Showing posts with label Thomas White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas White. Show all posts

Thursday, August 05, 2021

MFOS Sequencer with Custom dual gate sequencer

video upload by O.Z. Hall

"Music from Outer Space Sequencer with MOTM panel designed by DJ Thomas White. I've created a custom module for adding two additional GATE sequencers for extra percussion. I also have a separate CV output for the inner row of knobs. Together with one of the GATE sequencers, it is possible to have two sequences at the same time (same tempo, same end step, same direction).

One other customization is a module (to the left) which will shift the level of a gate to allow a +5V gate to drive the internal clock of the MFOS sequencer. This module also contains two LFOs and two 4:1 multiples.

Finally, the voice you hear is made up of the first 5 modules on the lower row of this rack case. There is a dual oscillator, a Prophet 5 Rev 2 filter (with NOS SSM2040 chip), a programmable ADSR/LFO/Mixer with 3 extra programmable CV outputs to control Resonance and two other parameters. There is also a dual VCA.

The two percussion modules are an MFOS 8 stage phase shifter and a state variable filter modelled after the eMu Universal Active Filter. The phase shifter makes a percussive sound when the audio input is "pinged" by the gate output. It responds to both the GATE on and the GATE off. Thus, the "double time" rhythm. The second eMu filter is the first percussive sound you hear added to the sequence."

Thursday, June 22, 2017

State Variable Spring Reverb Demo

Published on Jun 22, 2017 djthomaswhite

"This is a demo of my SVR-101 State Variable Spring Reverb. It is a combination of the Paia Hot Springs Reverb, Crag Anderton (EPFM) Super Tone Control analog filter and a simple DC Mixer from Catgirl Synth (CGS). It is a mono effects device that can be used as:

- Spring Reverb alone
- State Variable Filter alone
- Or combinations of both with the filter being switchable to the main output or the reverb output only, allowing you to EQ and shape the tone of the reverb that is mixed with the dry signal at the output.

I've had these projects since the late 90's but never really used them. I decided to take my knowledge of building DIY projects from the last 20 years to remix the boards into something I would use today. I hope you enjoy the concept and maybe some of the sounds. I am really pleased with the outcome of this enDIYvor."

Monday, January 16, 2017

Not NAMM 2017: DJTW Pocket Mixer Project Update

Published on Jan 16, 2017 djthomaswhite

"This is a video of my updated DJTW Pocket Mixer. It has 1 audio/sync combo input (Teenage Engineering format), 5 more audio inputs, 5 sync outputs and 1 main (mono) mixed audio output. You can chain 6 Teenage Engineering devices together at once with no need for the internal mixing of the Pocket Operator series. This is totally DIY still but now with powder coated case, water slide decal labeling, new style Alpha pots and a more polished look overall. They really add a lot to the Teenage Engineering line of devices but can also work for Volca's. Using them like this would mean 5 shared sync jacks (like a multiple) and 6 mono audio inputs mixed to one main mono output.

The concept is now proven, and I'm looking for someone to partner with to build these. I am working on an "active" powered version but have yet to complete the mixer circuit thus far. I have many ideas about how to do a version of what you see here in this video but with some small and vital improvements. I simply don't have the time between family, work, school and my music business to properly focus on making these. If you are interested in talking about making these happen for real lets chat. It could easily be a Eurorack interface module too."

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Buchla style DIY Quad resonant LPG

Published on May 19, 2016 sergioavia

"Buchla style DIY Quad resonant low pass gate, model 292c with resonance mode."

I believe the 292c was original by Thomas White. If anyone knows otherwise, please leave a comment.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Lizard Chronicles PT1

"An improvised modular performance featuring the VBrazil Lizard2 and Multi LFO, the MFOS ADSR, Dual VC Delay and Wave Freaker, the Hex Inverter/Ryk Miller Jupiter Storm, The Thomas White LPG, and the Yusynth VCO and EMS Filter."

Quincas X aka Quincas Moreira is the man behind VBrazil Systems.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Don BUCHLA/Thomas WHITE LO PASS GATE // just mounted

Published on Apr 16, 2015 LESINDES

"Stunning piece of gear: Screaming, growling, yelling, bumping... and this is only the first few turns of the knobs. Fortunatley this is a dual LPG so the signal can be fed into the 2nd gate if needed. And as you see: after the first there is the urge for more!!!!"

