Showing posts with label GRP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRP. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2024

GRPA4 Synthesizer: music and sounds exploration

video uploads by Davide Micheli

"In this series of videos I used the GRPA4 analog synthesizer to explore and experiment some of the sound possibilities in electronic music and beyond.
The GRPA4 is suitable for creating dynamic and very entangled situations in electronic music and sounds.
To emphasize the rhythm and sequence of sounds created with the GRPA4, I inserted a very simple rhythmic pattern of the Roland TR-8S electronic drums machine synchronized via midi with the GRPA4 by means of CUBASE.
In this first video I inserted some initial vocal notes with the GRP 22 Vocoder.
In the other videos of the series dedicated to the GRPA4 that follow, I continue to explore the sound possibilities of the synthesizer arriving, in the last video of the series, to add a part of an chords amrony using a piano. This demonstrates once again the possibility of using electronic synthesizers together with more traditional instruments with success.

In questa serie di video ho utilizzato il sintetizzatore analogico GRPA4 per esplorare e sperimentare alcune delle possibilità sonore nella musica elettronica e non solo.
Il GRPA4 è adatto per creare situazioni dinamiche e molto intrecciate nella musica elettronica e nei suoni.
Per enfatizzare il ritmo e la sequenza dei suoni creati con il GRPA4, ho inserito un pattern ritmico molto semplice della drum machine elettronica Roland TR-8S sincronizzato via midi con il GRPA4 tramite CUBASE.
In questo primo video ho inserito alcune note vocali iniziali con il Vocoder GRP 22.
Negli altri video della serie dedicati al GRPA4 che seguono, continuo ad esplorare le possibilità sonore del sintetizzatore arrivando, nell'ultimo video della serie, ad aggiungere una parte di un'armonia di accordi utilizzando un pianoforte. Ciò dimostra ancora una volta la possibilità di utilizzare i sintetizzatori elettronici insieme a strumenti più tradizionali con successo."

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Grp Synthesizer A1

video upload by Gianfranco Carone

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Jean Michel Jarre Paris 2024 Closing Ceremony - Complete Performance & Finale

video upload by Jean Michel Jarre

"I’m delighted to share my entire performance from the Paris 2024 Closing Ceremony. Studio versions of the tracks performed are available on the EP 'Paris Stadium'

Je suis ravi de partager l'intégralité de ma performance lors de la cérémonie de clôture de Paris 2024. Les versions studio des morceaux interprétés sont disponibles sur l'EP 'Paris Stadium'"

Choose your music service to listen to Jean Michel Jarre:

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Saturday, October 05, 2024

wellenvorm - IN concert - Völkerschlachtdenkmal zu Leipzig

video upload by wellenvorm

"wellenvorm im Völkerschlachtdenkmal zu Leipzig"

Monday, September 23, 2024

Grp Synthesizer A1, Doepfer Dark Energy - jam "Deimos"

video upload by Boyd Braylen

"studio jam, studio session, analog Synth, dawless production,
grp Synthesizer A1, Doepfer dark Energy MK1, eventide blackhole,
live tweak, improvisation, no talking,
electronic music, instrumental music,"

Grp Synthesizer A1, Akai Tom Cat - jam "Elara"

video upload by Boyd Braylen

"studio jam, studio session, Grp A1, Akai Tom Cat, analog synth, live tweak,
improvisation, EHX holy grail neo, no talking,"

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Grp A1 Desktop Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer SN 069

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024


video upload by JOSEF KLANG


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Ultra Analog: GRP A2 - Carlo Mezzanotte

video upload by carlomezz

"(testo italiano in basso)
Here's some tweaking on the GRP A2, an Italian high-end analog synth module with a great sound. VCO1 can produce the usual waves, plus 'sharktooth' (a triangle/saw hybrid), and a saw/square hybrid with PWM; VCO2 has an all-analog version of the 'supersaw' concept, that can also be applied to triangle and 'sharktooth' waves.
The filter is a two-pole multimode with lowpass, bandpass, highpass and notch - plus a lowpass/highpass in parallel stereo.
The A2 offers flexible modulation routings via a series of selector knobs, without the use of patch cords.
The signal path is totally analog, including the LFOs, envelopes and S&H.
I couldn't resist adding a *very* slight bit of ambient effect. No other processing was used.
Many thanks to Paolo Groppioni, the A2 designer, for entrusting me with the instrument to review.

