MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Haken Continuum

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Haken Continuum. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Haken Continuum. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2010

::vtol:: Volfram controlled by Haken Continuum through Zig-Zag circuit bending CV/GATE processor

::vtol:: Volfram controlled by Haken Continuum through Zig-Zag circuit bending CV/GATE processor from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

"Zig-Zag -

Volfram -"

::vtol:: Volfram controlled by Haken Continuum through Zig-Zag circuit bending CV/GATE processor (modular by Alex Pleninger) from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Richard Lainhart - Bellingham Electronic Arts Festival & May Performances

"Bellingham Electronic Arts Festival
Bellingham, WA –
›› May 6, 2 pm : Lecture / Demonstration
Multi-Dimensional Control for Realtime Analog Synthesis Performance. WWU Campus, location tba
›› May 7, 2 pm : Performance
Richard performs films with realtime Buchla 200e/Haken Continuum soundtracks

Also in May...
The Gatherings Concert Series
St. Mary's Hamilton Village, Philadelphia, PA –
›› May 14, 8 pm : Performance
Live set with Buchla 200e/Haken Continuum system

STAR'S END Ambient Radio – WXPN 88.5fm –
›› May 14, 1:00 am : Radio broadcast
Richard Lainhart will play a live set of new music for Buchla 200e/Haken Continuum"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lainhart @ {R}ake 4-22-10

Lainhart @ {R}ake 4-22-10 by rlainhart
"Lainhart, Buchla, Haken, Continuum, live, improvisation, electronic

Richard Lainhart live at {R}ake at Issue Project Room, 4-22-10. {R}ake ( is a performance series of alternative and collaborative electro-acoustic music and video. Performances range from pure improvisation to more structured pieces, with videoists and musicians working together in
exploratory ways. In this set I played Buchla 200e controlled with a Haken Continuum, responding to live visuals created by Giles Hendrix."

Update: Video of the performance:

Richard Lainhart @ Rake part 1

YouTube via rustyanalog — April 26, 2010 — "Richard Lainhart live at {R}ake at Issue Project Room, 4-22-10. {R}ake ( is a performance series of alternative and collaborative electro-acoustic music and video. Performances range from pure improvisation to more structured pieces, with videoists and musicians working together in
exploratory ways. In this set I played Buchla 200e controlled with a Haken Continuum, responding to live visuals created by Giles Hendrix."

Richard Lainhart @ Rake part 2

Richard Lainhart @ Rake part 3

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Haken Continuum Controller - Part 1

The Haken Continuum Controller - Part 1 from niamhguckian on Vimeo.

"As a happy owner of one of the amazing fullsize continuums, Jan Hinnerk Helms takes us through the possibilities and sounds of this handmade three-dimensional midi-controller in a workshop at Schneiders Buero.

Opening Titles by Carlo Krug"

The Haken Continuum Controller - Part 2 from niamhguckian on Vimeo.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Richard Lainhart @ Creative Music Incubator October 4 NYC

A chance to see a Buchla 200e and Haken Continuum live.

via Richard Lainhart
"Friends: on Monday, October 4, at 7:30PM, I'll be performing as one of a rotating group of improvisers at Creative Music Incubator at The Tank in Manhattan:

Creative Music Incubator unites experimental sonic artists on the first Monday of every month to share creative concepts, explore new sonic possibilities and collaborate in new line ups and in unique situations. Each month is curated and hosted by a member of the NYC experimental music community. Creative Music Incubator is a monthly event produced by the Oxygen Music Collective and is dedicated to the experimentation and exploration of new sonic possibilities.

This month's lineup:

Richard Lainhart - Buchla 200e and Haken Continuum
Mitch Blank - Dulcimer
Tres Warren – Guitar

Richard Lainhart - Buchla 200e and Haken Continuum
Bob Siebert – Thumb Piano and Circuit Bent Casio SK-1
Tom Swirly – Electronic Woodwinds

Adam Dym – Tenor and Alto Saxohones
Lucio Menegon - Guitar
Brian Olin – Guitar

Brian Thayer - Guitar
Jon Worthley – Waterphone, Percussion, Toys
Steve Orbach – Sax, Drums

Damien Olsen - Synths
Isaac Taylor - Bass
Bob Siebert – Circuit Bent Casio SK-1

Tickets are $8 at the door, and I hope to see you there."

