MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Geert Bevin

Showing posts sorted by date for query Geert Bevin. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Geert Bevin. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Madrona Labs Aalto 1.7 Update Brings Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression Support

via Madrona Labs

"Aalto 1.7 is out now, bringing MPE support.

Good morning again! With version 1.7 of Aalto, our favorite West Coast softsynth now adds MPE support, and other improvements.

MPE stands for Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression. It's a way of using MIDI to transmit the rich, per-note expressive performances that instruments like the Haken Continuum, Seaboard, Linnstrument and of course our own Soundplane are capable of. Geert Bevin, longtime Eigenharp player and currently a software developer at Moog Music, lead the charge on this effort, and I thank him for moving things forward. You can find Geert's post with the MPE specifications here: []

Many smart and experienced people, including all us makers of new and ambitious controllers, looked over a draft of this spec and contributed changes. MPE makes sense, is easy to implement, and should be very useful. With its addition Aalto becomes one of a just a few great sound makers out there for per-note expression. I am hotly anticipating more Linnstrument+Aalto, Seaboard+Aalto sounds.

Soundplane owners have always had a great connection to Aalto over OSC. But the big deal for the Soundplane is that now, while we are still waiting for the OSC-based composition environment of our dreams, we can use ordinary DAWs to record and edit an entire Soundplane performance.

Aalto version 1.7 also brings improved Soundplane compatibility with MIDI patches, optimized animation drawing, and bug fixes. MPE support in Kaivo synthesizer will follow next month with other changes.

1.7 is of course a free update again. The demo is at the usual place, and license holders as usual can click "My downloads" up on the right there to get your update.

Macintosh users, please note:
Aalto 1.7 requires Mac OS X 10.7 or higher."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Published on Jun 23, 2015 Geert Bevin

"A late night venture into electro (or someone other e-genre) using the LinnStrument with U-he Bazille's per-note expression and Logic Pro X's Drummer. Everything played in one take without editing and using a single synth patch.

Also listen to it on SoundCloud"

Linnstruments on eBay

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jordan Rudess' first couple of minutes on the LinnStrument

Published on Jan 27, 2015 Geert Bevin

"Jordan Rudess stopped by the LinnStrument booth at winter NAMM 2015 and I recorded his first few minutes of playing."

Friday, January 16, 2015

"How far can you be?" on LinnStrument

Published on Jan 16, 2015 Geert Bevin

"I was playing around with the LinnStrument and iPad synths to get ready for NAMM, and kept thinking of my dog Droopy who is alone in the hospital right now. Here's a little musical painting of those moments.

Played on the LinnStrument, more information about it here:

Sound is generated by Audiobus on iPad Air, running SampleWiz going through Amazing Noises Reverb and Crystalline, recorded in AudioShare."

iTunes: SampleWiz - Wizdom Music LLC

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

LinnStrument Hardcore Riffing with MPowerSynth

Published on Nov 18, 2014 Geert Bevin

"Was messing around with LinnStrument and the new MeldaProduction MPowerSynth and came up with a few hardcore synth riffs that leverage the unique expressiveness of LinnStrument.

This is the raw, unprocessed sound from MPowerSynth, quite an amazing crunchy beast!"

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

LinnStrument Arpeggiator Jam Excerpt

Published on Oct 28, 2014 Geert Bevin

"A short excerpt of a jam I was doing tonight with the LinnStrument arpeggiator. This is using U-he Bazille with per-note expression."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

LinnStrument ThumbJam demo (bus-powered by iPad Air)

Published on Oct 16, 2014 Geert Bevin

"Last night I made a lot of progress adapting the LinnStrument firmware so that it runs off of bus power from my iPad Air. This is a demo with ThumbJam's Bass Bowed sound, played with note-per-channel MIDI, recorded straight into Auria over Inter-App Audio.

The LinnStrument bus-powered mode is still experimental, but there's a good chance it will end up in the next firmware update. Note that this will only work with iOS devices that have lightning connectors, 30-pin connectors don't provide enough power."

iTunes: ThumbJam - Sonosaurus LLC

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

LinnStrument cover, expression data removed : The Choice

Published on Jul 28, 2014 Geert Bevin

"This is the same performance as in my other video: [posted here], but without the per-note pitch bend and per-note pressure expression. You just hear the notes with velocity as you would from a regular MIDI keyboard. Some parts are of course not entirely correct anymore since the glissandos are gone. I considered editing the MIDI data, but decided to keep it a one-to-one translation instead.

I hope this allows you to evaluate how new expressive controllers are able to breathe life into a performance."

Monday, July 28, 2014

LinnStrument cover : The Choice from The Last Of Us

Published on Jul 28, 2014 Geert Bevin

"This is an instrumental cover of The Choice from The Last Of Us, written by Gustavo Santaolalla. I'm using the row-per-channel configuration so that each row acts as an individual string. The sound is coming from Trilian with an 8-part multitimbral setup (one for each row).

More information about the LinnStrument here:"

Monday, July 07, 2014

LinnStrument Cell Highlighting for Teaching Aid and Eye Candy

Published on Jul 7, 2014 Geert Bevin

"In this video, Beethoven's "Für Elise" is playing in Logic Pro X as a MIDI file.

