Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Synth Spotting with Surachai's Plague Diagram

Some light synth spotting with TRASH_AUDIO's Surachai's Plague Diagram.

Twitvid via Drumcell: "My autographed copy of @Surachai plague diagram 170 gram clear vinyl just came in the mail. Time go cut myself. :)"

And a synth cat to top it all off (pun intended):

Surachai: Plague Diagram is Nina-approved

YouTube via grainbelt01 | January 24, 2011 |

"Out now:"

Remember synth spotting goes up on M and music goes up on C.

Sweat Shop Boys - Decay

"The Sweat Shop Boys have just released an album made up entirely of analog synth drones (player with links below).

We use matching Space Cases stuffed with EruroRack and Frac modules by Doepfer, Plan B, Livewire, Harvestman, Makenoise Analog Systems, Analogue Solutions, Synthwerks, Bubblesound, MFB, Cwejman, and Blacet. Also prominently featured are plug-ins by ++Audio ("

The iPad Turned 1 on January 27

I just realized I missed the anniversary of the iPad. It was announced by Steve Jobs on January 27, 2010. For a fun look back, take a look at this post started on January 26, 2010. Be sure to check out the polls and the comments. Happy belated birthday iPad!

BTW, a new model iPad should be just around the corner. If you are considering one, you might want to hold off. Prices on the second hand market should go down.

Scapes vs Konkreet Performer 01

YouTube via twistedtools | February 08, 2011 | 3 likes, 0 dislikes
And here we go.... This supports OSC to MIDI via OSCulator and native MIDI support is coming.
"Twisted Tools SCAPES being tweaked live by Konkreet Labs 'Performer' app (sold separately) for the iPad."

KONKREET PERFORMER is here! from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.

"Konkreet Performer is a music control and performance instrument for the iPad. Its unique and intuitive multi-touch interface reconnects the musician’s
 actions directly with the music.
Use PERFORMER to play your Synth, operate your DAW, or anything that receives OSC or MIDI.
Re-explore your favorite music software tools with a whole new way to search, find and perform your sound.
Available now in the app store!"

Also see:
KONKREET PERFORMER - New visual OSC controller for iOS

"PERFORMER is an OSC music control and performance instrument. It's a controller that utilises multitouch technology to the full; instead of faders and knobs, an intuitive, remote operation of software instruments on your computer, all made through manipulating an abstract objects on your device!

Reconnect to your software instruments, your DAW, your sound. PERFORMER is here to inspire you. In the studio and on the stage!


Coming soon to PERFORMER:
Native MIDI Support
"Visualiser" support (Performer's dedicated visual-output Application)"

Konkreet Performer - Konkreet Labs
iPads on eBay

See this page for details on how to get going. This app supports OSC to MIDI via OSCulator.

The Brown Box

YouTube via SeaweedFactory | February 08, 2011 |
follow-up to this post.
"The Brown Box consists of a preamp, VCA-based analog multiplier, filter with drive, a 2-channel mixer, a wide-range oscillator and a low frequency oscillator. Ryan Brown demonstrates how all of these elements can be pushed into overdrive.

See more at"

Testing birthday gifts - Meeblip

YouTube via larsby | February 08, 2011

Octatrack Beats

erasemusic | February 08, 2011 |

'just messing around with 5 patterns, 6 scenes and 7 samples"

Cigarbox Synth

YouTube via organfairy | February 08, 2011

Novation K-Station Print

flickr By Matt Hunsberger

"Bought in 2008, stopped working a few month later.

Buy as a print here:"

The Expanded Luminist Garden by Folktek

via Folktek

"Built by Request - an expanded version of the folktek favorite - the luminist garden by Arius Blaze. Larger sound board, multiple pickups and layers of routable processing - delay from notated tight to about 1.5 seconds, two selectable wave reverb/antique echo and attack filtration. The result is an extremely lush accoustic electronic environment."

Folktek on eBay


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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