Sunday, October 25, 2009

Roland RS 202 String synthesizer

via this auction

previously posted

Sam Evolving

flickr by Ran Kirlian

"Sam, my 3 months kitty, dronning with the Mono Evolver Keyboard."

Colours of memory ...

flickr by Jawwad "Jawz" Riaz

KORG Karma

Abandoned Military Object

via Dropular via English Russia

Musik Messe Hamburg Pics via

sent my way via
"here are some pics from the Music Messe Hamburg yesterday.

The Location "Bunker Heiligengeistfeld"

Jörg Schaaf on the Radikal Spectralis II

The Sweeps with 2 Moog Prodigy , Minimoog, Elka Rhapsody, Rhodes Mark II

Barbara Buchholz on the Theremin

Yamaha DX-1"

Update: bottom image of Klaus Schulze at the event, via intercorni on the forum.

"Slow Attack" Abend Impressionen V

Parts 2 and 3 added to this post.

tomoberheim SEM Demo 2

YouTube via br0therl0c0. Demo 1 here
"A second demo of my new SEM (Patch Panel Version). This one is more about sounds and patches.

All audio is pure SEM without any added effects.

I'm controlling the SEM with my Voyager Old School via the VX-351 CV Expander. I'm also using the Moogerfooger CP-251 control processor to generate some CV signals."

Initial Test Of Moon Modular M569 Sequencer

YouTube via JohnLRice
"Sorry for not uploading any vids lately! Too busy with . . . stuff. I finally got to the point where I needed to build proper power supplies for my upper racks because I got some new modules! :-) All my synths have been undergoing rearrangement/rework lately and I haven't been able to use them. I'm trying to get a lot done before the PNW Synth Gathering on the 31st but I just couldn't resist playing around a bit with my new Moon M569 sequencer! It has so much great potential for doing interesting sequencing it's really exciting! There will be more demos and music videos in the following months for sure!

Thanks for watching, rating and commenting!"

Gravity ... Akihiko Matsumoto(2009)

YouTube via akihikotube
"graphic notation with max/msp/jitter (ver. 3.0)"

Lavalamp as MIDI controller...

YouTube via hotchk155

"6 voltage-dividing pairs of light dependent resistors arranged round a standard lavalamp and read by analog inputs of Muduino (arduino clone) to generate semi-random streams of MIDI continuous controller messages

MIDI controllers then mapped to various controls in Propellerheads Reason.. just to see what happens really... Result is rather addictive and hypnotic... turn up the speakers, watch the lamp, turn into a zombie"


Lavalamp random grooves

"Using same lava lamp to midi CC setup as before, but now mapping to drum pattern changes in Reason.
The sounds are from 2 redrums. a subtractor and maelstrom... putting them in a combinator makes it easy to route the controller signals coming in from the lavalamp. Some interesting mid-pattern switching going on"

Update via hotchk155 in the comments:
"I put some more info about this project at google sites"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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