Monday, November 30, 2015

1973 Moog Minimoog Model D

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"1973 model with early serial number 20XX
Serviced in April this year by the excellent James Walker (Synth Repair Services in Stoke on Trent) and is in excellent, full working condition.
There are no crackly pots or broken switches, everything works as it should."

Polyphonic system Sequencer

Published on Nov 30, 2015 organfairy

"The demo is at 4:30

I still have one box left. So I decided to build a sequencer for the polyphonic instrument. I have build sequencers before so this time I wanted it to be a little different. I have for a long time wanted to experiment with random notes so I gave the sequencer a random mode. I also made it possible to go back and forth in the sequence instead of just forward. So this is actually the most advanced sequencer I have ever build.

The music is something I made using my Wersi Prisma DX-5 organ and Korg Poly 800 synthesizer."

Hellcore - Live Video Jam 30/11/15

Published on Nov 30, 2015 Hellcore

"Been a while! Quick jam. Random doodle while waiting for a delivery.

Decent speakers or headphones recommended.

Audio @
Elektron Analog Four
Waldorf Blofeld
DSI Tetra
Arturia Beatstep Pro / Microbrute
iPad running Sector
Ableton Live"

Analogue Solutions Telemark-K v1 - patches (w. analogue sequencer)

Published on Nov 30, 2015 Michal Patulski

"Sequenced with Tecbug TBS-X16, through Lexicon MPX1 and Glensound vintage mixing console"

Chain Reaction (MicroKORG x2,Yamaha Reface DX,TR-8,JP-08)

Published on Nov 29, 2015 Metatron's Cube

"Maybe something a bit more funky at times than the usual stuff. We are working on finding sounds for a album we are working on(a small vinyl album run). So far the two microkorgs and TR-8 are set, at least as far as the patches go. Who knows where we will go with it, most likely pretty spacey. Thanks for watching and listening!
Gear pile:
Two Korg MicroKORGs (Gold playing glassy high arps, Black playing retro robot funk bass, no outboard effects)
Yamaha Reface DX
Roland Aira TR-8
Roland Boutique JP-08 (Kp3)"

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Eurorack With Push 2

Published on Nov 29, 2015 Chris Randall of Audio Damage

"Just got a Push 2, and I'm working out how to integrate it in to my general vibe. So this isn't any particular musical statement, but rather getting a feel for using the Euro stuff in the context of a Push 2.

I'm running two stereo pairs in to Live from the Euro. The first pair is percussion, and the second pair is synth. Not sure if this is where I'll ultimately land, but it seems to work for now. The top Sequencer 1 is driving synths, and the bottom one is driving drums.

Everything audible in the video came from the Euro. The chords are Simpler instruments I made from the WMD/SSF stuff (two channels of that in Live), and the bass is also a Simpler sample of the Euro."

korg prophecy synthesizer

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Funk yr Duck - Frostwave Funk-A-Duck James Earthenware Loscha

Published on Nov 29, 2015 Edward Jones aka Loscha

"Hanging out at the then Frostwave Central in Carlton

Electro Harmonix drum machine being played through a funk-a-duck"

The almighty Paul Perry!!!

Yamaha CS-50 Vintage Analog Poly-Synth

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ARP 2600 2601 with 3620 Keyboard

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"Up for sale is this beautiful ARP 2600 2601 v1.0 with 3620 keyboard. Both are in excellent, fully functional condition and have been restored and upgraded (see below). The "orange and black" 2601 is the last 2600 version produced by ARP. It is the most reliable version, an update to the more common grey version. None of the modules are set in epoxy, making it more serviceable in the long run."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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