Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yamaha RX21 & RX21L Drum and Latin Percussion Machines

YouTube via zibbybone

"Quick demonstration of a pair of mid 80's drum machines. Demo starts out with dry, direct signals from the machines and then I add a little reverb from Alesis MultiMix 8 at the very end. These machines are popular with circuit benders."

Maggotron: "Computer Funk"

YouTube via VoiceEncoder. Roland Vocoder Plus.
"Maggotron: "Computer Funk"
Copyright Maggotron. All Rights Reserved.
For listening pleasure only."

Analog Synth DIY Sample and Hold (S&H) The Maschine!

YouTube via Redled72
"Wieder ein nützliches Modul Marke Eigenbau: Das "Sample & Hold". Es handelt sich um eine Eigenentwicklung mit folgenden Funktionen:

-Noise (white)
-CV controlled VCO (RATE) + Steuersummierer für 3 CV's
-Triggergenerator (Impulsgenerator ca. 10µs)
-Audio intern/extern
-Trigger intern/extern
-Trigger OUT, Gate OUT, Noise OUT, S&H OUT

Als S&H-Baustein kommt der LF198 (TO99) zum Einsatz."

Analog Synth DIY Sample and Hold (S&H) long Demo!

"-Noise (white)
-CV controlled VCO (RATE) + Steuersummierer für 3 CV's
-Triggergenerator (Impulsgenerator ca. 10µs)
-Audio intern/extern
-Trigger intern/extern
-Trigger OUT, Gate OUT, Noise OUT, S&H OUT

Als S&H-Baustein kommt der LF198 (TO99) zum Einsatz."

Analog Synth DIY Sample and Hold (S&H) Noise!

"-Noise (white)
-CV controlled VCO (RATE) + Steuersummierer für 3 CV's
-Triggergenerator (Impulsgenerator ca. 10µs)
-Audio intern/extern
-Trigger intern/extern
-Trigger OUT, Gate OUT, Noise OUT, S&H OUT

Als S&H-Baustein kommt der LF198 (TO99) zum Einsatz."

DS-10 音色集:ファズ・ギター

YouTube via yoyodynex
"Photo by DavidMenting
(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)"

DS-10 音色集:ニューウェーブ・ベース

BREAK FILTER VST - preset demonstration

YouTube via NoiseSoftware
"Showing a few demonstration sounds and settings of the presets included with the new BREAK FILTER vst.
We are still giving away over 400 free loops with each purchase for a limited time!
More information at"

Transvolta: "Disco Computer" - BODE Vocoder

YouTube via VoiceEncoder
"Transvolta: "Disco Computer".
Copyright 1978, Transvolta. All Rights Reserved.
For listening pleasure only."

circuit bent alesis hr-16 dave smith evolver and akai ewi4000s

YouTube via punkytoofers
"circuit bent alesis hr-16 by spunkytoofers has a circuit bending switch array, a triggering interface along with overall pitch control by a getlofi ltc1799 precision oscillator. the bent alesis hr-16 synchs with the evolver on tap tempo. breath control lfos based on breath and pitch which ping pong modulates other lfos along with the foot controllers."

graphic LCD test, DX160

YouTube via muki123. click on the AVR label below for more posts on the AVR synth.
"Playing around with the DX160 and a "manual" LFO wave drawer on AVR."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oberheim OB-X vs. SonicProjects OP-X PRO and V-Machine

YouTube via virtualoberheim. via UniQueWerkx.

"Do not miss the individual voice filter tuning at 1:33 on.

I wish they'd come out with a Creamware ASB type box for this. I think I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
click on this search for OP-X for more posts including video. Don't miss the V-Machine videos below."


SonicProjects OP-X PRO software synth featuring the Separate Voice Design (SVD) modeling technology compared to an Oberheim OB-X

To verify the showed comparison demos you can download the used patches in fxb bank format here:

Bank for the demo version:

Bank for the full version:

Demo version of OP-X PRO:

You will notice that the sound of course is much better without the youtube compression. If you want to exactly recreate the examples you also need to play the same voices, which can be recognized by their panorama setting

To keep everything uncolored and clean for a real 1:1 comparison the stereo outputs of OB-X were recorded directly to daw using an apogee converter. OP-X PRO was rendered directly to harddisk as well.

Furthermore all voices of OP-X PRO before were calibrated to the exact same settings (pan, filter cutoff) as the corresponding voices (6 as well) in the hardware device. With a few exeptions always the same voices were compared by always starting at the same voice position in the circular allocation, which might sometimes give the impression that the same audio file was used. But if you listen very carefully there still can be noticed tiny differences. OB-X generally is a tad bit slimmer and brighter sounding with more weight in the heights and less in the mids while OP-X PRO is a bit darker and has more weight in the mids.

Separate Voice Design (SVD):

This modeling technology used by OP-X PRO is based on completely independent voices with separate signal path and slightly differend sound, as it is the case too in voltage controlled polyphonic analog synths which in fact are based on separate monosynths that are globally controlled. Other than real synths OP-X PRO allows to globally activate and deactivate the detunings of individual parameter groups on demand as well as fine tuning them for each voice separatly with virtual trimpots. This allows for a wide palette of colors between completely "pissed off" and tight and precise. This allows to recreate the character of different synths or to copy the voice settings and character of one specific device in its current state, as it has been done in this video.

The detunings of the following parameter groups can be independently activated and deactivated as well as tuned in detail per voice:

- oscillator pitch
- filter cutoffs
- filter envelope times
- portamento times

All settings of course can be saved with the preset. Have a look at the video to learn what impact those fine tunings can have on the general character of the sound."

Oberheim OB-X vs. V-Machine (OP-X)

Oberheim Digital: OP-X and V-Machine

"SonicProjects VM Bundle hosted by the SM Pro Audio V-Machine. Playing some presets of OP-X while tweaking parameters with an external controller device.

The masterkeyboard is an EMU X-Board 61 and the controller device a Behringer BCR2000. Both are connected by USB cable to the V-Machine.

Combined with the pre-mapped banks and the custom sysex preset of the included BCR2000 toolkit BCR2000 allows to remotely control every single parameter of OP-X (83 in total).

With MIDI feedback activated in the V-Machine the controls on the BCR automatically update to the settings of the new preset on preset change which allows for value jump free parameter control.

This setup can serve as a complete replacement of a real analog hardware synth offering digital reliability and great transportability without missing the beloved fat and organic sound.

The used presets are:
01 - Jump!
02 - OB-Xa SyncSolo
03 - Shine On Solo
59 - SEM Upsweep
55 - OB Sustained Strings

To know which parameter is mapped to which control the included BCR2000 Toolkit contains handy printable mapping templates."

V-Machine: SonicProjects VM Bundle

"The VM Bundle was exclusively made for the SM Pro Audio V-Machine, the V-Rack and VFX Mac and PC, with a lot of adaptations and optimizations... The Korg DW-8000 is only used as a midi master keyboard. All sounds you can hear is what comes out of the stereo line outputs of the V-Machine, with no further processing. Presets are either switched manually directly on the V-Machine or by midi remote program change from the master keyboard's preset changer."

"Conflict" - Epic original synth prog solo!

YouTube via hamsterdunce

"More music on

Here's a tremendously epic speed solo & prog rock synth nightmare for you to feast your brainholes on, kiddies! The entire song employs a supersaw zaptron patch of my own creation on the amazing white Roland JD-800, with squelchy vintage '90s backing track crapola on the Korg 01W. No, no direct line input. First of all, I wanted you to hear the slamming finger slams. And secondly, SLAMMY SLAM SLAM"

The custom white Roland JD-800 is from CustomSynth.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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