MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for blofeld editor

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query blofeld editor. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query blofeld editor. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

filchBlofeld CTRLR panel for Waldorf Blofeld

"Home for the development of the filchBlofeld editor for the Waldorf Blofeld synthesizer. The Controller is built with ctrlr which utilizes JUCE."

You can find it here.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

PARAPHONIC MOOG VOYAGER - ipad app Patch Morpher

Published on Jun 29, 2014 jerry dibella·27 videos

iTunes: Patch Morpher - Richard Meyer - the app supports other synths as well.

"Play the Moog Voyager paraphonically - addressing each of its three oscillators independently!"

Video description: "Little demo of the Paraphonic Scene for the Moog Voyager in the iPad app "Patch Morpher" from Jazzman Ltd. This is not just an editor and a patch morpher allows to create new sound morphing from one sound to another, but allows your Moog Voyager to become a real paraphonic synthesizer, with all the three oscillators perfectly in tune!

Piccola demo dell'app per iPad "Patch Morpher" di Jazzman Ltd.
L'app non è soo un semplice editor per vari sintetizzatori tra cui il Voyager (la licenza costa circa 8 dollari ed è presente per il prophet 12, prophet 08, blofeld waldorf e tanti altri) ma oltre alla creazione di nuove patch unendo i vari suoni presenti, permette con la scena "paraphonic" al Voyager di diventare un synth parafonico, con i tre oscillatori che si accordano automaticamente a seconda dell'accordo suonato. Soccia ragaz, che roba!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Waldorf Blofeld OSX Editor Updates - User Wavetable Slots Added

See this post for full details on the editor including pics.

*updates include*

- oscillator 1&2 shapes now include generic user wavetable slots
- arpeggiator section complete
- some fixes to some weirdness in the FX slots
- some other things I can't remember at the moment :)

Saturday, March 03, 2012

iPulseV201 v1.2 Wired and Wireless CoreMIDI iPad Editor Now Available‏‏‏‏‏‏

YouTube Uploaded by iControlMIDI on Feb 3, 2012

"Apple has released iPulseV201 v1.2 our Wired and Wireless CoreMIDI iPad Editor for Waldorf Pulse / Pulse+ v2.01

As it is in the Waldorf family, we are providing a workflow similar to the iControlMIDI editors for the Blofeld and Microwave 1.

iControlMIDI has all the Pulse parameters sonically logically organized; like OSC Pages with OSC modulations, VCF Page with VCF modulations and envelop, VCA Page with VCA modulations and envelop.

As usual iControlMIDI will display the parameter name ex: OSC Shape and the parameter value ex: Saw.

To offer an even better user experience, iControlMIDI displays some numerical parameter in % (ex: OSC Pulse Width and VCF Key Tracking); Hz (ex: LFO Speed) or BPM (ex: ARP Tempo); rather than plain numbers.

In order to offer an even faster workflow:
• iControlMIDI automatically enables OSC Pulse Width parameter if the OSC Shape is equal to Pulse or Cross Modulation
• iControlMIDI automatically disables OSC Pulse Width parameter if the OSC Shape is equal to Saw or Triangle
• iControlMIDI automatically enables Modulation Source and Modulation Destination parameters if the Modulation Amount parameters is different than zero
• iControlMIDI automatically disables Modulation Source and Modulation Destination parameters if the Modulation Amount parameter is equal to zero

The Pulse and Pulse+ can be edited using the following Pages:
• Page 1: OSC1 and OSC1 Modulations
• Page 2: OSC2 and OSC2 Modulations
• Page 3: OSC3
• Page 4: Noise, External In (+), CV2 (+), OSC Pitch and Pitch Modulations
• Page 5: VCF, VCF Modulations and VCF Envelop [ENV1]
• Page 6: VCA, VCA Modulations and VCA Envelop [ENV2]
• Page 7: LFO1 and LFO2
• Page 8: Modulation Matrix [1 to 4]
• Page 9: Arpeggiator"

iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Edisyn 26 Free Open Source Patch Editor Released

You can find it here.

