MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Wake Rise Fall

Showing posts sorted by date for query Wake Rise Fall. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Wake Rise Fall. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Yamaha PSS-130 | $20 dollar thrift store find

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"Picked up a 'brand new' Yamaha Portasound PSS-130 still in the box from a thrift store for $20 a couple weeks ago. Made this little track with a few drums samples to share some of its sound. It's goofy but it makes noise so I'll find a use for it somewhere."

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Underneath & Over Again | Modular, Moog Grandmother, Prophet Rev2, Nord Piano, Fender Jazz Bass

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"Let me score your animated adventure show

Patch Notes
Mangrove sending square into both Tides V2 for harmonic oscillator.
Stages modulating Tides V2 and Rings.
Marbles sending Gate/CV to Tides V2 and Rings.
Just Friends modulating Veils.
Everything is sent into TXn to pan and into Clouds.

Gear Used:
Prophet Rev2
Moog Grandmother
Nord Piano 3
Fender Squier Jazz Bass
Mutable Instruments Marbles
Mutable Instruments Tides V2 2x
Mutable Instruments Stages
Mutable Instruments Rings
Mutable Instruments Clouds
Mutable Instruments Veils
Mutable Instruments Links
Mannequins Mangrove
Mannequins Just Friends
Mannequins RIP
Squarp Hermod"

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thimbles | Casiotone 701, Modular, Moog Grandmother

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"something here about how much fun an old casio is to play"

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Constant Hope

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"I don't play guitar much anymore but I'd like to. Here is some guitar."

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Flying Zeppelin Approaching | Moog Grandmother, Prophet Rev2, & Mutable Instruments

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Mr. Magistrate | Prophet Rev2, Moog Grandmother, Fender Bass, Mutable Instruments

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"I added some videos of the moon and clouds I took a month ago to this. It seemed fitting. The song was totally supposed to go a different direction but I feel like that is every song I make. oh well. Hope you enjoy!"

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Pigments | Prophet Rev2, Moog Grandmother, Jazz Bass, & Modular

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"A score for that one part in the imaginary videogame I have in my head."

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Mannequins Mangrove

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"Running 2 independent voices from Mangrove only. One controlled by Marbles and the other controlled by CV/Envelope from Moog Grandmother."

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Night Walk | Moog Grandmother, Prophet Rev2, & Mutable Instruments

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"silly goofy thing"

Monday, October 16, 2023

Past & Present | Prophet Rev2 only

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"Say hi to a stranger today"

Sunday, October 08, 2023

41st | Moog Grandmother, Mutable Instruments, & Drumbrute

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"Patch Notes
Drumbrute is sending clock and doing drums.
Kick & tom outs are patched into Rings for drums
Tides V2 is playing chords while 2nd Tides V2 is modulating Veils
Stages for envelopes and lfo for modulating 1st Tides V2
Marbles sending pitch and gate around"

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Running through the Mountains | Mutable Instruments + Drumbrute

video upload by Wake Rise Fall

"Patch Notes
Drumbrute is sending clock and doing drums.
Kick 1 gate is patched to Rings strum
Running Drumbrute through TC Electronic for delay.
Hermod sending pitch/gate into Plaits & pitch into Rings
Tides V2 is playing chords while 2nd Tides V2 is modulating Veils
Stages for envelopes and lfo for modulating 1st Tides V2"

Monday, September 05, 2022

Life Cycles | Prophet Rev2 & Moog Grandmother

video upload by wake rise fall

"I've had this idea floating around my head for about a month. A sort of Order vs. Chaos type song that would drastically change half way through and was finally able to put it together today."

Carnival | Prophet Rev2, Moog Grandmother, Casiotone 701, Fender Guitar & Bass

video upload by wake rise fall

"Created this fun spooky carnival piece with my Prophet Rev2, Moog Grandmother, Casiotone 701, Fender Guitar & Bass. Rev2 was ran through Walrus Audio's R1 and Julianna"

Dance Alone with Me | Nord Lead 2X only

video upload by wake rise fall

"This is the first synthesizer I bought years ago and I love putting myself back in my shoes when I had no other gear but this. Don't think I could ever sell this one."

Sunday, July 31, 2022

All sounds created from a Casiotone 701 Synthesizer

video upload by wake rise fall

"Created a small piece using only sounds from a #casiotone 701 Synthesizer"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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