Showing posts with label Baloran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baloran. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Baloran The Pool: First tests with integrated effects

video by Laurent Baloran

"First tests with the integrated effects. For the moment it's the same The Triko as The River, but it's possible that it will change ;)"

Friday, April 09, 2021

The Pool Sequencer & Arpeggiator

video by Laurent Baloran

"Présentation du Séquenceur et de l'Arpégiateur de The Pool.

00:00​ - Présentation et enregistrement d'une séquence
01:50​ - Transposition et Split
03:50​ - Modes de Latch
05:00​ - Velo Trig, note, durée, gate, glide
08:00​ - Ratchet et Random
09:40​ - Modulations
10:42​ - Poly, Mono, Dual et Midi
12:40​ - Mode Song
14:30​ - Arpegiateur"

Friday, April 02, 2021

The Pool, exploration de la partie numérique

video by Laurent Baloran

"Cette vidéo présente la partie numérique de The Pool ainsi qu'un peu de Sound Design.
A la fin (vers 23'30), un peu de gros sons en réinjectant un groupe de deux filtres sur l'autre groupe."


"Cette vidéo présente la partie numérique de The Pool ainsi qu'un peu de Sound Design.
A la fin (vers 23'30), un peu de gros sons en réinjectant un groupe de deux filtres sur l'autre groupe."

See the Baloran label below for more.

Thursday, April 01, 2021

New Baloran Super Synth "The Pool" to be Available In Two Versions and Will be Open Source

Présentation du Concept de The Pool video by Laurent Baloran

"Quelques lumières sur le concept de The Pool ;)"


"Some light on the concept of The Pool;)"

Quick disclaimer, the video is in French, but you can enable captions by clicking on CC followed by the gear icon, and your language. The following is based on what I read. I'm not sure how much pertains to the development of the product vs. final product. That said, it looks like Laurent will be producing two versions of "The Pool" - one with a full control panel, and one minus the controls, plus and external software editor, similar to the Nord Modular Rack in concept. The reason? The cost of the full control version looks like it will be roughly 3500 to 4000 Euros. As that is not in everyone's price range, he plans to release a version minus the hardware controls priced around 1000 to 1200 Euros. Note the software editor is already developed. What's interesting is it sounds like he will allow you to trade-up if you decide you want the full control panel, but I'm not sure if that only applies to those jumping in early to help test and develope the synth. The platform will be open to developers to create new features. Not sure if this only pertains to development as well. The plan is to have it ready for purchase for the public sometime in 2022, and the name of it, currently refered to as "The Pool," is not set.

See the Baloran label below for additional posts featuring the development of "The Pool."

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Pool Modulation v1.0 on Baloran's Upcoming Synth

video by Laurent Baloran

"Cette vidéo présente le concept unique de la gestion des modulations créé pour The Pool."


"This video presents the unique concept of modulation management created for The Pool."

See the Baloran label below for more.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

New Baloran Demo: Exploration des saturations des VCA mélangeurs et quelques écrans ;)

video by Laurent Baloran

"J'en dévoile un peu plus à chaque fois ;)
J'explore ici les saturations des VCAs mélangeur. Quand j'interviens sur un encodeur à droite du panneau, il change le gain des VCAs. Je trouve cette saturation très musicale, elle ne fait que déformer les ondes, j'adore. Sinon, je m'amuse un peu aussi avec le Tap LFO et les différentes synthèses : analogique, numériques ou mixte (CAN et traitement numérique).
Au tout début, vous entendez un module de synthèse numérique qui séquence via des divisions eucliennnes 4 oscillateurs + enveloppe individuelle."


"I reveal a little more each time;)
Here I explore the saturations of mixer VCAs. When I intervene on an encoder on the right of the panel, it changes the gain of the VCAs. I find this saturation very musical, it only distorts the waves, I love it. Otherwise, I also have a little fun with the Tap LFO and the different syntheses: analog, digital or mixed (ADC and digital processing).
At the very beginning, you hear a digital synthesis module which sequences via euclean divisions 4 oscillators + individual envelope."