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Haken Continuum/EaganMatrix - Morphing WaveBank Pad & Morphing Church Organ Demos

EaganMatrix Programming

"Another morphing preset I'm working on. This one morphs in various ways between two WaveBanks, one set to Saw and the other Square. Shape Generators (SGs) are used to move in and out of the two banks at different rates and there is a bit of shifting between them on Y as well. A big analog Echo is added with additional dynamic convolution change imposed under SG control."

Haken Continuum/EaganMatrix - Morphing Church Organ Demo
EaganMatrix Programming

"Working on a bunch of Morphing Presets for Haken Continuum / EaganMatrix. This one is an organ model that randomly cuts in partials. A pedal controls the speed at which the partials kick in and a separate control is set to Pedal 2 that brings in a Sub-bass and octave beneath the Fundamental (which can be statically set for two octaves below or a fifth below if desired). A small amount of detuning is also used that creates a bit of beating adding more dynamic motion."

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Gabriel's Continuum HD

Published on Sep 7, 2014 HakenAudio

"This is a a performance by Edmund Eagan playing on the Haken Audio Continuum Fingerboard. The sounds are internally generated by the Continuum's built-in synthesizer, the EaganMatrix. The EaganMatrix is the first synthesizer specifically designed for the XYZ control provided by the Continuum Fingerboard, and has been available to Continuum owners for several years. The presets in this video are available with Release 7 of the Continuum firmware (September 2014). The video is in two tracks; the first uses the Double Reed preset, the second uses the Organo Espressivo preset. Presets designed by Edmund Eagan. Music by Ennio Morricone."

LapSteel on Continuum Fingerboard

Published on Sep 7, 2014

"This is a performance by Edmund Eagan playing on the Haken Audio Continuum Fingerboard. The sound is internally generated by the Continuum's built-in synthesizer, the EaganMatrix. The EaganMatrix is the first synthesizer specifically designed for the XYZ control provided by the Continuum Fingerboard, and has been available to Continuum owners for several years. The LapSteel preset played in this video, as well as the screen display of finger activity (projected over the Continuum in this video), are available with Release 7 of the Continuum firmware (September 2014). Preset design and original music by Edmund Eagan."

Friday, June 07, 2024

Continuum & Osmose with AJH Modular - playing | Superbooth 2024

video upload by Anthony Marinelli Music

"Meet us in a bungalowdorf at Superbooth 2024 to hear the AJH Synth RadioPhonic (Modular Synthesizer) controlled by two of the most expressive controllers in the world - The Expressive E Osmose and Haken Continuum Fingerboard. You'll also meet my special guests Continuum Fingerboard inventor Lippold Haken, EaganMatrix Sound Engine inventor Ed Eagan and expert performer on these two instruments Joshua Madoff. Welcome to the world of ultimate expression of synthesizers with the slightest movement of your fingers to digitally control many parameters of a powerful analog sound!"

00:00 Cold Open - Josh Madoff playing AJH Modula with Osmose in unison mode
00:43 Intro - AJH Synth "The Radiophonic"
01:43 Intro - Lippold Haken, Ed Eagan, Joshua Madoff
02:18 Ed Eagan performs on the Osmose
03:06 The AJH Synth patch
04:38 Joshua Madoff performs on the Osmose
05:58 unison mode
07:30 Ed Eagan performs on the Continuum
08:57 Joshua Madoff performs on the Continuum
11:08 Thank you from Superbooth 2024
11:31 Summary
11:45 Logo (theme music)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


YouTube via rlainhart
"Oraison, composed by Olivier Messiaen in 1937 for six Ondes Martenot, transcribed for Buchla 200e synthesizer and Haken Continuum Fingerboard controller and performed by Richard Lainhart in 2009.