Un po' di azione sul GRP A2, un modulo di sintetizzatore analogico italiano di alto livello. Il VCO1 può produrre le forme d'onda usuali, più la 'sharktooth' (un ibrido fra triangolare e dente di sega), e una combinazione di dente di sega e quadra che può essere modulata in simmetria; il VCO2 ha una versione tutta analogica del concetto della 'supersaw', che può essere applicato anche alla triangolare e alla 'sharktooth'.
Il filtro è un multimodo a due poli con passa-basso, passa-banda, passa-alto e respingi-banda; è presente anche un passa-basso + passa-alto in parallelo, con separazione stereo.
Il percorso del segnale è interamente analogico, inclusi gli inviluppi, gli LFO e il Sample & Hold.
Non ho resistito ad aggiungere una *piccolissima* dose di effetto ambientale; nessun'altra modifica è stata applicata.
Un grande ringraziamento a Paolo Groppioni, il progettista dell'A2, per avermi affidato lo strumento.
SOTTOTITOLI DEL VIDEO IN ITALIANO DISPONIBILI. Potete attivarli cliccando su 'Impostazioni' (il simbolo della rotella, in basso a destra nel video), e scegliendo 'Italiano'."

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Grp A2 Analog Synthesizer

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Sunday, May 12, 2024


video upload by Jean Michel Jarre

Some live synth spotting with Jean Michel Jarre. Update: anyone ID the main synth he's playing?

"Jean-Michel Jarre announces an exceptional one-off live concert event, Bridge from the Future, the opening event of this year’s STARMUS Festival. In association with ESET Digital Security, the electronic music pioneer will perform live at Incheba Bratislava, Slovakia on May 12 - against the stunning backdrop of the Most SNP (UFO) Bridge. He will be joined on stage by special guest Brian May. The concert is in cooperation with the City of Bratislava and is free to attend.

Pour ne rater aucune information, suivez JMJ sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et YouTube ou consultez :"

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

ESK - Duetto with Syntrx and A2

video upload by Metunar

"2 analog synthesizers, a sequencer and a silly melody.
All sounds from the Erica Synths Syntrx and the GRP A2.
Elektron Digitone does sequencing and effects (Delay and Reverb).
Soft Mastering."

Thursday, May 02, 2024

ESK - GRP A2 + Sequencer 2

video upload by Metunar

"Second sound demo of the GRP A2 analog synthesizer.
This time i used the band pass filter.
The Elektron Digitone does only sequencing and effects (Delay and Reverb).
Soft Mastering."

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

ESK - GRP A2 + Sequencer

video upload by Metunar

"A simple sound demo of the GRP A2 analog synthesizer.
I used ringmodulation and the internal arpeggiator.
The Elektron Digitone does only sequencing and effects (Delay and Reverb).
Soft Mastering."

Monday, April 22, 2024

Assembling Grp A4 2024 Series

video upload by Grp Synthesizer

"The Grp A4 Synthesizer 2024 Series production goes on, and on, and on, and on..."

Sunday, April 21, 2024

GRP Synthesizer A1 Sound Demo (no talking) with Meris LVX Delay

video upload by Limbic Bits

0:00 Bass 1
0:25 Trance Lead
1:36 Mellow Tape
2:43 PWM Bass
3:25 A bit aggressive
3:46 Industrial Arp 1
4:30 Sort of duophonic
5:15 Basic Lead
5:46 Some noise and Ducking
6:37 Porta Lead
7:25 Industrial Arp 2
8:25 Melodic Techno Lead
9:23 Reso Zaps
10:02 Indietronica Lead
10:23 Arcade Lead
12:12 Filter Sine Lead
12:59 Whistling
13:17 Talk To Me! (LFO audible rate)

Monday, April 15, 2024

GRP A1 Desktop Semi-Modular Analog Synthesizer SN 080

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Friday, March 01, 2024

ESK - Soundscape Improvisation

video upload by Metunar

"Soundscape improvisation in the art of an old science-fiction movie with an Erica Synths Bullfrog, Infradeep PVX-800 + GRP V22 Vocoder, Vermona Perfourmer + MXR pitch transposer and a Melbourne Instruments Nina Synthesizer. All recorded live, with soft mastering."

Friday, December 22, 2023

Bernd Kistenmacher: Merry christmas to all of you!

video upload by Bernd Kistenmacher

"Bernd Kistenmacher is a german composer who is best known for Berlin School electronic music and epic, symphonic and cinematic music."

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Different Day, A Different Modular Synth!

video upload by John L Rice

"Mostly Mos-Lab modules with one each from Synth-Werk, STG Soundlabs, Grove Audio, Club Of The Knobs, GRP Synthesizer, Tall Dog Audio, and Moon Modular."

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

GRP Synthesizer A2 Analog Semimodular Synth

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