See the Baloran label below for more.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Upcoming Baloran Synth - Front Panel Controls / Features

Note: According to the previous demo posted here, this panel is a prototype. It does however give us a peak into the featureset of the upcoming Baloran synth. For additional demos see here (scroll down to previous posts when you get there).

This is the first image to clearly reveal the front panel controls. As you can see, this synthesizer features 4 VCOs (2 Analog, 2 Digital), 2 Mixers feeding into 4 Filters laid out in two sections, 4 ENVs, 3 LFOs, Sequencer, and Arpeggiator. Note the Poly button. Click on the image to zoom in. You will see the following and more:

VCO 1 - SAW, TRI, PW, PWM EXT, Range: 32, 16, 8, 4, FM, SEMI, TUNE


VCO 2 and DIGIT 2 same as above

MIX x 2 w/ SYNC between VCOs

Two VCFs per MIX for a total of 4 filters

VCF 1 & 3 can be 12 or 24 dB, & have Digital & VCO FM for corresponding sections

VCF 2 & 4 can be BP or HP and have a VCF 1-2 balance knob or FM?

Each VCF has separate Key tracking

3 LFOs, 2 VCAs w/ PAN for stereo, 4 ENVs with CURVE for F (Filter) and M envelopes

16 step sequencer, ARP

Note there are buttons under some controls you wouldn't expect. I'm guessing they enable and disable modulation. Press the button and adjust the amount with the knob. Similar to an Oberheim Matrix-12 and XPander, or an Alesis Andromeda. On the Andromeda buttons enable to disable the modulation so you can use them as on/off buttons. The buttons under each Envelope knob in the image above are interesting. What do they do? Do they enable disable each stage, do they allow you to adjust the curve, can you modulate each stage of the envelop? The more I look at the panel the more this synth appears to be a modulation powerhouse. Feel free to share your thoughts and/or anything you see in the comments section below.

P.S. Baloran previously brought us the The River, an 8-voice multi-timbral polyphonic analog synthesizer.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Une façade et des formants pour The ... machin

video by Laurent Baloran

"Cette façade pour le prototype m'aidera à encore avancer dans la recherche de la meilleure ergonomie. Pour le moment, elle me semble déjà très chouette. Le séquenceur inclut quelques originalités : vous entendrez ici un leger retard sur le Gate 2, ainsi que des pas avec CVs mais sans Gate.
Au début je m'amuse un peu avec les presets voyelles de la banque de filtres numériques "formants"."


"This facade for the prototype will help me to further advance in the search for the best ergonomics. For the moment, it already seems very nice to me. The sequencer includes some originalities: you will hear here a slight delay on Gate 2, as well as steps with CVs but without Gate.
At first I play around with the vowel presets in the "formants" digital filter bank. "

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Avancement du panneau de The ... Machin

video by Laurent Baloran

"Globalement, toutes les fonctions sont actives, pas toujours arfaitement fignolées ni finalisées, mais elles sont là et fonctionnent. Je suis très satisfait de l'ergonomie que j'ai créé pour cet engin particulièrement ... généreux. Avec une seule carte voix, c'est déjà un terrain de jeu remarquable..."

"Overall, all the functions are active, not always perfectly refined or finalized, but they are there and work. I am very satisfied with the ergonomics that I created for this particularly ... generous machine. With a single voice card. , it is already a remarkable playground ... "

See the Baloran label below for more.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Baloran The Machin progresse ;)

Laurent Baloran

"Le panneau de contrôle communique avec la carte voix ;)"

"The control panel communicates with the voice card;)"

Also see: New Baloran Synth In The Works - Coming to SynthFest 2021

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New Baloran Synth In The Works - Coming to SynthFest 2021

Un peu de son du nouveau projet

Laurent Baloran

"Retour du bac à sable dans le studio pour valider quelques options et une bonne occasion de vous présentez un peu de son ;)"


"Back from the sandbox to the studio to validate some options and a good opportunity to introduce yourself to some sound;)"

From the comments: "That’s definitely not a soft synth. Sounds „oberheimisch“ with highpass filter, also wave table and FM ?? Interesting!!" to which Laurent replied: "Thanks, I love your words ;)" He later states: "Thanks, I can't dwell on tech too much but it's not strictly speaking a wavefolder;)" and "No more precise information before SynthFest 2021, you will have to be there;) And thank you very much for your words."

