Sunday, October 05, 2008

Drumfire DF2000 Track

via manmens

Sunday in E Minor - Waldorf Blofeld Track

via SCD

waldorf blofeld teil sechs

YouTube via thegoacyst

Lopass Gate Buchla 292c Clone PCB

YouTube via djthomaswhite

"Here is the first of 2 new videos of my Buchla 292c Lopass Gate clone project. These PCB's will be available on a limited run through the forum. Check it out if you are interested or catch my at my Youtube mail here for more details. Thanks for stopping by!"

Lopass Gate Buchla 292c Clone PCB Pt. 2

"Here is the second of 2 new videos of my Buchla 292c Lopass Gate clone project. These PCB's will be available on a limited run through the forum. Check it out if you are interested or catch my at my Youtube mail here for more details. Thanks for stopping by!"

Liveset Filter Scratching

Liveset Filter Scratching from trash80 on Vimeo.
"Liveset test with a unknown song by trash80.
Using Monome, midiNES, Vestax VCI-100, Ableton live, and at the end the Korg KP3 as a motivational speaker.

Ableton's mix, filters and beat repeat cued by the vci. Monome controlling the midi sequences.

Sorry for the double posting. Tring out Vimeo :)"

Arduinoboy mGB

Arduinoboy mGB from trash80 on Vimeo. "Arduino inside a Gameboy DMG for MIDI communication. Shows off example of custom midi -> gameboy cart. More info at: The pictures of my DMG arduino are available at:"

Happy Colors

YouTube via zoomboongwoom
"I should be doing more serious things, but when I received an update (Artmatic 4.6) that renders so much faster I was playing around... When I put together a system with nested loops that usually takes almost a week to render I could get it in about a day. - And as "happy colors" require a light sound that goes with it I made the dance like sound track that you hear.
Animation with Artmatic 4.6. Sound Absynth plus my old Waldorf Q for the "dance" sequence. And Ultrabeat for the rhythm."

Sexy Synthesizer

YouTube via Royce2Kool. "From The Movie: De De Mouse" Anyone know more about this one?

Update via the world of next tuesday in the comments:
"Maybe "movie" just means music video. Anyway De De Mouse and Sexy Synthesizer are two different recent chiptunes acts from Japan. I've not figured out the connection other than both acts being part of the same scene.

they both have their own myspace pages, though they only have Japanese text. De De Mouse tends to have a much more pro level of engineering, promotion and art direction.

The "it" style in Japan right now is Akiba-kei, which has vintage game sounds, disco-ish programmed beats, vocoded vocals and cute girls in costumes."

hammond synthesizer - 102200

via this auction

Note the best shot, but you don't see these often.

"Hammond Synthesizer - model id 102200. From the production we know that there was made around 200 units back in the 70s"

You can find prior posts on this synth by searching for 102200 (on the top left of the site).

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Casio DH-280 Digital Horn Customized White

flickr set by kb_cheapmods

"These are pics of my modified Casio DH-280 digital horn. The DH-280 is rare enough in the US, but even the white ones are rare in Japan (which is where I ordered mine from). The stock DH-280 has the basic DH sound generation circuitry for it's horn voice, plus the circuitry from what's essentially a Casio MT-18, which is driven by Casio's proprietary ROM packs. Unlike all the other DH series horns, the DH-280 does NOT have a MIDI out.

Well, I never did like the MT-18 blip sound technology and I think the DH controllers are the 2nd simplest way to get breath-controlled MIDI, so the DH-280 was lacking. The final "issue" with this horn was that it had teal colored keys/buttons, which made it look a little ugly, dated, and cheesy, in my opinion.

So I modified it:
1. I recast new keys out of white resin by making silicone molds from the old keys
2. I removed the sound boards and ROM connections from this DH-280 and replaced it with the sound circuitry from another DH-100 I got cheap, which DOES have MIDI.
3. In an effort not to molest the space age design of this horn, I installed an M-audio MidAir wireless MIDI board so I wouldn't have to graft on an ungainly MIDI jack.

In my opinion, this is the coolest design of all the DH-horn series, because it doesn't really try to look like a toy sax. It's inspired by a soprano sax, but is clearly an electronic instrument in it's own right. And with the almost-all-white look, it now reminds me of the early 70's plastic designs from Panasonic."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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