Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wing Drum

Wing Drum - internal sounds video upload by Gecho Loopsynth

"In the Wing Drum you can find a few sounds of real and also synthesized instruments. Most of them are stored as samples, but that is not the only sound engine implemented. The last timbre in this video is generated from a wave-table.

Two buttons on top select between metallic (represented by robot icon) and wooden timbre (tree icon). What you can hear in this demo are only the first experimental sounds, more will be added. The idea is to have 4 or 5 of each kind of timbres."

Wing Drum - MIDI controller functionality

"All sounds in this video come from Korg Volca FM or Modal CRAFTsynth.

The Wing Drum can act as a MIDI controller too (that's what the middle connector is for). It sends out the stream of data at all times, including velocity information and, thanks to motion sensor, it emulates two controllers: pitch bend (by tilting left and right), and continuous controller (by tilting back and forth). This is how it can be used to control some other small (or large) synthesizer, anything that has a native MIDI input.

Of course you could play the same notes on these synths, but Wing Drum may be handier and easier to use, since it presents 9 notes of your desired scale in a very accessible way."

via phonicbloom


Easily switching between modes you can play sounds of a handpan, steel tongue drum, xylophone or glockenspiel with up to 6 voices polyphony. Touch pads in the wings consist of a few segments and they are sensitive to how much of the wing area your finger covers. This allows you to play softer or louder sounds dynamically.

Or you can connect its MIDI output to another synth and use it as a controller, expanding the range of sounds without limits. The built‑in accelerometer acts as pitch bend / continuous controller depending on the axis of rotation. Velocity information is transmitted too.

The Wing Drum can be played by anyone at home, outdoors, in the studio, therapist's office, classroom, meditation session or at the live performance.

The round shell is about 15cm / 6" wide and 5cm / 2" tall. It is made from solid wood sealed with natural oils to protect and show the natural beauty of the wood. The top panel is made from fiberglass laminated with matte black polymer or white enamel with gold plated metal elements. It is controlled using 5 buttons made from soft silicone."

Korg Wavedrum demo - sounds/FX presets showing layering and expression

video upload by SynthAddict

0:00 Preset 96: Creepin’
0:48 Preset 95: Vinyl Drummer
2:01 Preset 91: Tom the Robot
3:04 Preset 90: When the Clock Strikes 12
4:21 Preset 88: Always a Mystery
5:49 Preset 87: Cold Wind
7:06 Preset 85: Suikin '09

"An impromptu demo of the some of the wild/unusual sounds/FX, layering, and expression available in the original Korg Wavedrum (recent Wavedrum Global is even better). All FX are internal. Definitely not my best drumming ever, but it was a lot of fun to make the demo. :-)

There is no MIDI or trigger in/out on the unit, but given the complexity if the triggering and layering I’m not surprised they went this way instead - it’s a self-contained instrument ready for experimentation and aimed at proper hand drummers.

As I explain in the video, the Wavedrum allows full velocity and pressure control to trigger sounds and mods per patch. A contact mic in the frame allows triggers of secondary sounds & FX. The sensitivity if the mic allows multi sound triggering based on intensity of the strike. The frame has guiro-style nubs on either side to allow more expression for the contact mic to pickup (rapid “taps”, etc). The recent Wavedrum Global model has double the presets (combined from WD original and WD oriental) and better pressure response and volume output (a known issue of the original). It’s a nice unit, but still has no MIDI."

Noise Engineering Summer 2017 #3 | Live Modular Synth Jam

video upload by Noise Engineering

"More evening jams from a while back.

Gear List

- Basimilus Iteritas (x2)
- Cursus Iteritas (x2)
- Manis Iteritas (x2)
- Pons Asinorum (Prototype)
- Mutable Clouds
- Solo Vereo (Prototype)
- The Mullet
- Tip Top Circadian Rhythms
- Clep Diaz (Prototype)
- Make Noise LxD
- 2HP freez
- WMD/SSF Pole Zero
- Bastl ABC"

Noise Engineering Manis Iteritas

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via this auction

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Dirty Electronics ICA Noise Synth

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"Dirty Electronics ICA Synths linked and synced

Circuit and PCB designed by John Richards

Housed in a wooden cube by Stu Smith (A.S.M.O.)"

You can find demos in previous posts here.

Modal Electronics Argon 8X w/ Original Box

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via this auction

YAMAHA CS-30 w/ Hard Case

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via this auction

M-Audio venom synthesizer & nexus HZO-Ovorton7

video upload by Ovortón7

Behringer Poly D - "Vega 2" 38 Patches and Sequences

video upload by LFOstore

"LFO.Store team presents, the second part of the soundbank "Vega"


By many asks we are continuing series of sounds for Behringer synthesizers.

27 patches and 11 Sequences for Behringer Poly D, ready to add new colors to your music.

It's time for sequences and arpeggios
that will unleash the full potential of Poly D

This soundset separated on categories:

BASS (5)
POLY (5)

Suited for all modern genres of electronic music: retrowave, ambient, trance, house, classic electronica, downtempo.

S2400 bit depth reduction.

video upload by Isla Instruments


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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