Monday, January 03, 2022

Original ARP Sequencer model 1613

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"A classic sequencer of the 70's. You create your sequences with the sliders. Adjust the sliders to change pitch while each slider represents a sixteenth note, for example, in the 1 bar pattern it loops. It uses the ancient Control Voltage (CV) and Gate protocols to play your sequences on another analog synthesizer. Because of the various types of CV/Gate used by different makers at the time, the ARP Sequencer works perfectly with the ARP , , , and other ARP synthesizers as well as Roland, Oberheim and Sequential Circuits.

Once you get it working it's fun and easy to learn. Use it to create continuous arpeggios or simple sequences of patterns for your vintage analog gear. Tweak it in real-time as you create or perform, it's very hands-on. It has a classic and recognizable character"

Waldorf Microwave Rev B

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Erica Synths Pico System III

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"Includes synth, power supply, original patch cables, original blank patch cards, and original preset patch cards!"

Liven XFM Sonicware FM Groovebox Synth w/ Panel Overlay & Original Box

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Hayazaki no Hana 早咲きの花~End Titleエンド ・タイトル/Kitaro 喜多郎 COVER

video upload by ltpstan

"Full cover of the song is finally here! I apologise for some video artefacts that can be seen.

This is the first time I used the miniKORG 700FS to perform on this channel. I hope it brings some positive experience for the viewers. A-little variation from the original piece using the Korg 800DV to support some sections.

Some of the sounds used:
Korg 01/W
- Etherbells
- Harp
- 16' Piano
- FadeX bass
- Stringpad
- Choir

- miniKORG 700FS
- Korg 800DV"

super 6 desktop / ms-20 / mfb-522

video upload by studio snippets

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Finegear The Dust Collector deeper Review (Christmas Special) - Drumbrute, Matrixbrute & Korg opsix

video upload by Knobs & Switches

"Deeper Review and Christmas Special about Finegears The Dust Collector with the help of Arturia`s Drumbrute Impact, Matrixbrute and the Korg opsix"

Lockdown Modular Sessions - Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (4k Final Mix)

video upload by John Belew

This one was sent in via John L Rice. One more below. "I've always wanted to do this one since I was young. I blame the Exploratorium commercials during Captain Cosmic on KTVU with Wendy Carlos music. Now that I'm stuck at home, here goes. One of my favorite Bach pieces, almost impossible to play live and just as difficult to mix. Keep creating people!

Details for the eurorack nerds out there ... I pulled out Yarns for this one, but even with the two A4 CV outs, I was only able to do 6 parts. Cello is Klavis and the sub going through Evolution with a touch of distortion so it pops, Viola is Klavis through a Wasp with heavy S/H on the cutoff. Lead violin is the E352 going through an SEM (very Depeche Mode sounding) with the remaining violin parts coming from Chord2 in poly mode going through Belgrad with just enough input clipping that it sounds like a harpsichord at times. Listen to it on real speakers, the voicing really comes together in the third movement. And yes, I added a kick to the first movement, it just seems to work for me.

Lesson learned is how powerful ADSR's are (thanks Peaks x2) instead of just AR's on the Quadra. Recorded the individual tracks on a Zoom L-20, then fine-tuned the mix in Reaper. It's got the right level of rumble to my ears, but I wish I was better at EQ'ing and mastering."

Modular Classical Sessions - Excerpts from String Quartet No. 8 by Shostakovich

"Excerpts from Dmitri Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 8 in C minor, Op. 110, my second project voicing and interpreting some of my favorite classical pieces in eurorack (See the first, Brandenburg Concerto No. 3" above.

And Generative Modular Installations by John Belew:

#Jamuary2022 | Day 02 | Let's have a Party!

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

Wait for this one to kick in.

'It looks like we're on again. I started this channel by doing the #Jamuary2020 and managed to do 31 videos. It was a challenge, it was crazy and it felt like the shortest January ever. And I love to do it again. So if all goes well, there'll be a video tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, etc. I'll hope you'll join the party! The 'rules' are simple, there are no rules. Just post as much as you can during January 2022, it doesn't have to be modular and you could even use your phone and sing something. Tag your upload with #Jamuary2022 so the world can find it."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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