Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Roland TR-808 Eproms inside a Sequential Circuit DRUMTRAKS.

video upload by Program 17

"This is roland TR808 eproms chips that I programmed for a drumtraks using an oberhiem prommer. SOme of the generation loss only happens when you pitch the toms very low beacue its low bits."

Roland AIRA Compact Series Walkthrough

video upload by Red Means Recording

"the roland aira compact series is three units, the t-8 (a drum machine and bassline unit), j-6 (a chord unit), and the e-4 (a voice transformer unit). each works together via midi to allow you to make the stupidest fun music you've ever made. source? me. I'm the source of that quote. i said it. just now.

00:00 overview
02:40 t-8 drums
07:43 j-6 chords
14:48 t-8 bass
18:08 e-4 voice
21:22 jam
25:07 recap"

weird party time with acid friends

video upload by Red Means Recording

"the roland aira compact series is three units, the t-8 (a drum machine and bassline unit), j-6 (a chord unit), and the e-4 (a voice transformer unit). each works together via midi to allow you to make the stupidest fun music you've ever made. source? me. I'm the source of that quote. i said it. just now.

00:00 i wanna be a good boy
02:42 what do u think of my face?
04:55 u can shake it (if u wanna)
06:53 bass go boom
09:06 musk
11:19 olive you
13:32 miami
15:15 my mama's birthday
17:58 funky pomegranate
20:10 luv in the belly of the beast
23:52 u ate all my food and now u have diarrhea (pov)"

How to use the Serge WAD as a powerful oscillator

video upload by batchas

"As usual in the Serge Modular realm, a module is not only what it seems to be. Take the Serge Wilson Analog Delay for instance. When used in feedback mode, it becomes a quite powerful audio source, indeed a great oscillator with waveshaping ability.

Some of you might remember a video I shared several years back on Muffwiggler where I was showing the WAD in feedback mode. Recently I thought I should do a remake."

Starter Kits | Episode 11 | Pizza, PolyEnd Preset, Maths, Lapsus Os, Delta-V, Marbles, Beads

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"It's always fun to make a Starter Kit video, trying new combinations and hopefully discovering new things. And they don't always require new modules. Which is good, because my collection is becoming very hard to manage. My last video was about Bastl Pizza, and this one could be a Part 02 if you're interested in a deeper dive. In Part 01 I did not know Pizza also features a built in VCA, so this video covers that too!
I am also appreciating Beads a lot more since I stopped seeing it as a Clouds 2. It's a very cool module to have in your starter case, and an amazing voice on its own. I am also going to 'abuse' Lapsus Os, the performance controller from Noise Engineering. It can also be a great 'mixer' for feedback patching. After all, there's no difference between control voltage and audio in Eurorack and you'll be entering a dark parallel universe before you know it. I hope you'll enjoy."

Alesis Andromeda - Don Solaris Soundset Vol1

video upload by Don Solaris

"This soundset is available here:"

Modal Cobalt5S Sound Demo (no talking)

video upload by Bonedo Synthesizers

XILS 4 version 1.6

video upload by xilslab

XILS 4 version 1.6, New High Resolution Fast Graphic Interface with improved workflow more information on"

BLEASS Monolit - The Free Synth With An Expensive Sound

video upload by BLEASS

Also see BLEASS Monolit - FREE Synthesizer for iPad and Desktop!

"BLEASS Monolit is a Monophonic Analog Synthesizer
Download for Free (Desktop & iOS) on

BLEASS Monolit combines the rich analogue sound and intuitive ease-of-use of BLEASS Alpha with the creative expressiveness of BLEASS Omega. The result is a compact, efficient, mono-synth tailor-made for creating thunderous basses, searing leads, sparkling arpeggios and other-worldly SFX.

BLEASS Monolit is the 21st BLEASS plugin and is released on Music Day, June 21st, 2022. It is free to download, forever! It's our way to thank all of the community that has been supporting BLEASS for so many years. You rock!

We want to thank especially all of the great sound designers who carefully designed amazing sounding presets which are available in the factory presets: they've made BLEASS Monolit sound even better!

Dean from Electronisounds
Doug from the Sound Test Room
Stuart from Redsky Lullaby
Ali from the Beat Community
Mattias Holmgren from Gelhein

(The music in the video has been made exclusively using BLEASS Monolit (Including Drum Sounds))"

Monday, June 20, 2022

DB-01 does acid (no talking)

video upload by Richard DeHove

"I love reading comments and on a recent video 'Alfie John' commented on the lack of 303-style Acid demos for the DB-01. That sounded like a challenge to me so here's my attempt. The title of this video "DB-01 does acid" is very definite but whether the sound is really acid I leave up tp you. There's also the question of whether the DB-01, with its Polvoks filter, can achieve an "authentic" acid sound in place of the 24db LPF on the 303. And of course someone who actually composes acid music would surely get closer than I have here.

Assuming that you've got past all these excuses and actually like the sound, here are a few relevant points on recreating it:
- Both envelopes are on zero. This is especially important for the Amp envelope.
- The LFO is on S&H tempo sync on and set to 1 (for slight variation on every hit)
- The pattern itself has various gate times from 20 to 100
- The Env amount must be low otherwise it'll overwhelm the bandpass filter
- The Arp control that I manually change is the gate length
- I always have a cable from the CV out to the cutoff CV in to provide tracking
Other settings should be reasonably clear from the video.

Another recent comment (on the One pattern, 20 sounds video) said that all the DB-01 sounds were terrible because they were distorted. In that case I can expect an even more disappointed comment here :D

And another recent comment said they preferred the sounds without effects - but here I've added delay to almost the whole thing :/ My excuse for that is I just bought the DM-2W delay and I love it! It takes line level beautifully.

Finally, there is absolutely no further processing than what you see here, not even a master limiter.

My site:
Lots of downloads for supporters on Patreon:"

INTRFACE custom synth

video upload by Love Hultén

"Visualizer made by p1xelfool"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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