Monday, December 08, 2014

Resonant Lowpass Gate Demo w/ slow Vactrol (MOTM)

Published on Dec 8, 2014 alternatingbitmusic

"After drooling over the sound of djthomaswhite's Buchla Lowpass Gate 292 Clone (link below) I had this LPG modified with a slow vactrol as well and thought I'd demonstrate how cool it sounds.
Inspired by:" [previously posted here]

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Triple Lowpas Gate Test, Module 1

Published on Dec 7, 2014 Jeffrey Cecil

"Testing Thomas Whites triple lopass gate, first lpg module. Still two modules and summing wiring to go. Seems to be doin it's thang."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

thomas white triple lpg meets synthrotek voice of saturn

Published on Jun 17, 2014 caleb condit·67 videos

"this is a row of modules I just finished up soldering together and decided it was time to jam.
it's modular+akai ax-60+volca beats
also the akai at the end got run through a megaohm audio ma20 korg style filter with modulation as I was getting a bit of a feedback/ground hum and it took out the high frequency noise quite nicely and added in it's own little bit of white noise from the gain stage."

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Caleb Condit Thomas White synthCube Buchla Triple Low Pass Gates Module Coming to MU Format

via Caleb Condit on Facebook

Update: it will be for sale exclusively at

Also, this is a Caleb Condit panel. You can find more of his panels on ModularGrid. I created a new Caleb Condit channel label for new posts here on MATRIXSYNTH as well. A search on Caleb Condit will bring up previous posts include videos and audio.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Modular rhythmic test

Published on Jul 14, 2013 MrLouk4·10 videos

"Simple rhythmic patch, everything from my modular system.No external devices or adds.
Modules used:
Intellijel Rubicon
Makenoise MMG
White Thomas LPG (DIY)
Makenoise Renè
Makenoise Pressure Points"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Reflection thru the Origin

Published on Mar 11, 2013

"monday night modular meditation... :zen:"

Custom white Sequential Circuits Pro-One. Thomas White MFOS circular sequencer, SSL Ian Fritz Double Deka VCO & more.

via Dick Fineman on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

DDVCO as 5/4 Pattern Generator
Published on Jan 17, 2013

"Messing around with the SSL Ian Fritz Double Deka VCO's lower-octaves/sub-audio cycles through some Steiner filter resonance with a dash of 'verb. The 10 adjustable nodes of the waveshape can be used to tease out some pretty cool rhythms, but thus restricted to 5/4. Lucky it's one of my fav time-sigs. The further 2 successive nodes are displaced from the center detent in opposite directions (+ and -) the more pronounced the percussive effect/staggering of the waveform/rhythm. Pardon my crappy camera quality."

Sunday, February 10, 2013

MOTM Format Modular Synthesizer System

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Top row

1.Music from Outer Space 16 Step Rotary Analog Sequencer (6u) These are only available as a kit from The Bridechamber (this is the main supplier for Motm)

As you can see it costs $440 (plus freight) just for the kit ! Its an extremely difficult build some 20 hours of labour there.

2.Cat Girl Synth Super Psycho LFO (3 u)
Basically 6 lfos which go from sub audio to audio rates. LFO 1 and 2 are sine and square switchable. 3,4,5,6, are square wave. Think drone machine or crazy lfo madness. Built by Analog Craftsman

Middle Row...

3.Motm 300 Ultra VCO (2 u) This is virtually state of the art in oscillators !  These sell for $450 assembled.. (there are 2)

4.Cat Girl Synth VCO (1 u)
Great VCO which has been modified by Pugix to make it even better. Saw and Pulse only..I team it with the next module (Cynthia) for sequencing.

5.Cynthia Sawtooth Animator (1 u)
Ok..this is the FAT one ! Sounds the same as 7 osc. Voltage controlled too !  These sell for $495 !

6.Motm 440 Discrete OTA LowPass Filter (2 u)
The overdrives too !  This sells for $470.

7.Thomas White Buchla 292c Clone LoPass Gate (2 u)
Built by Analog Craftsman Its a filter..its a vca or both. this is the cool Vactrol thing that gives the Buchla its sound !

8.Dual Oakley ADSR /VCA (2 u)
Couldnt do without this..and VCA s built in ! Can be super snappy or extended) (Built and modified by Pugix)

Bottom Row
9.Motm 300 Ultra VCo (2 u) As above

10.Encore Electronics Universal Event Generator (2 u)
Its an 8 stage EG, a 8 stage sequencer..very versatile.
This sells for $299.

11.Motm 110 Ring Mod/ VCA (2 u)
Everyone needs Ring Mod and you cant have too many VCA's !

12.Oakley Overdrive / Distortion (1 u)
Really adds grit and grunge to a sound.

13.Oakley Equinoxe Voltage Controlled Phaser (1 U)
The sound of Jarre !
Selling for $240

14.Motm 830 Dual Mode Mixer (2 u )
Can do audio and Cv..a must have.
This sells for $329..."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Heavy Horses and the Vactrol Monsters

Published on Oct 29, 2012 by matt davis

"Recently I finished two builds: an LFO designed by me, and the amazing Buchla 292c "Low-Pass Gate" with PCB by Thomas White (panel by Clarke). Both devices feature vactrol inputs for CV control, which makes for some truly magical sounds; I definitely feel like I'm controlling unknown forces of nature when playing on these things."

