MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Erich Izdepski

Showing posts sorted by date for query Erich Izdepski. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Erich Izdepski. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Christmas Bells on the Waldorf Quantum

video upload by Erich Izdepski

"I made a resonator patch on the Waldorf Quantum. Very interesting synth."

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Arduino Synth demonstration. Shown playing alone and with a Matrixbrute and Eventide Space.

video upload by Erich Izdepski

"This is my Arduino Synth, Grimoire. This is the first practical musical demo of it. More features and sonic goodness to come."

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Prophet 12 Patches, based on the Prophet 5!

video upload by Erich Izdepski

"No talking! Put the vintage sound of a Prophet 5 in your Prophet 12! Buy now from

These Prophet 12 patches are based on the original presets of the Prophet 5, but with the Prophet 12 sliders programmed so each patch is really like several. With the extra controls you can alter the sound into something very different and impossible to do on the original Prophet 5. They take advantage of the Prophet 12's special features- effects, real-time slider controls, velocity, stereo output, and its powerful modulation matrix.

Buy this set of patches now at

For more about synths, my repair videos, and my music, see:

0:00 credits
0:08 Brass
0:38 Low Strings
1:09 Muted Clav
1:33 Percussive EP
1:51 Flutes
2:13 Harpsichord
2:36 Sync I
2:57 Percussive Organ
3:19 Uni Glide Resonance
3:41 Harmonium
3:59 Organ Resonance
4:23 Toy Piano
4:45 Trumpet Flutes
5:10 Filter Mod
5:37 Reed Organ
5:57 Brass in 5ths
6:18 Pipe Organ Flutes
6:39 Sync II
7:04 Electric Piano
7:29 Hi Strings
8:00 Octave Saw
8:27 Release Repeat
8:43 Delayed Harmonics
9:09 Echo Repeat
9:32 Credits"

The Mighty ARP Axxe II

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video upload by Erich Izdepski

"I performed major repairs on this synth as documented here. Everything works really well. This is a sales demo video but will also show you how cool this synth can be.

This is a great synth. Powerful filter with the ability to play it in tune with the other oscillators. Great spacey sound fx potential. Much stronger audio output level than the Behringer Odyssey (which I have and really like). Can control Eurorack gear or other analog synths using CV (has pitch, gate, and trigger in and out jacks)."

via this auction

"This is a great little synth with many interesting abilities. One of the best single oscillator synths, in my opinion, and I have owned several.

Here is a list of problems I fixed:

Several sliders did not affect the sound- all sliders cleaned, lubricated and working fine now

replaced all key bushings; cleaned key bus bar

repaired about 10 keys with 3-d printed parts

replaced power LED – new green LED with a 2.2KOhm series resistor installed to control voltage

installed a fuse and fuse holder in power supply

replaced IC 723, large filter capacitors, and tantalum capacitors in power supply

replaced tantalum capacitors at input to positive and negative rails on main PCB

not in tune – calibrated and sounds great

check power supply voltage output and look at ripple – calibrated and voltage is spot on and clean

You can search for my blog ( and read about the repair details.

Even has the original slider caps!"

Akai AX60 Custom Patch demo by Digitl

video upload by Erich Izdepski

"Just a few of my custom patches. Info and the audio file are here:"

Roland JX-8P with Kiwi Mod

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video upload by Erich Izdepski

via this auction

"This is a great analog synth from the mid-1980's. This one has the Kiwi Mod installed which adds hundreds of sound slots, adds more modulation options, stores patches in static RAM (so no battery needed anymore), etc.

Includes the original Roland hard case.

The synth is in very good shape and everything works EXCEPT the arpeggiator and the sequencer features of the Kiwi Mod do not work. This could be fixable. I didn't do the mod and when I bought it things didn't work right. I found a short between two data lines caused by a tiny solder blob. Once I removed that, the synth played perfect except for the arp and sequencer. Maybe the installer made some other minor mistake affecting these other features. (This may have to do with the resistors that get altered when mod is installed. I just don't have time to look.)"

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Custom Modular Analog Synth with PAIA VCO, VCF, VCA, ADSR Modules

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video upload by Erich Izdepski

Left channel audio only.

via this auction

"This is a custom modular synth with linear PSU, cables, and vintage 80's CEM chips in VCO/VCF/VCA/EG. Also includes a stand-alone noise gate unit.

Includes all the PAIA technical docs on how the modules were built AND additional usage notes. This unit is not for rookies. The modules cards plug into sockets on the back of the metal plates so during shipping they can come loose. The oscillators will need tuning to play right over more than a couple of octaves. You may want to tune the VCF, too. Procedures are in the docs. Because it uses banana plugs you have to ensure the synth is grounded to whatever is providing it CV signals. I play this through a synth as shown in the demo that has a Gate circuit on the external audio input. You can use the envelopes and VCA on the modular but it is easier and cleaner if you don't have to. The oscillators will put out a 'low F' signal that needs to be gated to remove. You also have to adjust the CV bleed through from the EG periodically to avoid hearing it. Tip: I use a function generator as an LFO since there is none. Whew!

But it sound great so see the demo on YouTube!

The modules are:

- 3 oscillators based on the CEM3340 with square, saw, and triangle waveforms, with a pulse width knob and a CV input

- Mixer with two channels, each with several inputs

- 24db resonant filter with CV input for resonance based on the CEM3320

- Dual VCA's

- Dual ADSR Envelope Generators for control of VCA and VCF

- Output module with 3 separate Mults

Has attenuated power outputs so the main PSU can be used to provide different output voltages for other gear.

It comes with a dual voltage linear power supply that outputs +/-15v and a custom gate module (but will need a mod to add a power jack since original very rare cable has been lost).

Includes all the banana jacks seen plus several more. The case is particle board reinforced with aluminum frames for holding the modules. Wrapped in black tolex (I think)."

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Moog Prodigy Analog Synthesizer Model 336A Demo

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Published on Dec 2, 2017 Erich Izdepski

"I restored a Moog Prodigy. Here's a long demo of me noodling around with it. I'm backed by a Sub37 and an Eventide Space for effects. The story of this synth repair is here:"

via this auction

This is the Prodigy in the video above according to the listing.


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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