Friday, May 31, 2019

Red ROLAND SH-101 SN 310587

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via this auction, also on Reverb.

Blue Roland SH-101 Monophonic Analog Synthesizer

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via this auction

Sequential Circuits Model 800 Sequencer SN 00166

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via this auction

"Sequential Circuits Model 800 Sequencer
In near perfect condition.

Lights up and tested while plugged in, I don't have a synth to fully program a sequence on it though."

Alesis Andromeda A6 w/ Custom Dust Cover

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via this auction

"Andromeda A6 plus custom dust cover. 2nd owner studio use only. Everything functions smooth. I purchased this in “Excellent” condition a few years ago and it hasn’t left my studio. I am listing it as “Very Good” due to some tape residue on the back from the previous owner. I’m sure it could be easily removed with a little care but it never really bothered me. All 16 voices tested and working. Never had any issues with the synth, it’s a beautiful machine. The only reason I’m selling is to finance promotion of new album."

Yamaha CS60 - through 3 band resonator

Published on May 31, 2019 noddyspuncture

"Here I'm playing the CS60 though a three band Resonator module and also utilising my LFO speed a/t modifications for both the Sub Osc LFO and the Ring Modulator LFO's."

Monome Norns - hedge & the haze

Published on May 31, 2019 Jae Ryan

"I was noodling around with MLR tonight using a sequence I recorded with poly-earthsea on Norns as the mangling material. The whole jam is just that one sample being MLR'd to death. I need to start trying MLR with multiple sources to get the full experience eventually.

A field recording of my street is playing from my phone into Norns but it slowly gets lost in the mix as layers and effects are added. Norns is running through Strymon Volante & then into OTO BAM (as usual)

I also used the UAD studer tape plug-in to get a little distortion/compression for a more lo-fi vibe.

Highly recommend stereo on this one as it really falls apart in mono thanks to copious amounts of extreme effects!"

06-The Dreadbox Nyx v2- Part 5: Reverb

Published on May 31, 2019 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the reverb found on the Dreadbox Nyx v2.

The theme to this video was composed (excepting drums) entirely using multitracking of the Dreabox Nyx v2."

AutomaticGainsay Dreadbox Nyx videos

Erica Synths -Pico VCO 2 analogue oscillator /Pico VCF1 smaller Polivoks filter brother in music

Published on May 31, 2019 Dziam Bass

"I have today a small movie with the use of the new analogue oscillator- PICO VCO 2 recently released from the renewed Pico series from Erica Synths.
Only 3HP and very strong sound. I've used here with the PICO VCF1 filter the smaller Polivoks filter brother.
Small fun PWM changes and a little filter later also in BP and to show how it returns to LP in the full sound.
For me it's a great VCO because it saves space in the case so only 3HP is a greatly placed module for those who like to have more modules in ur one box."

Erica Synths Graphic VCO drum mode

Published on May 31, 2019 Molten Music Technology

"A fiddle through the new Drum Mode on the Erica Synths Graphic VCO. I don't claim to have any idea as to what I'm doing - I'm just fiddling. I've got triggers coming from a Varigate 4+ and some modulation coming into the Morph input. I also add some random notes to the volt/oct input."

The Sound of Digitone Keys #4

Published on May 31, 2019 Elektron

"Loop the loop on the synth siege engine that is #digitonekeys. Auvrel dual-wields our new machine in full glitchy glory alongside its sibling #digitone."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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