Thursday, September 08, 2005

Forat Custimizations

Hit the goldmine of custom work. Click through title link for more. Mostly Akai MPCs, but a few others including this green beauty. Wow. I always wanted a green synth. This Yamaha Motif is absolutely stunning. Via reptar on Vintage Synth Explorer.

Forat Green Motif

click here for more, larger shots and matching MPC.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Korg Mono/Poly Art

This just came up for sale on AH. I grabbed the pictures for posterity. : ) Title link takes you to more shots of this custom painted Korg Mono/Poly

Korg MonoPoly  Art

Wall of Korg

Via Music Thing. MS20, MS50, SQ10 in a rack. Purty. Title link takes you to three bigger shots. What's with the LED in place of the meter on the MS50?

Wall o Korg

Akai AX-60 Heavy Metal

Ever hear about how raunchy an Akai AX-60 can sound? Well here you go. Title link will take you to The Beat Junkey. The first track titled Squarewave Manifesto is all Akai AX-60 in it's abrasive splendor. Be careful and start with the volume low. Via Vintage Synth Explorer. Enjoy. : )

Akai AX60

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

More from Dave Wright via Carrionsound

More DIY synths from Dave Wright including some samples. I love his design. Click through title for a whole lot more including modular synths. Really, really amazing stuff. Really... Click through already. : )

Dave Wright Bohemian

Sedona Custom Synth

Sent to me from Eric of Metasonix. This is a DIY synth from Dave Wright. Title link takes you to more info and pictures. Love the cats. : )


"Dave Wright of Not Breathing took a dead Crumar Stratus and did this to
it, using various modules, mostly devised by Synth-DIY list regulars.

In fact, Dave is one of the most prolific DIYers I've ever seen. Look at
the galleries at for more."

Eric Barbour
senior editor, VACUUM TUBE VALLEY

the guts:

ray wilson 1v/oct single bus keyboard pitch/gate extractor - gate/trig/pitch output on back - cv/gate inputs bypass - portamemto2 - on breadboard

2 ray wilson VCOs - four layer slider mixer controls vco1/2's saw and pulse outputs - knobs control sine outputs of both

to mixer - knob controls amount of cross modulation from vco2's tri to vco1's cv in - 1v/oct in on/off both, pulse width

modulate VCO1 from VCO2 tri switch

1 noise source using old crow's PIC code for digital noise - to mixer

1 CGS DC Mixer (slider bank/varios pots)

1 PAIA Dual VCF w/ ASR - bandpass/highpass/lowpass for both stages via two rotary switches, cut off and Q knobs for

both, ASR w/ led - attack/decay and depth knobs, LFO/ADSR cycle, Gate IN On/OFF switch

asr is dedicated to both filters cutoff

JOYSTICK controller controlls X= VCF1 Cutoff Y = VCF2 Cutoff - knobs for depth

1 4011 Cmos based RING MODULATOR on breadboard - grabs vco 1 + 2's pulses - to dc mixer

1 CGS Psycho LFO - rate, glide, depth knobs, LED, VCO1 or VCO2 on/off routing switch

1 Rene Schmitz ADSR on breadboard - attack/decay/sustain/release knobs, wired straight to VCA on breadboard

1 Rene Schmitz VCA using 1583 transistor - manual volume pot on breadboard

2 Cats

Exclusively Analogue Sequencer on the 'bay

Never seen or heard of this one before. Title link takes you more shots, saved for posterity. : ) Link to auction.

Exclusively Analogue Sequencer

"Here's something you don't see every day. If you're a fan of Vince Clarke, Octopus-era Human League, love analog(ue) sequencers, or if you're one of the lucky few in the world that owns an Exclusively Analogue Aviator synth, this auction is for you.

Here is a pair of 16 step Exclusively Analogue sequencers. According to the designer/builder (Tony Wride) there were between 11 and 13 of these made. See the accompanying letter for the breakdown of who had them.

I don't ever recall seeing one up for sale/auction before, so this may be your only opportunity to own one (actually a pair of them).

The EA sequencer takes the familiar analogue step sequencer popularized by Moog, ARP, and Roland and adds some unique twists.

The quantizer section gives you a full 5 octave range (0 to 5 volts) and in addition provides 7 other preset quantization schemes such as a pentatonic and C minor quantizations. A further refinement is the two position switch below the scale knob - you can have the new scale switch in immediately, or only when you push the small reset button! Neat for controlling when the change takes place. Best of all - they are stored on an EPROM and you can burn your own unique quantizations.

In addition, there is a clock input divide control. You can set each sequencer to run on it's internal clock, slaved exactly to an external clock, or run at some division of the incoming clock like 1/2 time or 1/4 time.

Other features include 16 steps, each with an on/off/reset switch and LED, gate pulse width knob, manual start/stop, step, and reset buttons, a cv input for transposing the sequence and various clock, cv, and reset jacks.

There are two 16 step sequencers built into one panel. They can run independently or can be tied together via cabling or by adding a jumper wire internally. The power supply can be set for 120 or 240 volts (currently running at 120). The sequencer panel will fit in a standard rack case."


Interesting bit from Mark Glinsky via AH:
"Tony Wride made these, along with the Exclusively Analog Aviator Synths,
described in Peter Forrest's books.
Good stuff, very few made.

Tony flew for British Airways (I believe) in the late 80's / early 90's.

Scored a lot of analog stuff, took it over to the UK as baggage, kept
some and sold some at very profitable prices.

After the Exclusively Analog pieces were designed and made,
his wife got tired of all the modular and analog synths littering
the kitchen, dining room, etc., and cut him loose.

Hasn't been heard from since...."

Moving Modules

I forget where I found this one, but I love it. It's a take on Rush's Moving Pictures. Full size image, so no title link.

Moving Modules


Yeah baby... Click through for more and more importantly, to listen. Trust me, it's worth it. : )


Encore Electronics Frequency Shifter

Frequency Shifters came up on AH. A link was posted to the Encore Electronics Frequency Shifter. Interesting module. Title link will take you to more on the Encore site including some sound samples.

Encore Frequency Shifter

"The frequency shifter operates by altering the frequencies of an input signal. The device shifts all frequency components of the input signal by an equal number of Hz. With this kind of shifting the harmonic relationships in the signal are not preserved. This is unlike a standard pitch shifter, which shifts all frequency components of an input signal by the same ratio, thus preserving the signal's harmonic intervals."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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