Thursday, May 16, 2013


You might remember DevoBots from the Kickstarter campaign featured here. It is now available on iTunes: DevoBots - Whitewall Studios

"MAKE MUSIC & ART WITH DEVO! Special release price for a short time only!

Top 10 music App in 28 countries on its first week of release.

Authorized DEVO loop Synthesizer and Robot Avatar Maker App, DEVOBOTS is HERE!!

DEVO Synthesizer featuring unreleased DEVO sounds coupled with a powerful Devo Robot Maker & Photo booth:

Kit Robot has been working in collaboration with pop icons DEVO for the last year to bring you this exclusive App featuring unreleased Sound Loops from the 1980s Devo Archives, allowing you to play and mix your own music using our unique DevoBots loop synthesizer. Inspired by analogue synths and toy organs from the 1970s, we bring you a sound device reminiscent of DEVOs own synths utilizing their very own sound.

“This App will capture your imagination and bring out the child in you!” You can use it to create your own music and art, bomb photographs or as a learning tool for your children".

DevoBots also includes our Kit Robot Avatar engine combined with unique DEVO color form assets, enabling you to create your very own DevoBot Army or any character or decorate your photos with unique Devo assets.

This is the first ever App utilizing one of the most influential bands of the last 40 years, making this the must have No 1 DEVO App.

A 2 in 1 App.

DevoBots is a digital robot assembly kit, like a digital Lego, paper dolls or Mr Potato Head. The user can create millions of robots out of the box using assets to build your very own Robot, mimicking the bands outfits and personas from the past 40 years. You can also take photos of your friends to turn into DevoBots. DevoBots is also a music loop synthesizer for use as a unique sound generator for your recordings, or live in a professional setting, by manipulating the sound in realtime to achieve unique, layered music.

New Assets and Sound packs will become available through In App Downloads making the app ever evolving and modular.


• Play with DEVO competition. Create a track to be featured by DEVO in an up coming release or promo.

• 2 in 1 app, DEVO Synthesizer and DEVO Robot assembly Kit

• Original DEVO music loops from the 1980's

• Create and manipulate layered music in realtime using our unique effects pad

• Sample your own sounds through the mic with the onboard sampler

• Expand the synthesizer by collecting new DEVO sound banks as they become available

• Including over 10,000, Free, professionally designed assets inspired by the evolution of DEVO - Devolution

• Use the DevoBot camera to decorate your friends and family

• Collect new DevoBot asset packs as they become available

• using the art tools, Output over 1 million robotic designs and output to Facebook, Twitter etc,

• create desktop images, posters, Tee shirts using Hi Res Retina output.

• Use your own background to display your artwork

• Hi Resolution Retina screen interface

• Share your designs easily with friends online

Kit Robot are proud to be working with DEVO to bring you this unique music and art creation tool.

MECHANICAL MAN is your FREEDOM OF CHOICE!!! - Who will you be?


DevoBots - Whitewall Studios
iOS Devices on eBay - Daily Tech Deals

BugBrand Modular vid #8 & #9

Published on May 16, 2013 Phisynth·71 videos


BugBrand Modular vid #9

Published on May 18, 2013

"A little drone experiment using two SYN2B with cross modulation controlled through CTL1 and CTL2"

André Dessandes – Cosmorama

ensaio Cosmorama Wi-Fi
Published on May 1, 2013 André Dessandes·3 videos

LouisCarlos Esteban Buchla 200e Buchla up for Auction

via this auction

You might remember LouisCarlos Esteban from this post featuring the Buchla 200e and more.  Louis is also editing a new CD titled Bi.  You can find it on Bandcamp here.

