Thursday, October 13, 2016

Dave Smith Instruments "In the Spotlight with the Prophet 12" with Josh Molen

The third in the Dave Smith Instruments' "In The Spotlight with the PRO 2" series is currently up with Josh Molen here.

"Josh Molen is a TV and film composer located outside Knoxville, TN. He began composing professionally in 2005. Since then he has had the opportunity to work on many high-profile projects, including composing music for TV shows like: Snapped (Oxygen), Sins and Secrets (I.D.), Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda (I.D.), Modern Marvels (History Channel), Biography (Bio), and How Stuff Works (Discovery) to mention only a few. He also co-composed the score to The Clinton 12 directed by Keith McDaniel and narrated by James Earl Jones.

In 2011 he launched a boutique music library, The Tune Peddler, that has licensed music internationally for film, TV, video games, and online media. One client of note that features Josh’s music is the Fine Brothers’ REACT Channel with videos amassing well over 40 million collective hits on YouTube."

You can find previous posts featuring DSI's Spotlight series here.

Masterminds: The Art of Engineering with Dave Smith, Tatsuya Takahashi & Mark Verbos

Dave Smith, Tatsuya Takahashi, and Mark Verbos will be at the Amsterdam Dance Event, discussing their design process and personal philosophies. Details:

"18:15 - 19:00
Compagnietheater (C6 Main Hall) | Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam

Three gamechanging engineers talking about designing new musical instruments, their design processes and personal philosophies.

Dave Smith (US)
Dave Smith is an engineer and musician who has pioneered many groundbreaking technologies in music technology.

Tatsuya Takahashi (JP)
Tatsuya Takahashi is Chief Engineer of Analogue Synthesizers at Korg. Raised in London, he has been with Korg since moving to Tokyo in late 2006. His roles consist of product planning, hardware engineering, and project management. He successfully launched the first analogue synth from Korg in nearly thirty years in the form of the Monotron.

Mark Verbos (US)
Since the early 1990s, Mark Verbos has worked as an Electronic Musician, Recording Engineer/Producer and Synthesizer Tech/Designer. As an electronic musician, he has released countless recordings and performed around the world. His live performances are legendary for being entirely improvised using analog gear. His own synthesizer brand, Verbos Electronics is world renowned for its aesthetics and musical interfaces."

KORG Mono Poly Synthesizer with MIDI Retrofit SN 371382

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This unit has been modded with a MIDI retrofit so you can easily sync this with other instruments or pieces of equipment.

Few small abrasions on the wood in the back as visible in the photos. All knobs and keys are clean and working as they have been looked over by The Analog Lab in NYC in March of 2015."

ADDAC501 Complex Random Videos

Published on Oct 13, 2016 ADDAC System

"The ADDAC501 does random CV generation and outputs it through four independent channels. You can control the desired range of voltages and time frequency at which new values are generated.

It can also be triggered by an external CV source and the output voltages can be either free or quantized (if you prefer to have a standard C Major Pentatonic scale).

Finally you can choose between pure randomness or a brownian distribution, for both the voltage and time intervals."

ADDAC501 Complex Random - Part 2

Update: Re-Published on Oct 16, 2016 ADDAC System

"The ADDAC501 does random CV generation and outputs it through four independent channels. You can control the desired range of voltages and time frequency at which new values are generated.
It can also be triggered by an external CV source and the output voltages can be either free or quantized (if you prefer to have a standard C Major Pentatonic scale).
Finally you can choose between pure randomness or a brownian distribution, for both the voltage and time intervals.

All about it here:"

Reed & Caroline's Buchla & Singing Featuring a 1969 Buchla Harmonic Generator

via The Fader

Click through for the full post. Below are a couple of excerpts for the archives. The release was first announced here on MATRIXSYNTH last month with a video for "Singularity (We Bond)" featured on the album.

"Vince Clarke has an ear for melody. He's behind some of the biggest songs of the '80s and '90s, made during his time in the U.K. bands Yazoo, Erasure, and Depeche Mode. Since moving to Brooklyn in the '00s, where he has an extensive, synth-packed studio, he set up his own label, called Very Records. Tomorrow, he'll put out Very's second-ever release, the debut album from New York duo Reed & Caroline. Titled Buchla & Singing, it serves as an unintended but all the same very fitting tribute to the late synthesizer inventor Don Buchla."

"'To 'play' Buchla’s 1969 Harmonic generator properly, you have to hook up two keyboards, one for basic pitch, and another with 10 pressure pads for harmonics above the note (like when Hammond Organ players pull drawbars)," Reed added. "That’s the growly lead. It sounds like arpeggios, but it’s really the harmonic series. Replacing the second keyboard with a sequencer made the bass and the 'music box' parts. Since there was no turning back, I made all the percussion sounds on the Harmonic Generator in one pass by controlling FM feedback loops with two 16-step sequencers, like a cheesy DX7 patch that does kick, snare and cowbell. Of course, at the end of the day, all you remember is Caroline’s catchy aaah part.'" Read more on The Fader.

Ondes Martenot & Piano Rehearsals

Published on Oct 13, 2016 Josh Semans

"Some audio from a recent rehearsal, accompanied by some assorted video clips from the same rehearsal. Playing through Vocalise-Étude by Messiaen, one of our favourites.

It's not a 'live video', so to speak. The audio and visuals are not synchronous.

Ondes Martenot (Ondomo) & Piano by Josh & Joshua, Video captured by Mark.

Ondomo by Asaden. Legacy of Love.'"

The Ondomo is an Ondes Martenot clone by ASADEN.


repair and midify roland sh-02 and my polivoks

Published on Oct 13, 2016 Alexey Taber

Computational Complexity

Published on Oct 12, 2016 Emefak

"This is an improvisation after a hard day of study while listening to Mac Quayle's excellent Mr. Robot OST ( Great music for concentration, maybe some of it has transcended to this jam.

Pittsburgh Move 208 case loaded with a Foundation 3.1+, some Mutable (Braids, Warps, Veils, Clouds), a Befaco Rampage (first jam with it, what an awesome module) and other extras. Arturia Minibrute does the 'bassline' sequence, and Octatrack on pads and drums.

Just some reverb and delay from Ableton Live (used as a way too expensive mixer this time), and output straight to a Roland R-5 recorder. Sound is pretty bad, and there is certain clipping, although some times it even sounds right. Camera placement and lightning are terrible, but the point was to do something quick and dirty."

DSP Synthesizers dsp-G1 Analog Modeling Synth Source Code Released

DSP Synthesizers has released the sources code for their dsp-G1 Analog Modeling Synth. You can find it here.

Euro G1 Chords and Sweeps Published on Feb 18, 2016

"Exploring chords and filter sweeps of the DSP-G1 and Euro-G1"

Video previously posted here.

ROTOR - Tangible Modular Music Synth From the Creators of Reactable Now Available

ROTOR - Tangible Modular Music Synth - Reactable Systems SL

Preview video posted here.

"(50% OFF Launch price - Regular price: $19.99)


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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