Showing posts sorted by date for query Firstman FS-4V. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Firstman FS-4V. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Synthesizer Test Drive: Firstman FS-4V Polyphonic
video upload by Syntaur
"Syntaur's Sam Mims takes the super-rare Firstman FS-4V for a test drive! The FS-4V is an analog 4-voice synthesizer with SSM filters, and was manufactured in 1981 and 1982.
Syntaur Firstman FS-4V Picture Gallery:"
Firstman FS-4V posts
Friday, July 30, 2021
Firstman FS-4V 4 Voice polyphonic Synthesizer w/ SSM Filter
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
This one was spotted and sent in via M Me.
via this auction
"Der FS-4V ist eine Kombination aus einem 4 Voice poly Synthesizer mit SSM Filter und einem Stringsynthesizer."
"The FS-4V is a combination of a 4 voice poly synthesizer with SSM filter and a string synthesizer."
Only one other has been featured on the site here. Oddly enough, G-Force's VSM Expansion pack featured samples of one.
This one was spotted and sent in via M Me.
via this auction
"Der FS-4V ist eine Kombination aus einem 4 Voice poly Synthesizer mit SSM Filter und einem Stringsynthesizer."
"The FS-4V is a combination of a 4 voice poly synthesizer with SSM filter and a string synthesizer."
Only one other has been featured on the site here. Oddly enough, G-Force's VSM Expansion pack featured samples of one.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
GForce Software VSM Expansion Pack
Published on Jan 14, 2014 GForceSoftwareTV·86 videos
"A brief video with music created mainly via sounds from the VSM Expansion Pack.
This pack comprises string sounds from 18 rare and classic instruments including:
ARP Quadra, Clef Strings, Crumar Trilogy, Elektronika EM25, Farfisa Soundmaker, Firstman FS-4V, Godwin String Concert, Hohner K4, Jen SM2007, Korg Lambda, Logan String Melody II, Polymoog Vox Humana, Sequential Prelude, Technics SX-K200, Teisco SX-400, Roland VP330, Yamaha CE-25, plus the mighty and super rare Yamaha GX-1."
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Trip. When I had severe GAS (Gear Aquisition Syndrome), I used to have these dreams where I'd walk into a pawn shop and see all these bizarre and obscure synths. Sometimes they were rare models of Oberheims and Rolands, etc, but usually they were obscure synths from manufacturers I've never seen before. Right before I was waking from the dream, I'd think if I only grab one I might be able to take it to the other side. : ) If you ever had dreams like this you probably know what I'm talking about.
Well, when I saw the Synthmaster post on, I had that same feeling, like I just walked into a pawn shop of obscure synths in dream land. There are a ton of bizarre and obscure synths I've never seen or heard of before. Looks like he brought them over from the other side. Click here for more.
Pictured above top down: E-Pro Minisynth, Firstman FS-4V Polysynth, and Antares 1.
Synths on Synthmaster:
Antares 1
E-Pro Minisynth and Spirit - this looks like the Crumar Spirit to me.
CRB Daimond Vocostrings Ser.1, Ser. 2
Crumar Spirit, Compac Synth
Conn Electrik Band
Elka Accordion Synth Soloist 505
Excelsior Digital Synth, EK 4
Excelsior EK 4
Firstman SQ-01, FS-4V Polysynth
Jen Synx 508
Keytek CTS 5000, 2000, 1000, 400
Paia System 4700
Powertran Transcendent Polysynth, Transcendent 2000, Transcendent Variation
Pulser M 75
Salamander SMS 400
Skyline Orchestra
Steelphon S 900
Stramp Synchanger 2
Welson Syntex
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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