"Edisyn is a free open source patch editor for a number of synthesizers. Version 26 has new editors for the M-Audio Venom, Waldorf Kyra, and Casio CZ-230S. Version 26 also has several new patch exploration tools, including real-time morphing between four patches, and merging of random patch pairs from your synthesizer. Version 26 also has many bug fixes and improvements.

Edisyn runs on the Mac, Windows, and Linux.

At present Edisyn supports: the Alesis D4 and DM5; Casio CZ series; DSI Prophet '08, Mopho series, and Tetra; E-Mu Proteus 1/2/3, Morpheus, and UltraProteus; Kawai K1, K4, and K5; Korg MicroKorg, MicroSampler, SG Rack, and Wavestation SR; M-Audio Venom; Novation Drumstation and D Station; Oberheim Matrix 6, 6R, and 1000; Preen FM2; Red Sound DarkStar; Roland D-110, JV-80, and JV-880; Waldorf Blofeld, Microwave XT and XTk, and Kyra; most Yamaha 4-Operator FM Synths (such as the TX81Z and DX11); Yamaha FB-01; Yamaha DX7, TX7, TX216/816, Dexed, Korg Volca FM, and other DX7 compatible synths; Yamaha FS1R; Yamaha TG33, SY22, and SY35; Tuning standards and MTS; and generic CC, NRPN, and RPN control.

Edisyn has infinite levels of undo, a broad spectrum of patch exploration and creation tools (mutation, merging, nudging, morphing, blending, and evolutionary methods), and a wide array of other useful features. Try it out!"

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Waldorf Largo V1.5.0 Update

This actually came out on Dec 23. I thought I posted it, but I'm not finding it, so here it is. via Waldorf:

"New Sounds

Largo V1.5 comes with almost 500 new sounds. Together with the sounds shipping with earlier versions of Largo, this sums up to a total of more than 700 sounds (we have counted 733 so far). A lot of these new sounds take use of the new features of Largo. So, take a day off and carefully listen to the great library we ship with this update.

The most prominent feature of Largo V1.5 is its powerful Browse page. It is divided in two parts. On the left is a File Browser showing the files and folders of your sound libraries on your hard disk, on the right is a table showing the content of the currently loaded bank.

You can drag and drop sounds between the File Browser and the Program Manager for loading and saving, rearrange sounds on disk or in the current bank, copy and paste, and much more.

You can also drag and drop sounds from the file manager of your operating system (Windows Explorer or Macintosh Finder), or copy and paste selected sounds as a plain text list to a text editor for administrative work.

Search for sounds in the File Browser or Program Manager by typing in part of the name or category and let Largo find the stuff for you. In the File Browser, the search result is presented as a list while in the Program Manager the matching sound are highlighted and the non-matching ones are darkened.

Oscillator Section
By popular demand, we have added three additional parameters per Oscillator to allow finer control over their behaviour:

Startphase controls, as the name suggests, the phase with which the Oscillator starts. Set it to around 90° for a sharp attack, set all Oscillators to the same value to have them start in sync, or let the Oscillators run freely as they do in real analog synthesizers.

Brilliance controls different aspects depending on the Oscillator model used. On the Pulse and the Sawtooth waveform, it controls the mix of the discharge impulse of the capacitor, effectively resulting in a waveform with stronger high harmonics. With Wavetables, it controls their interpolation smoothness from perfect interpolation to steps. Those steps create additional harmonics especially in the lower keyboard ranges as they happened in the good old PPG Wave and the Waldorf Microwave and Wave.

Last but not least, the Limit parameter controls if the "analog" waveforms found at the end of most Wavetables are included into Wave Modulations or if they are left out. This helps creating wavetable scans without always keeping an eye of not hitting those accidentally.

The Arpeggiator now has the same power as the one found in Largos famous ancestors, the Waldorf Q, Micro Q and Blofeld. It offers various step types per step including fancy ones like Chord and Random. This means that you are not limited to either have an arpeggio or a chord repeater, you can have both depending on the step the arpeggiator is currently playing. And it now offers a separate Glide per step for your classic Bassline simulations.