From the time I first touched the Haken Continuum, I'd wanted to use it to play a composition by Olivier Messiaen called "Oraison". I first heard "Oraison" years ago as a student of electronic music, and had fallen in love with its simple, beautiful harmonies and profound sense of mystery.

"Oraison" is not only a lovely piece of music, but has historical interest too - it may be the first piece of purely electronic music written expressly for live performance. Also of note is that Messiaen re-arranged "Oraison" for cello and piano and used it for the fifth movement of "Quartet for the End of Time", which he composed in a German prisoner-of-war camp in 1941; the "Quartet" is one of the great classics of 20th-century music.

"Oraison" ("prayer") is from a suite of pieces for six Ondes Martenot called "Fete des Belles Eaux" ("Celebration of the Beautiful Waters"), composed for the Paris International Exposition in 1937. The Ondes Martenot was among the first electronic instruments, and is still among the most expressive. The Continuum's own expressive qualities seemed at least the equal of the Ondes Martenot's, while allowing for polyphony and the possibility of performance of the work by a single player. I transcribed "Oraison" for my Buchla 200e/Continuum system, programmed the modern system in homage to the sound of the Ondes Martenot, and now offer this performance to you."

Richard Lainhart

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Haken Continuum Mini NAMM 2019

Published on Jan 30, 2019

"Haken has a new smaller version of the Continuum called the Continuum Mini that they were showing at NAMM 2019. Continuum controllers are MPE controllers with built in synthesizers, giving you expressive control over multiple notes at once.

Haken products available here:"

Supporters of MATRIXSYNTH get %10 off at Perfect Circuit!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Haken Continuum Meets Erik Satie

YouTube Uploaded by copperleaves on Mar 17, 2011
follow-up to this post
"One of the great things about the Haken Continuum fingerboard is that you can play it with one hand and still take advantage of all its expressive capabilities while your other hand plays another instrument - in this case I am playing a Korg Triton Extreme keyboard with my left hand. This composition - GNOSSIENNE #3 - was written by the French impressionist composer, Erik Satie, and is one of a series of pieces written for piano in 1890. It is a popular piece among players of the "ondes martenot" but unlike the Continuum, the ondes must be played with two hands so the ondiste is unable to accompany himself.

I used one of the Continuum's built-in sounds for this performance because I felt it had a very pure and enchanting timbre that seemed to go well with the music.

The word "Gnossienne" is a reference to the capital of ancient Crete (also Knossos) which was excavated by European archaeologists in the 1870's. Satie was inspired by the extraordinary frescoes and artwork that was unearthed at that time."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lainhart Live @ electro-music 2010

via Richard Lainhart
"Friends: the direct recording of my solo set at electro-music 2010 is now available on SoundCloud as a downloadable high-quality MP3.

This track is completely improvised in realtime without backing tracks or edits, and is for Buchla 200e controlled by a Haken Continuum multi-dimensional keyboard. All the sounds heard here are from the Buchla, with the exception of the flute-like sound at the end, which is one of the Continuum's physical modeling instruments called Slide Wind. The ghost echo behind the Slide Wind sound is from the 200e.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it."

Richard Lainhart Solo @ electro-music 2010 by rlainhart
"My solo set at electro-music 2010, Huguenot, NY, September 12, 2010. This track is completely improvised in realtime without backing tracks or edits, and is for Buchla 200e controlled by a Haken Continuum multi-dimensional keyboard. All the sounds heard here are from the Buchla, with the exception of the flute-like sound at the end, which is one of the Continuum's physical modeling instruments called Slide Wind. The ghost echo behind the Slide Wind sound is from the 200e."

Thursday, November 09, 2023

ESK - Haken Continuum + Waldorf Kyra

video upload by Metunar

"The Haken Continuum Fingerboard as a Midi controller for an Waldorf Kyra synthesizers. This Continuum is a an old Midi only version. The sensitivity is not so good as the new ones.
The Waldorf Kyra is perfect in combination with the Haken because it updates all voices/multitimbral channels simultaneously while changing parameters. It has no MPE, but it is 8 channel multitimbral and so you can use it with every MPE controller. Only drawback, there are no global controllers (like modulationwheel), but with the Haken i don’t need them.
The pitchbend on the Kyra has only a range of 1 octave, which is not much, but for my use, it's enough. No external effects are used."

