Sunday, March 22, 2020

Minimoog & Source sequence - using 960 '4th row' modification...

Published on Mar 22, 2020 noddyspuncture

"I like building custom modifications - especially when they surprise me by ending up being even more useful and amazing than I envisaged..! This one is, even if I say so myself, one of my best so far without a doubt. The 960 sequencer is great but when you use it to play two separate lines on two separate synths, you still only get one row left for the control of the filter. I use my 960 via a gate sequencer so the 'skip/normal/stop' mode switches are redundant which gave me the idea of adding a '4th row' to the 960. I was thinking of removing them but in the end I just built the row of pot's into an external plastic strip - you can see it on the Minimoog there - it's not fully finished and I've yet to cut it down to size and stick some knobs on. It's on a 'flying lead' and on this video is controlling filter CV of one synth with the third row of the sequencer controlling the other. Opens up a whole world of new possibilities... I knew it was a good idea... 😍"

Of Permutation, Future, and Hope | Modular Vignette Series

Published on Mar 22, 2020 File Transfer Protocol

"Public service announcements, cute logos and catchphrases and official communications are all well and good, but those will fall on deaf ears when the bodies start to pile up... When there are no jobs to be had.

With calm sadness in my heart, the realization that what our children are about to witness is no different than the stories of hardship our grandparents and great grandparents shared with us when we were children.

Times unrecognizable as we arrogantly assume we have evolved past such desperation. We have not. This is the moment before the after that will forever change the face of humanity. A line, a bracket, in the timeline of human history.

Hold on to each other and brace... find comfort and harden your thoughts, as we only have each other. As governments turn their backs or topple, economies collapse and the faithful lose their sense of direction, it will be self reliance and sense of community that saves us.

Cooperate, Assimilate, Amalgamate, or Annihilate... it’s up to us. Maybe this is what we needed to see the humanity in each other, once again. Maybe this will change how we see each other... 'Flatten the Curve' is not a plan. It's a contingency for damage control.

Hope is such an interesting thing."

What is Love [Cover] Boutique / Circuit / MC-101 / Microfreak / PRO-1

Published on Mar 22, 2020 Micro Banshee

"Late 80's Haddaway cover of 'What is Love' remembering happier times.... keep safe all.

As always, the track is played 'live' in one take - with no DAW, editing or post production."

ARTURIA Sound Explorers submission #Arturia20 @Arturia

Published on Mar 22, 2020 Mediato

Video entry for the #Arturia20 Sound Explorers video contest.
Arturia iSpark, iSem and iMini ipad apps.
@Arturia #Arturia20

END OF DAYS Two Nu:Tekt NTS-1 Ambient Outdoor Jam. Jamman XT Pulpit Rock, Mount Victoria, Australia

Published on Mar 22, 2020 Gary P Hayes

"Out-Dawless Ambient Improvisation / Jam on two NTS-1s recorded on #ZoomH6
All effects live from Korg Nu:Tekt NTS-1 Loop on Digitech Jamman Solo XT
The loop at the start is capturing three layers from the right NTS-1 only. The left NTS-1 is acting as the main reverb and delay but also main arpeggiator after the opening section ...

Composed & Performed © Gary P Hayes on Pulpit Rock, Mount Victoria, Blue Mountains Australia"


Published on Mar 22, 2020 Audio Wanderer

"Jamming with my old copy of Native Instruments FM7 from the year 2001"

Arturia Synthi V

Published on Mar 22, 2020 TinySymphony Music & Synthesizers

Moffenzeef Stargazer: "Leave Room For Nature"

Published on Mar 22, 2020 Kris Lennox

"(Try loud with headphones) Great sound from the Stargazer. Multiple layers in this recording/work (all from the Stargazer), video shows only one.

Happy 22nd March, everyone. Look to the stars & enjoy the stargazing :)


Kiwi Patch Editor controlling the Roland MKS-80.

Published on Mar 21, 2020 Machiwoomiapoo

"Today I figured out how to use the kiwi patch Editor to control the Roland mks-80. It has the power to control multiple synthesizers at one time. This might be a great alternative to buying all those controllers that only control one synthesizer. Please let me know your opinions and thoughts on this Editor. Take care, Sam."

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Free Music From Audio Illustrator

Supporting member, James Newman aka Audio Illustrator is offering his music for free during the coronavirus outbreak.

"I have decided to offer 8 of my music albums (ranging from Modular Synth, Jazz, Alan Parsons/Pink Floydesque, Cinematic, and world music) all FREE during this time as we all fight this virus.

Music is medicine for the soul, and while we are all fighting this virus, please help yourself to some of my medicine...freely it has been given to me, and freely I give to you. I hope it will be a blessing to all."

Note the download links in each player below brings up a purchase price of $0 but you can enter anything you want. James Newman let me know he's not looking for donations: "I just want to give back to the everyone who shares this world. We are all in this together."

Modular Synth music:

Jazz music:

Alan Parsons/Pink Floyesque music:

Cinematic music:



Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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