Just look at the picture and you see that this pattern plays eight steps with different accents and lengths, and that in the bottommost row you see different symbols. Filled circles denote normally played steps, downward arrows tell the Arpeggiator to play the first note in its list, and the two-note-symbol results in a chord consisting of all currently held notes.

Largos new Chorus comes in three flavours. The one with two stages you already know from earlier versions, and now also with four and six stages to create lush pads and strings. Spread controls the behaviour of the four additional stages, when set to zero, all six stages run in sync with a fix offset creating the ensemble effect of old string machines. When set higher, the modulation is increasingly decorrelated to make the Chorus thicker and wider. But we didn't stop here. We've also added Feedback to make the Chorus effect even thicker. And together with the quite long delay time, you can now abuse the Chorus as an additional Comb filter (as if the Largo hadn't enough of them already).

What else is new?
Besides fixing a number of bugs we have now tested Largo with the FXpansion VST2RTAS Wrapper in ProTools, added text input for almost all controls by double-clicking them, added scroll-wheel support for almost all controls, implemented system-wide copy and paste (not only between different Largo instances but even to other applications like a text editor) and, last but really not least, provide clock menus for all parameters that can be set to sync to incoming clock information. This menu contains the most often used entries so you can get your 16th Arpeggiator or dotted-8th Delay really quick.
We are not stopping here. Also by popular demand, we added the selection of Delay and Reverb to the first effect slot. So, you can now create sounds with a Delay and Reverb at once. Or use two Reverbs, one set to a small room and the other to a large hall."

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Blofeld free Editor 1.13 (for PC)

"The next version is available:

- sound organizer
- sound randomizer
- sound morpher
- sound family creator (+preset family)
- etc.


Kotro Laszlo Lehel"

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Yamaha EX5/EX7 - "AN1X Mono" Soundset 128 Presets

video upload by LFOstore

"Welcome to the world of Silver Beauty - Yamaha EX Series!


Extended & combined synthesis technology in this baby giving very wide sound pallete & capabilities.

Introducing 'AN1X Mono' Soundset combining AN1X engine + AWM engine in one user bank (128 presets)

Yes, all presets are monophonic - neverthless they are expressive, alive & organic:

Fat Basses
Authentic Leads
Beautiful Arps & Sequences
Modular Style Sounds
Fxs & Drones
Beautiful Complex Pads & Strings
Unusual Sounds

Soundset distributed in 2 formats: for 3,5 Disc & for EX Editor.
Working both with EX-5/7 and EX5 Rack versions.

Instructions are Included.

By Nick Klimenko aka Chronos, a creator of 'Organica' for Waldorf Blofeld & 'WS Universe' for Korg Wavestation."

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Tworist - Little Empty Case

Published on Mar 19, 2017 ba ko

"A little sunday afternoon jam.

Sorry for the noisy quality, I just recorded straight into my camera due to not having a good video editor software and to do it the easy way.
If someone know a better way to record video and audio simultaneously, let me know. :)

Used gear:

Elektron AnalogRytm for beats
Elektron Octatrack for sequencing synths and for some effects
MAM MB33 Retro for bass
Waldorf Blofeld for pads and sound effects
Teenage Engineering OP-1 for key-sounds
Make Noise 0-Coast for the sequence (contains a figure of Boards of Canada's BMX Track)
Doepfer A-124 Wasp Filter for filtering the 0-Coast
Olegtron 4060 to modulate the 0-Coast
Some guitar Pedals for reverb and delay
Boss SE-70 for reverb
Canon Eos 70d for video recording"

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Waldorf Blofeld iPad Editor Template for MIDI Designer Pro

Get MIDI Designer Pro here on iTunes: MIDI Designer Pro - Confusionists LLC - be sure to see the rest of the site for more synth templates.

