Wednesday, May 29, 2019

X-PAN Tricks: Simple Stereo Mixer

Published on May 29, 2019 MAKEN0ISE

"The X-PAN is a powerful compact signal routing toolbox! There are many ways to patch it. Check out this and other upcoming "X-PAN Tricks" for some ideas.

If you need to make a simple mix of two or three stereo outputs, you can use the X-PAN."

Leipzig West Eurorack Modules At Superbooth 2019

Published on May 29, 2019 Synthtopia

"At Superbooth 2019, LPZW introduced their latest Eurorack modules."

Pittsburgh Modular Documentary Films Presents: the Voltage Research Laboratory - Season 2 Episode 10

Published on May 29, 2019 Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers

"Teaser track showcasing the Pittsburgh Modular Voltage Research Laboratory Eurorack format synthesizer."

A more "standard" track featuring the Pittsburgh Modular Voltage Research Laboratory & and Oberheim DMX on drums.

See this post for all parts and the SoundCloud playlist.

FUZZ LOVE & putting the Indus in Industrial with Animal Factory Amplification // Superbooth 2019

Published on May 29, 2019 DivKidVideo

"It's always a pleasure to see Adi from Animal Factory Amplification I love his tag 'putting the Indus in Industrial'. An indian gentlemen making some killer industrial leaning fuzz and distortion pedals and modules. His new dual tube VCA uses pre-glass "metal tube" technology from the 1950s, this pedals have some updates and his Eurorack modules have some updates too ... plus there's a God Eater module coming!"

4 new Eurorack modules from XAOC Devices // Superbooth 2019

Published on May 29, 2019 DivKidVideo

"XAOC Devices brought 4 new modules (5 if you count the expander or updates) to Superbooth with a BBD delay, DSP FX platform, utility module updates, analogue computing AD/DA 8 bit wavetable action and plenty more. We have Jena, Sarajewo, Timiszoara, Samara II and NIN. It was nice to hear Odessa is going to into production soon which I was really excited about last year."

Unicorns, Ravens & Fruit Loops + more from birdkids // Superbooth 2019

Published on May 29, 2019 DivKidVideo

"Mike from birdkids gives us a run down the Raven (which is shipping out to Kickstarter backers soon and to be available later in the year), the Unicorn Boom (which did clip our pre amps - it's usually cleaner sounding for those interested) and we also talk about Crows Nest, company philosophy, the Bateleur and supporting products over a lifetime."

Arturia MICROFREAK - AMBIENT factory patches demo (1)

Published on May 29, 2019 Alba Ecstasy

"Here is a selection of some of the Arturia #MicroFreak #factorypresets that I could easily use in an #ambient track. That’s why the amount of the reverb.
The demo (part 1) is made (in a hurry, since today I have to return the MF) to help myself decide if a should give listen to my G.A.S. and to order it again (yes, I canceled my preorder two days before being delivered - I had my reasons to wait a little bit more). So, don't expect too much from this demo, ok?!

How’s the MicroFreak?! Really nice! It still has some bugs - it really needs a carryover function so when you change the patches the transition between them to be smooth - but I could live with that.

But I’m afraid the my Digitone would cover that tonal character of the MF.
My G.A.S. says to me that I need one asap!
What should I do, what should I do? (lol)"

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Basic House Music

Published on May 28, 2019 KlangGenerator

"nothing special, just a basic tuesday afternoon house session... ;)"

Featuring the E-licktronic Nava TR-909 clone on drums, Waldorf Microwave, Syncussion SY-1, Elektron Analog Four, and Roland Juno-106 w/ KiwiTechnics upgrade.

Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 Keyboard Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This P600 was acting up and had a recent trip to Wine Country Sequential last year to fix some underlying bugginess. In the time I've had it it has seen an almost entire replacement of the digital control ICs for the panel controls, as well as the replacement of all the original plastic potentiometers with nice metal, panel mounted, buttery smooth metal pots, and a new production membrane pad. It also has a new battery, brand new EPROM, and all original factory presets loaded in. While it is completely up and running (and sounding amazing!) one of the filters doesn't quite track..."

Roland SH-101 Keyboard Synthesizer w/ Extras

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Roland SH-101 with modulation grip, original Roland carry bag, original Roland leather strap, and Boss PSA-120 power supply."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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