Friday, October 08, 2010


Oraison from Richard Lainhart on Vimeo.

"From the time I first touched the Haken Continuum, I'd wanted to use it to play a composition by Olivier Messiaen called "Oraison". I first heard "Oraison" years ago as a student of electronic music, and had fallen in love with its simple, beautiful harmonies and profound sense of mystery.

"Oraison" is not only a lovely piece of music, but has historical interest too - it may be the first piece of purely electronic music written expressly for live performance. Also of note is that Messiaen re-arranged "Oraison" for cello and piano and used it for the fifth movement of "Quartet for the End of Time", which he composed in a German prisoner-of-war camp in 1941; the "Quartet" is one of the great classics of 20th-century music.

"Oraison" ("prayer") is from a suite of pieces for six Ondes Martenot called "Fete des Belles Eaux" ("Celebration of the Beautiful Waters"), composed for the Paris International Exposition in 1937. The Ondes Martenot was among the first electronic instruments, and is still among the most expressive. The Continuum's own expressive qualities seemed at least the equal of the Ondes Martenot's, while allowing for polyphony and the possibility of performance of the work by a single player. I transcribed "Oraison" for my Buchla 200e/Continuum system, programmed the modern system in homage to the sound of the Ondes Martenot, and now offer this performance to you.

Oraison, composed by Olivier Messiaen in 1937 for six Ondes Martenot, transcribed for Buchla 200e synthesizer and Haken Continuum Fingerboard controller and performed by Richard Lainhart in 2009."

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Seaboard RISE and Haken Continuum-II

Published on Nov 29, 2015 Christophe Duquesne

"This is another small video combining the SEABOARD RISE, from ROLI, and the Haken Continuum, each running its own sound engine (EQUATOR on a Mac for RISE, and Eagan Matrix internal sound engine for the Continuum).

It's just one take, and directly recorded out of the mixer (no editing, so the mix is not perfect and there are a few pitch issues ....). The only addition is a reververb from Valhalla DSP run on a Tiptop Audio Z-DSP.

The VlnVlaCellBass sound of the Continuum (amazing preset from Ed Eagan) is physical modeling based.
The Legato Orchestra on the RISE (probably from Rafael Szaban), from the official ROLI preset bank (with a few local tweaking from me), is sample based.

I'm not trying to replace any instrument here: just playing something I had never been able to play on a keyboard !"

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Continuucon 2020 Set for April 27-29 in Palmela, Portugal

Published on Feb 2, 2020 Mike ContinuuCon

"ContinuuCon 2020, the fifth annual international Haken Continuum Conference, will take place on April 27–29 in
Palmela, Portugal. Musicians and technologists describe the Haken Continuum as the world’s most uniquely expressive electronic musical instrument. As in previous years, ContinuuCon 2020 will extend an opportunity for Continuum players, sound designers, software developers, and electronic music enthusiasts to explore the Continuum Fingerboard and ContinuuMini through performances, workshops, lectures, and more.

More at"

Monday, May 22, 2017

The ContinuuConcert - ContinuuCon 2017

Published on May 22, 2017 ContinuuCon

"UNC Asheville will host a free concert featuring solo and ensemble playing on the electronic Haken Continuum fingerboard at 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 10 in Lipinksy Hall. No tickets are required and everyone is welcome.

Grammy-winning special guest Roy “Futureman” Wooten will perform along with Rob Schwimmer, Ed Eagan, Sally Sparks, Benedikt Slotte, and UNC Asheville Paddison Distinguished Professor of Music Wayne Kirby.