Get the template here.

via @MIDIDesigner

Sunday, April 10, 2011

iBlofeld v1.2 Wireless iPad Editor Now Available & AHNE Demos

"Apple has released iBlofeld v1.2 for Waldorf Blofeld, a free upgrade for all iBlofeld v1.1 and v1.1.1 users.

iBlofeld v1.2 offers:
- a redesigned look & feel for enhanced readability plus some very tiny UI adjustments to make the workflow even better
- parameter default value buttons. In v1.2, if you touch the parameter value label, it resets the label / slider to a default value (ex: VCO wave = Saw; VCF Freq = wide open, etc...) for each parameter... this is the fastest workflow you'll ever get in sound designing!"

iBlofeld - iControlMIDI
iPads on eBay

BTW, if you are going to AHNE this year, you'll be able to check out the iControlMIDI apps in person.

via iControlMIDI:

"I will be participating to the AHNE event in Lowell, MA on Saturday April 16th 2011 and will be bringing an iPad with the 16 iControlMIDI applications for anybody to try out:

• iMinimoogV
• iCS-80V
• iProphetV

• iMemorymoog (Memorymoog LAMM)

• iXpander

• iChromaCC+

• iMKS-30 (MKS-30 MIDI Upgraded v3.4 or higher)
• iMKS50
• iMKS-70 (MKS-70 v1.08)
• iMKS-80

Sequential Circuits, Inc.
• iProphetVS

• iDX7
• iTX81Z
• iFS1R

• iBlofeld
• iWave1902 (Wave v1.902)

So bring your synth to try iControlMIDI out!


Thursday, May 26, 2022

M-Audio Venom - Demystified & Custom Sounds!

video upload by LFOstore

M-Audio Venom "Best Analog & Ambient Sounds" 128 presets Free Pack!
video upload by LFOstore

"Finally we made a demystification of M-Audio's white devil - Venom Synth!
This complex soundset contains best sounds we found online & we tweak them to our taste.

And this soundset showing analog & ambient side of Venom & its potential for soft & organic sounds.

128 presets splitted on categories:

Pads, Drones, Spheres
Massive Strings
Analog-Like Basses
Cutting-Edge Leads
Arps & Sequences
Plucks & Bells

Vyzex editor & driver are included to this pack.
Re-discover your Venom Synthesizer with our sounds selection!

Made by Nick Klimenko aka Chronos, a creator of 'Organica' for Waldorf Blofeld & 'WS Universe' for Korg Wavestation"

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Introducing Ocean Swift Wavetable Creator - Craft Custom Wavetables for Any Synth!

video upload by Ocean Swift / Faxi Nadu

Follow-up to this post. The editor is now available at

Ocean Swift - Wavetable Creator | Overview and Demonstration

video upload by Ocean Swift / Faxi Nadu

Press Release follows:

Create, Customize, and Export Wavetables Like Never Before!

Save 40% - just €25 (normal €40) , until January 10, 2025

Ocean Swift is excited to announce the launch of the Wavetable Creator, a powerful tool that empowers everyone to create custom wavetables for high-end synthesizers, modular environments, and audio production tools.

The Problem:
Today's wavetable synths, modules, and apps often require wavetables with specific frame sizes and cycle counts, making cross synth compatibility difficult. No existing app or wavetable pack guarantees seamless compatibility across all platforms.

The Solution:
Ocean Swift’s Wavetable Creator – a powerful tool to design morphing wavetables that work anywhere! From Serum to Eurorack, this tool lets you craft wavetables with innovative crossfade, morphing, and blending techniques, and robust compatibility export options. Whether you're producing music, designing game audio, or developing synth plugins, this app is built to unleash your creativity with an easy intuitive interface.

Pricing and Availability
The Ocean Swift Wavetable Creator is available now at a regular price of €40. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase it at €25, a limited-time price valid through the Black Friday, Christmas, and Winter Holiday season until January 10, 2025. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your sound design toolkit at an unbeatable price, with a unique product!

Grab the Wavetable Creator here:

Friday, July 07, 2017

Patch Base Blofeld Synthesizer Editor For iPad - Intro & Review

Published on Jul 7, 2017 SYNTH ANATOMY

iTunes: Patch Base - Coffeeshopped LLC

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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