"The machine has the following Modules:

-200 USB Firmware Card
-201e-18 Powered Cabinet
-210e Control & Signal Router
-225e Midi Decoder/Preset Manager
-227e System Interface
-250e Arbitrary Function Generator
-260e Duophonic Pitch Class Generator
-261e Complex Waveform Generator (3 UNITS)
-266e Source of Uncertainty
-281e Quad Function Generator
-285e Frequency Shifter
-291e Triple Morphing Filter
-292e Quad Dynamics Manager
-297 Infinite Phase Shifter
-Blank Panels (4 units)
-Lights (2 units)
-White Flight Case, Cables, Chips & Sansonite-kind briefcase"

I/O NMASS 2013 Eurorack Build Workshop + Performances Featuring Richard Devine

I/O Music Technology and Church of the Friendly Ghost Present...
Modular Synth Build Workshop / Meet & Greet + Performances @ the 2013 New Media Art & Sound Summit Festival

[ Friday - 6.14.2013 ]

[ Salvage Vanguard Theater ]

[ 2803 Manor Rd - Austin, TX ]

[ 5:30pm - 8:30pm ]

Free modular synth Meet & Greet / Show & Tell: bring your modular synth and headphones!

Aufgang - Kyrie (Phonosheet Remix)

"Ableton Live
Roland TR 707
Vermona DRM MK III
Vermona Mono Lancet
Schippmann ebbe und flut (707)
Electro-harmonix Cathedral Reverb (Mono Lancet)"

via @Phonosheet

"@Vermona @matrixsynth Vermona Mono Lancet as my favourite bass in this remix I did for in finé (french label)"

A Close Up Look At The New Korg MS-20 Mini by Din Sync

Published on May 16, 2013

"more info and some teardown pics at"

The video also covers how to make a V-Trig to S-trig converter so you can use normal gates to trigger the Mini.

via Paul Barker on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

KORG MS20s on eBay

Walorf Rocket with Vermona Knobs

Industrial strength.

This one in via HaJo

Rocket in Vermona Look.

Thanks to Thomas Haller for the support.

Waldorf Rockets on eBay

Présentation du Tyme Sefari MKII de The Harvestman

Présentation du Tyme Sefari MKII de The Harvestman (1/2)
Published on May 16, 2013 modularsquare·47 videos

"Présentation du module eurorack Tyme Sefari MKII de The Harvestman (1/2)

Ce module est conseillé à tous ceux qui recherchent un outil de prédilection pour les expérimentations sonores. Il peut également faire office de delay.

Le Tyme Sefari est un sampleur 16 bits temps réel capable d'enregistrer une boucle audio et de la rejouer indéfiniment, mais il peut également enregistrer sans jamais s'arrêter, à l'instar d'un magnétophone à bande, de sorte à ce que le manipulateur puisse jouer avec la source sonore en temps réel.

Le bouton principal contrôle la fréquence d'échantillonnage, les tirettes permettent de modifier les points de départ et de fin, il est possible de sauvegarder une boucle à tout moment et de la rappeler de la même façon. Pratique pour les concerts.

Un switch active le mode delay, dans ce mode les tirettes ne fonctionnent plus. La fin de la boucle envoie une gate que l'on peut récupérer pour déclencher des évènements externes (enveloppe, clock, trigger, gate etc...)

Il existe également un expandeur pour ce module, qui rajoute un mode stéréo, un pitch shifter, des points de bending, et la possibilité de passer de 16bits à 12bits et 8bits.

L'ensemble est massivement contrôlable en CV et offre des heures d'émerveillement.

Vous voulez apprendre à utiliser cet instrument ou tout simplement l'essayer par vous même ? Alors rejoignez notre communauté lors des rencontres Modularsquare !
Pour connaître les thèmes, la programmation et les dates de nos prochaines rencontres suivez-nous sur nos réseaux sociaux :

- et sur Facebook

Nous sommes également ouvert au public en semaine, les après-midi :

Du lundi au jeudi de 13h45 à 18h45
Le vendredi de 14h45 à 19h45
Contact : 01 45 15 41 95 et cyril (at)"

Doepfer A124 Wasp Filter LP/BP/HP/Notch Demonstrations Part Two

Published on May 16, 2013 raulsworldofsynths·210 videos

"A continuation of the exploration of the Doepfer A124 Wasp Filter. The Notch, Lowpass, and Highpass portions of the Doepfer A124 Wasp Filter are explored. In the next segment this filter is compared to the Doepfer A121 Multimode Filter. Sound and Video by Raul Pena."

All parts here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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