Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jomox M resonator stereo filter processor

via this auction
Also see the seller's other items.

"This little and inexpensive filter box is just incredible, although you won't see what's inside at first.

The envelope follower is level independent and has 2 actual envelopes internally - one fixed and one changeable referential envelope. They both are divided analog which produces a level independent envelope within far ranges.

The filters are made from discreet parts and form a 24 pole lowpass filter transistor cascade.

They can - in any thinkable way - be self feedbacked and be coupled or feedbacked with each other, so that extreme sounds and chaotic states create - all what you need today for creative analog sound design.

Unbelievable bass gains or screaming scratch sounds are no problem.

The mix pots are zeroed in center position; any other angle will couple or feedback negatively or positively. FM in both directions is also available.

Connections: Power 9V~ AC, Stereo In 2x 1/4 inch, Stereo Out 2x 1/4 inch

Check it out!

-Stereo In
-Stereo Out
-Differential envelope follower
-2 Filters
-Positive feedback loops
-Cross feedback
-FM feedback
-Power 9V~ AC" Review: Grayscale Monome64 Review Review: Grayscale Monome64 Review from Michael Chenetz on Vimeo.

" Here is a review of the latest Monome to hit the streets. It's the first Monome to use Gray, High Contrast LEDs."

A Dream of Iceland

A Dream of Iceland from bar|none on Vimeo.

"First play on the Eigenharp Alpha + SevenUpLive 2.0 on the bleepnome and monome 128 controlling the Live set. It's only been a little while with the Alpha so still learning to play it. It is amazing though, brimming with potential.

Icestorm outside today. So perfect time to get this done."

hartmann neuron

YouTube via Moogulator
"not such a great demo but shot at the musikmesse when it was shown first time -

my cam could only record 12 secs that time, so kick me now, sold that cam later. it's not art, in'nit? but since I am in the mood of uploading old shit"

Live 100110 /// A-100 / MC-909 / Revolution / Sherman / Kaoss

YouTube via beckhusen
"Live recording with my new A-100 patch. Used 5 instruments in this setup:
A-100 Analog Modular System, Future Retro Revolution, Sherman Filterbank, Roland MC-909 and Korg Kaoss Pad.
The Revolution is routed through the A-100, the A-100 is routet through the Kaoss Pad and 2 tracks of the MC-909 are routed through the Sherman Filterbank. The video has 2 cuts for the 10min restriction, but you'll not note them. The original records, i made 2 with this setup, have 16:04 and 12:18 min."

Kegel - One of One: Folktek Box of Secrets

YouTube via arthurpainter Folktek on Ebay
"Just got this beautiful piece of gear yesterday, and just had to give it a whirl on camera. I'm told it's the only one of its kind... thanks Arius."

Ken Noodling on the Macbeth M5 synth at Musikmesse

YouTube via Moogulator
"filmed shortly after WW2 or so, synth database"

Resolving Ambient Sequences

YouTube via JeffreyPlaide
" Resolving Ambient Sequences is an original work using the analogue-modelled modulations and selected sequences created entirely on the Korg R3 synthesizer. The work uses a simple base sequence with layered ethereal pads and arpeggios to create an atmospheric and surreal listening experience. A base ambient sequence recorded at 114 bpm tempo reference creates the foundational rhythm using a noise-variant timbre coupled with a filtered sinewave and recurring spangle-like sequence. Made up of a delay-swamped tone with higher-frequency arpeggios fading in and out, this sequence was recorded in real-time, with adjustments made as recorded. The next track was recorded as a separate stereo mixdown and consists of three separate softened Korg R3 sequences blending in and out during the mix. Ethereal string pads interact with ringing tones and resonant sinewave electronic convolutions with smooth pitch transitions. During the middle of the work a bell-like sequence plays, but this sequence has been slowed down by the Adobe Audition software to 100%, and fades out with a smooth envelope. After this, an arpeggiated sequence plays at 114 bpm with very short decay times and with stereo pan delay. The background of this sequence also contains a minor etheral melody line created as part of the patch on the Korg R3. The final touch is provided by filtered and modulated white noise fading in and out bringing about an additional atmospherics and panned manually as part of the final mix. The result is a very enveloping and atmospheric ambient composition using various arpeggiated sequences with heavy reverb and stereo delay effects with white noise making the work surreal and meditative. The visuals used represent pure video synthesis. Electronic modulations and animated fluid transformations were created using the Adobe Premier Wave Warp function, with several orders of modulation and colour modification being applied. Each animated sequence is connected with very long dissolves and superimposed over this background is a fluid light wave created from the "bubble" sequence used in the background itself. The result is an organic and surreal kaleidoscope of modulating light sources and soft-focus geometrics. "

Vintage Roland Acid Jam

YouTube via phono1337
"Nothing too serious at all, just some fun with the old ladies ;-)"

State Shirt - Crush - Music Video stop motion animation

YouTube via stateshirt. some synth spotting.

"I just wrote this song last week for SongFight and wanted to create a music video for it in 7 days. The budget was $0. The shopping cart was left on my street and the paper was from old fashion and art magazines. The stop motion animation was time consuming but so much fun! Thanks to Angela Heine for shooting the shopping cart footage and for pushing me around for an hour.

You can buy the mp3 at thanks for the support."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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