Phantastron via ADSR. ton's o' fun, and haven't hooked up CV yet."

MiniBubbas - Life Underground

Uploaded by noisythang on Jul 14, 2010

"Another day, sitting around the old Electric Range. Bless the Andromeda Space Rockers!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bliptronic step-sequence synthesizer / controller

via this auction
"Here we have a relatively rare little synthesizer which looks and works much like a Tenori On or Monome- it provides you with a matrix of LED illuminated buttons, on which you compose patterns which can then be looped. Its a unique, addictive and intuitive way of composing little tunes and great fun to muck about on!

The Bliptronic is a basic unit; besides its 8 x 8 grid of buttons, you get 8 simple lo-fi voices (FM synthesis- akin to a toy keyboard), control over the speed in 20 BPM increments, loop on/off and ports for headphones, line out and trigger in/out. Its finished nicely however, and has a good look and feel with its aluminium panel and knobs.

The Bliptronic has a lot of potential- just run a search on google or youtube for ‘Bliptronic 5000’ to see what people have been getting up to with them! Here are some ways you can get the most out of it:

* Putting it through external effects, kaoss pads or the Korg Monotron etc.
* Using (freely available) audio -> midi programs to use the grid as a midi controller, turning it into a drum machine or software synth controller
* Circuit bending- some interesting results have been achieved and guidance is available online
* Daisy-chaining several using trigger in/out to play and compose collaboratively on the fly
* Conversion into a full monome clone or OSC/midi controller using an Arduinome-based upgrade (not supplied)

The bliptronic requires 4AA batteries (not supplied) so its totally portable, and comes with 2 link cables for linking with other bliptronics, basic instructions (not really required!) and boxed in its original packaging."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bliptronic 5000 Synth

YouTube via gex0008 | November 25, 2009 |

"Testing out the Bliptronic 5000 synth."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

DopplerPad on iPad plus Bliptronic and Kaossilator

YouTube via retronyms | December 26, 2010 |

"DopplerPad on iPad is lots of fun. Playing along with my new Bliptronic 5000 from think geek..."

DopplerPad - Retronyms
iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

iPod Touch on eBay
iPod Touch on Amazon

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pigeon and Park Annoyer Mark II

YouTube via errbaNoiz | November 17, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"Further tribute to the UK students' anti-cut demo on Wednesday 10 November.

Grats to Dan for video work.

French students show solidarity on Thursday 18 November:

Moog Filtatron Bliptronic 5000 Korg Monotron"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tory Lowest Common Denominator

YouTube via errbaNoiz | November 13, 2010

"Quick tribute to students' anti-cuts' protest in London on Wednesday November 2010.

Used Bliptronic 5000, Korg Monotron, Moog Filtatron
Hope to polish up idea when I can!"

Saturday, October 30, 2010


SIMULATION______✈ from SpacEKrafT on Vimeo.

A voyage with ☆ SpacEKrafT ☆

Some synth spotting. Bliptronic, Quasimidi Sirius amongst others...

Update: SpacEKrafT on Facebook via Edward W. Dahl on FB

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 202 / Getting Jeff's Bliptronome Set Up

Day 202 / Getting Jeff's Bliptronome Set Up from Charlie Visnic on Vimeo.

"For this creative thing I spent the evening with my buddy Jeff getting his computer set up to use the Bliptronome I assembled for him.

At the end of the evening we were messing around with some loops he had made in Reason with MLR.

Very disappointed with the reaction time of the Bliptronome. We could not get reliable 16th notes out of it. The fastest we could play consistently was 8th notes.

This is a short compilation of Jeff's Jam with his new loops.

This was my creative thing of the day for my creative thing a day blog at:"

Monday, August 30, 2010

MONOTRON vs BLIPTRONIC - Tone Shaping and Noise Bass

YouTube via VJFranzK | August 30, 2010

Bliptronic 5000 Easy hack.

YouTube via gjyamada | December 06, 2009

"Syncing two Bliptronic 5000. NOT extended sequence, playing simultaneously.
There are absolutely NO inside hack needed.
Make one "Y-Cable" for link two Bliptronics. Connect 1st Bliptronic's(Left in video) LINK OUT and LINK IN with Y-Cable, then 2nd Bliptronic's(Right in video) LINK IN.
Both Bliptronic's LOOP switch to "ONE-SHOT" (Turn LEFT) and start 1st Bliptronic. You will find how it works.'

Bliptronic 5000 with Electribe EMX-1

gjyamada | December 06, 2009

"Playing Bliptronic 5000 with KORG Electribe EMX-1.
I made sync circuit



DO NOT Try directlink. Please copy & paste URLs."

Bliptronic 5000 with Electribe ESX-1

gjyamada | December 12, 2009

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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