The LinnStrument is connected over USB and receives the MIDI notes in real-time. MIDI channel 1 is shown in the left split and channel 2 in the right split. Each note highlights all the possible cells that can be played to perform the same piece.

The LinnStrument automatically takes the layout, octave and transposition settings into account.

This feature provides an excellent teaching aid since it works with any existing MIDI file. By varying the speed at which the MIDI notes are sent to the LinnStrument, the piece can start slow at first and be gradually sped up.

Obviously, this can also be used for cool light effects, it's not necessary to make the MIDI notes play sound. A separate method using MIDI CC messages is also available to directly control cell colors by coordinates without them being related to MIDI notes."

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Linn S. Was Here

Published on Jul 3, 2014 Geert Bevin

"I quick recording of a first instrumental sketch on the LinnStrument in its current state of development.

This is using Omnisphere as a sound-source with a tweaked version of the Classic Nylon Strings patch."

Saturday, June 07, 2014

EigenD : Free and Open Music Performance Environment

Published on Jun 7, 2014 Geert Bevin·218 videos

"EigenD is a general purpose music performance environment that is now completely freely available and has been open-source for a few years. It has been created for the Eigenharp instruments, but was from the get-go designed as a common platform for all digital music instruments and controllers.

EigenD can be downloaded from:

EigenD's sources are available on GitHub:"

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

LinnStrument status update 1

Published on May 27, 2014 Geert Bevin·217 videos

"Quick status of what's going on with the LinnStrument, showing the responsiveness of the sensor using Animoog on the iPad."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Roger Linn on LinnStrument and new Expressive Controllers (Moogfest 2014)

Published on Apr 29, 2014 Geert Bevin·214 videos

"This is the complete lecture that Roger Linn gave at Moogfest 2014 about his upcoming LinnStrument and other new Expressive Controllers"

Be sure to see the Moogfest Channel for more.

Mobile Synthesis & Future Forward Controllers (Moogfest 2014) [Eigenharp]

Published on Apr 29, 2014 Geert Bevin·213 videos

"This is the complete lecture I gave at Moogfest 2014 about Mobile Synthesis & Future Forward Controllers"

You might remember Gert's setup video for Moogfest here.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Hands-on introduction to iConnectMIDI4+

Published on Apr 28, 2014 Geert Bevin·212 videos

"While being in Asheville for Moogfest, I showed the powerful iConnectMIDI4+ to Sally Sparks in her studio. We went through every step of setting it up to integrate two iPads into her existing workflow. In the end, Sally tries out iMini with a regular MIDI keyboard and takes a trip down memory lane."

iConnectMIDI4+ on eBay

Monday, April 21, 2014

Moogfest Eigenharp Gear

Published on Apr 21, 2014 Geert Bevin·210 videos

"Traveling from Europe to the US with self-sufficient electronic music gear is always tedious, here's an overview of my latest collection that I combined for Moogfest. It's very portable, polyvalent and super quick to set up. Everything fragile comes with me as carry-on in the plane, and all the rest fits easily into my checked luggage without making it too heavy.

This is the list for those that are interested:

* Eigenharp Tau + breath pipe & cello spike
* Eigenharp standard base station + power adapter & USB cable
* Eigenharp instrument cable
* Eigenharp leather shoulder strap
* iConnectMIDI4+ + power adapter & USB cable
* MacBook Pro + power adapter
* iPad 3 + iConnectivity USB cable
* iPad Retina + iConnectivity USB cable & 30-pin to lightning adapter
* Belkin 4-port USB hub P-F5U234 + USB cable
* Apogee ONE for iPad + USB cable & breakout cable
* Feisol Traveler Tripod CT-3441SB + Triad-Orbit IO-R coupler
* K&M 19724 iPad Air Holder
* K&M 19722 iPad 2/3/4 Holder
* Triad-Orbit Orbit 1 boom with counter-weight removed
* Triad-Orbit Micro 1 + camera adapter
* Heil PR 35 microphone + Triad-Orbit IO-H head
* Microphone XLR cable
* Power strip"

Update: Gert's talk at Moogfest:

Mobile Synthesis & Future Forward Controllers (Moogfest 2014)

Published on Apr 29, 2014

"This is the complete lecture I gave at Moogfest 2014 about Mobile Synthesis & Future Forward Controllers"

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

MyoMIDI demo (very early work in progress)

Published on Apr 9, 2014 Geert Bevin·209 videos

"This is a quick and very rough demo of the experiments that I've been doing with making music through the Myo device, made by Thalmic Labs. This is very much work in progress and the final functionalities and features of the application will most probably not correspond to what is seen in this demo.

Note that this is using an alpha pre-release version of the Myo device and that the publicly released version is going to be different."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

GECO : musical expression from thin air!

Published on Jan 22, 2014 Geert Bevin·203 videos

Product website :

The artists in this video are, in order:

Hagai Davidoff :
Humanelectro :
Dan Graham :
Uriel Yehezkel :
Anton Maskeliade :

Saturday, January 18, 2014

GECO Tutorial 10 : Analog synths with CopperLan and Alyseum MS-812

Published on Jan 18, 2014 Geert Bevin·202 videos

" : Tenth tutorial that shows how to leverage the CopperLan integration of GECO to control analog synths with the Alyseum MS-812 over CV"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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