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Thomas White Resonant Lopass Gate 292c

via Natural Rhythm Music

"Here's a little project that I am offering the PCB for, inspired by and approved for (but not officially endorsed) this small run by legendary synthesizer designer Don Buchla himself. To buy a PCB, simply hit the PayPal button to the left. PCB's are only $15 each, with shipping included to anywhere on the globe. Boards are ROHS approved "lead free" materials and have a silver finish to them instead of lead. The board size is 3.8 x 2.5 inches and they should fit most cabinets. RLPG's are compatible with nearly all modular formats, but work particularly well with all the popular 3U and 5U high modules like those from Synthtech, Blacet, Doepfer, and all of the modern Euro format makers out there..."

Orders are being taken until Jan 15th. Boards are expected to go out 15 days after that. Click through above for more info.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Appliancide's DIY Modular

Tons of pics and details at Appliancide.

"Clockwise starting from the upper left:

Doepfer a-111 VCO, Dual CGS/Serge DUSG, Doepfer a-188-1 256 stage BBD, Doepfer a-188-1 4096 stage BBD, DIY manual gate/lag generator, Doepfer a-135 mixer, Doepfer a-101-2 LPG, DIY version of Fonitronik Attenuverting Mixer and Buchla 292C LPG clone using boards from Thomas White."

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thomas White Moog/ Format Buchla Dual Lopass Gate

Model 292

This one in via Roman who shared his Verbos Buchla 258 with us (video here and here).

Panel by Roman, PCB by Thomas White.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Dual Cyndustries Zeroscillator

YouTube Uploaded by dwenius on Mar 27, 2011

"WATCH YOUR EARS AND SPEAKERS. There are big volume jumps and some sounds clip the poor little FlipHD microphone. Please be careful, I'm not sure the YT encoding is going to limit that stuff and clean it up. This is my first patch with this setup, just screwing around. Through zero FM and Wave Folding from a Metalbox-built CGS Wave Multiplier, through a Thomas White LPG clone and with help from a Topp 281 Function Generator and Fonik Attenuverter. 2nd ZO is in LFO mode and sending CV to every interesting input on the other modules. Noisy! Spooky! Fun!"

Dual Zeroscillator, take 2

Uploaded by dwenius on Mar 27, 2011

"WATCH YOUR EARS AND SPEAKERS. Unpredictable volume fluctuations and very low frequencies. YouTube's compression algorithm has NO IDEA what to do with this. I mean, it's supposed to be noisy and weird but...not that much. Similar patch as take 1, except with a faster envelope for the typical pinging FM sounds. No "Buchla bongos", though. Still the first bit of noodli9ng with this little lunchbox of doom. Careful viewers will spot the point where I turn a knob with nothing connected to it. Oops. Helps to use your eyes. Thanks to Cynthia, Mike at Metalbox, Thomas White, Toppobrillo, Fonik, Ken Stone, and Todd Fletcher for helping make these modules possible."

via Muff's:
"First patch with the ZOWI and associated new DIY and custom Wiard format modules. Completely random noisy noodling; watch for the spot in the 2nd video where I turn a knob with nothing attached to it d'oh! I had an hour with nobody in the house and figured I'd provide the promised videos; more to come for sure. CAUTION: particularly in the first video, there are some big volume jumps and a resonant screech or two. Watch your ears and speakers! The resonance on the Thomas White RLPG is no joke!

Basic patch is: ZO sin output -> CGS Wave Multiplier "Folds" section -> RLPG. 2nd ZO is in LFO mode, one pair of quadrature outs goes to folds CV and Offset CV, the Folds CV is also multed to control the LPG freq. 2nd pair of quadrature outs go to the Attack and Decay CV of a cycling 281 envelope. One Attenuverting output is used as an offset to the v/Oct in of the LFO speed ZO, providing crude manual control of event timing smile Slight delay and too much nasty reverb from a Boss RE-20 in the FX loop of the MFOS stereo mixer that's just offscreen in the Euro rig."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Modular Merry Christmas via John L Rice

Great pic sent my way via johnlrice.

Click the image for the full size shot.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Voice of Saturn Custom Modular

via the Voice of Saturn blog.

"It will consist of a Voice of Saturn Filter, as well as the panel below which has a Music From Outer Space OSC, Thomas White Buchlas LoPass Gate clone + 2 x Voice of Saturn Modulator (LFO, and AR section only). It'll be all banana jack..."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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