Friday, March 22, 2013

GRP A4 and

Published on Mar 22, 2013 TubeSamsa·13 videos

"Analog modular and semi modular synths"

Breath Martenot - Breath driven Pulley/Ring controller - Work in progress.

Published on Mar 22, 2013 Mark Steiner·5 videos

"This is the 2nd prototype of my own version of a Martenot style controller. I decided to expose the pulley loop fully. I find it's pretty interesting/fun to watch the loop and hear the pitch change accordingly. I've had a few ideas about maybe attacking LED's to the pulleys to mix some light up real time. Could be fun.

Usually these kind of instruments (silimart to the Ondes Martenot) use a left hand pressure key for volume/filter brightness. On mine, I am using a Nyle Steiner breath controller, which really makes for smooth dynamics and fast articulation. There are even some parts showing multiple tonguing techniques often used by trumpet and other wind players to tongue fast by saying Tu Ku Tu Ku or Tu Tu Ka.

Special thanks to Nyle Steiner for the great sounding synth oscillators and filters used in this demo. Also thanks to Dana Countryman and Mike Beauchamp for their own expertise and inspiration in relation to instruments like this.

Thanks for listening! See my current classical electronic project at"

Korg MS-20 - Endless Space Loop HQ

Published on Mar 22, 2013 Newueel·38 videos

"This is a simplified version of the endless space loop patch, which I uploaded some years ago. The part where you could add extra noise using the control wheel has been omitted. Only some delay is added to the sound, no other effects, no mastering.

If you are interested in patch and knob settings, ensure you're watching HQ and check out the knobs whenever you like the sound.
This patch also works on the iMS-20 and the MS-20 legacy software, and of course on the new mini (although, unfortunately I've not been able to test the mini yet).

Some info on the patch:
The modulation generator is functioning as a clock generator, and triggers the main envelope (EG2) continuously. Both of the MG knobs can be used to adjust gate time and clock speed.
The sample and hold module samples random values from pink noise. This is done every clock pulse. The sampled value is used for frequency modulations (OSC + HPF + LPF).

Wanna try it for yourself?
Almost any of the knobs are available for tweaks, so there's a lot of room for your own imagination and creativity. Here are the most important notes/limitations to keep in mind:
- Ensure EG2 hold and release are set to 0. Attack, decay and sustain can be used without a problem.
- EG1 parameters cannot be used since the envelope is used as a clock signal for the S&H module. (All knobs at 0!)
- The MG cannot be used as an LFO (unless you want an LFO with the clock speed)

PS. Since YouTube doesn't support endless movies -and for some other technical reasons-, I decided to record only 5 minutes of the whole piece. Sorry for the misleading title. ;-)

Link to referenced video:"

Latest Bar Napkin Synth Art from David Lovelace

Details on how to get yours here.

"Here's an Anything Napkin for Hex Inverter! He wanted to see anything 'synthy with robots.' What do YOU want draw for five bucks? Disclaimer: Hex doubled down on his investment for a more complex drawing." via

"Here's one for Jeff Shea, a fellow sci-fi & synth nut!" via

"The napkins continue! #15 is for a Packrat & Waldorf Wave fan!" Till Kopper no doubt! via

New 4ms Quad Pingable LFO (QPLFO) teaser preview

Published on Mar 22, 2013 4mspedals·73 videos

"New from 4ms: the Quad Pingable LFO (QPLFO).
A 4-channel LFO with tap-tempo, clock-sync (pingable), variable skew, and reset.

This quick patch demonstrates some of the features of the QPLFO. The Quad Clock Distributor clock outputs are driving the ping of each channel of the QPLFO (via a cable in the back). Next, the QPLFO outputs drive the 4 VCAs of the Toppobrillo Mixiplexer (also via a cable connected in the back). The Mixiplexer has four VCOs running into it, that are FM'ing each other. The KOMA Elektronik SVF-201 Vactrol filter is processing the bassline sound. A Brainseed (from Antimatter) is doing the sequence.

**QPLFO Details**
Four independent tap-tempo/clock-syncable LFOs
Each LFO channel has:
-Ping input jack
-Tap tempo button
-On/Mute button (latching)
-Skew CV jack and knob
-Reset jack
-LFO output
-LED to indicate output signal

Q: What is Pingable?
A: The timing of each LFO is set by an external clock (ping) or a Tap Tempo. So if you tap in a tempo and then change the skew (attack/decay ratio) or even give it a reset, the total period and frequency of the LFO will stay the same, keeping your modulations in sync.

Available April 2013 from your favorite modular shop!! for more info"

Near-Earth Techno & Casio SK-1 thru modular overdrive (SSF PTG)

Published on Mar 22, 2013 radiokoala·23 videos

Small suitcase eurorack modular.

Casio SK-1 thru modular overdrive (SSF PTG)
Published on Mar 22, 2013

"Casio meets modular. (Gear used: SK1 & SSF Positronic Transient Gate for processing.)


SK1 to vactrol drive IN A (GATE mode)
-ENV OUT to damp control CV A
+ENV OUT to mixer (dry signal mostly, but some delay/verb was added near the end)"

Roland Kuit's Book on Modular Switches

To be ON, to be OFF, that's the SWITCH

"All you can do with switches in modular synthesis.  Interactive Html/PDF e-book

The Clavia NMG2 Demo soft synthesizer included

From a two switch interfaced instrument to creating high-end sequencers. Pattern design, logic 3-bits words chopping to logic waveshaping. Audio processing and more...

Switch contacts.
The momentary switch:
Simple applications
The toggling On/Off switch:
Simple applications
Switches and control values:
The 2-Switch to 8-switches comparison.
Applications of control out signals.
On-OFF switches and triggering:
Double functions.
On-Off switches and logic:
Creating n-Bits words.
On-Off switch tuning by the DA Converter
DAC Bias

Analog Craftsman Custom Buchla format dual 291J BPF

via Analog Craftsman

MONARK: New Virtual Analog Synth from Native Instruments - Dubspot Video Preview

Published on Mar 21, 2013

"For more info:

Dubspot brings you a sneak peek at Native Instruments' newest software synthesizer, Monark: a re-creation of classic analog monosynths like the iconic Minimoog Model D.

Dubspot's Matt Cellitti has been working with Monark for awhile and made this sneak preview video for us giving a brief tour of how this synth is laid out and how to use it. He also demos some of the presets to give an idea of the kind of sounds this new/old instrument is capable of."

Getting the Most Out of the MFOS Website

Published on Mar 22, 2013 Ray Wilson·52 videos
Update: Re-Published on Mar 23, 2013

"A brief presentation to highlihght the features of the MFOS website that help you find project or product information more quickly. Sorry about the sound (webcam mic) and the word whiskers. This took more takes than my stupid comedy show. Cheers all!"

On the updated video: "This is take II because as I was watching the first version I noticed that in all my splicing I made it look like the navigation from the search was broken so I redid parts of the video to demo that in reality - the navigation actually works properly. Cheers all."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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