The concert is the culminating event of ContinuuCon 2017, the second annual conference dedicated to exploring the possibilities of the electronic Haken Audio Continuum fingerboard. The conference, which takes place at UNC Asheville June 8-10, will feature Continuum designer Lippold Haken, lecturer in computer music synthesis in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois University, and Canadian composer Edmund Eagan, who teamed with Haken to develop the Continuum’s internal sound engine.

Learn more at"

Sunday, June 04, 2017

ContinuuCon Coming to Asheville NC This Week, Starting June 8

You might recall ContinuuCon, the event focused on the Haken Continuum fingerboard and MPE or Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression devices was announced here on MATRIXSYNTH back in October of last year, and again in May of this year. The event begins this Thursday, June 8. Russell Hoffman of Evaton Technologies who will be presenting at this year's event, sent in the schedule which follows. P.S. If you are new to ContinuuCon you can check out posts from previous year's events via the ContinuuCon channel label here.

via Russell Hoffman of Evaton Technologies on this year's ContinuuCon:

"There are lectures and workshops on all things Continuum, and the culminating event is the ContinuuConcert (free to the public).

Located at the UNC Asheville campus in Asheville NC.


All talks and workshops take place in UNCA, Lipinsky Hall, room LH044

Thursday – June 8

5:00-7:00pm – Check-In and Reception at UNCA, Lipinsky Hall (in lobby) – Music by Mark Smart

Friday – June 9

9:30-9:40am – Welcome by ContinuuCon Hosts
9:40-10:30am – Lippold Haken – History of the Continuum and its Forerunners
10:40am-12:00pm – Ed Eagan – EaganMatrix Introduction and Programming

12:00-2:00pm – Lunch Break (see restaurant suggestions below)

2:00-2:30pm – Russell Hoffman – CV Eurorack Interface – Product Introduction and Demo
2:30-3:00pm – Christophe Duquesne – EaganMatrix Effects Design
3:10-4:15pm – Ed Eagan – EaganMatrix Version 8 and Beyond

6:00pm – Dinner and Jams at Sally’s – (Non-ticketed guests $25)

Saturday – June 10

9:30-10:20am – Lippold Haken – Spreading The Word
10:30-11:30am -Ed, Rob, Sally, Benedict – Playing Techniques – (used in the ContinuuConcert)
11:40am-12:00pm – Benedict Slotte – Pitch Shifting Preset

12:00-2:00pm – Lunch Break (see restaurant suggestions below)

2:00-2:50pm – Jesse Chappell – iOS and the Continuum + Controllers and Visualization Prototypes
3:00-3:30pm – Christophe Duquesne – State Space Based Physical Modeling Algorithm
3:40-4:30pm – Closing session – Eagan Matrix, Performing, The Future
4:30-5pm Q&A and discussion

8:00pm ContinuuConcert – UNCA, Lipinsky Hall"

Sunday, November 12, 2023

ESK - Haken Continuum + Waldorf Kyra 2

video upload by Metunar

"Another Haken and Kyra Demo. Not playing something meaningful, it's more about the sound.
In this Patch i use a lot of Parameter modulations with the Y direction on the Haken.

The Haken Continuum Fingerboard as a Midi controller for an Waldorf Kyra synthesizers.
The Waldorf Kyra is perfect in combination with the Haken because it updates all voices/multitimbral channels simultaneously while changing parameters. It has no MPE, but it is 8 channel multitimbral and so you can use it with every MPE controller. Only drawback, there are no global controllers (like modulationwheel), but with the Haken i don’t need them.
No external effects are used."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Haken Continuum Version 4.08 OS Update


"Version 4.08 firmware is now available for
download for Continuum Fingerboards with
built-in sounds. 4.08 addresses several minor
issues related to our recent 4.07 release:

• A bug fix for playing internal sounds at polyphony 32.
• Corrections to the User Guides.
• A graphical fix in the Continuum Editor.

As well, there is a new naming convention for
firmware data files, making it easier to perform the firmware update.

The 4.08 firmware, Editor, and User Guides are available on the Download

We have also posted additional examples using internal sounds:

Thank you very much Dr.Haken!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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