Curious if that circuit board to the left is it.

Update on the board from Laurent: "Thank you, yes, it's horror in the foreground. It's not a prototype, but rather a sandbox to test/validate my ideas and schematics. How it works, it's half a voice card. I should go to V2, a real voice card prototype, pretty quickly now. The control panel is virtual, developed under JUCE, but very similar to what the physical panel will be. This allowed me to validate the ergonomic ideas."

This one was spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.

Monday, September 14, 2020

New Order's BLUE MONDAY cover featuring Scot Alexander (bassist for Dishwalla) - Live performances

Sean Christopher Evoking Emotion with Synthesizers

Spot the synths.

"Hello eveyone! It's been over 2 weeks since my last video, but due to unfortunately going through some depressing Carpal Tunnel issues, performing and even using my PC and music gear has been increasingly difficult. Hopefully the 2 weeks away are worth the wait because I am very happy to have the bassist for Dishwalla, Scot Alexander, joining me at bringing you a cover of New Order's 'Blue Monday' from 1983. Scot performers the iconic bassline from the track as well as providing the vocals. Even at the cost of looking a little crippled with my wrist/hand/fingers issues I decided that I should finally record myself playing my various synths for the track and am very happy on how both the track and the video came out.

I hope that you all enjoy this cover as much as we had in creating it."

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Beverly Hills Cop Axel F cover performed on analog & digital synths by Baloran, Sequential, & Yamaha

Sean Christopher Evoking Emotion with Synthesizers

"You know I just HAD to do a cover of this classic synth awesomeness, "Axel F" by the legendary Harold Faltermeyer.

The Baloran the River analog synth was used for the very memorable intro lead line, and the Sequential Pro 3 analog synth was used for the iconic bass line. For the tracks Yamaha DX7 parts I used the FM section of the Yamaha Montage....which is essentially a super DX7. Finally, for the percussion I used Aly James Labs awesome LM-1 which faithfully IMO recreated the Linn Drum LM-2 pretty spot-on that was originally used in the track."

Monday, June 08, 2020

Il y avait .. à vent...

Laurent Baloran

Baloran controlled by Aodyo Sylphyo wind instrument. Googlish translation below.

"Laurent, un camarade nordiste et son équipe ont conçu le Sylphyo, un instrument à vent autonome et midi via le lynk. Bien sûr, j'ai voulu m’intéresser au midi et sa liaison avec The River. J'ai profité de la version 2.0 de l'OS de The River pour adapter l'information de souffle CC11 au fonctionnement de The River : lissage du flux, modification du cycle de l'enveloppe (le decay 'disparait' et le sustain est 'remplacé' par le souffle...),
Tout ce que vous entendez sort du River, une prise, effets inclus (le nouveau Shim). Voilà, vous constaterez avec effroi que je n'ai pas beaucoup bossé la flûte à l'école ;)"


"Laurent, a northern comrade and his team designed the Sylphyo, an autonomous and midi wind instrument via the lynk. Of course, I wanted to take an interest in Midi and its connection with The River. I took advantage of version 2.0 of The River OS to adapt the CC11 breath information to the operation of The River: smoothing the flow, modifying the envelope cycle (the decay 'disappears' and the sustain is 'replaced' by breath ...),
Everything you hear comes out of the River, one plug, effects included (the new Shim). Here, you will note with fright that I did not work a lot the flute at school;)"

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Laurent Baloran | SynthFest 2020

Published on May 14, 2020 SynthFest France

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Visite chez Laurent Lecatelier (BALORAN)

Published on Jan 23, 2020 MuStudio

"Laurent Lecatelier nous propose une petite démonstration de deux Rivers en phase de tests / montage."

"Laurent Lecatelier offers us a small demonstration of two Rivers in the testing / assembly phase."

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Baloran The River

Published on Dec 10, 2019 MrFirechild

"Baloran The River, an 8-voice analog synthesizer from France! A synth with its own sound and character which excels in magic pads and strings. The song is a tribute to both The River and JMJ and is using sounds exclusively from The River except the Drums. Composed and produced by"

Monday, October 28, 2019

L'ascension du K2 avec The River

Published on Oct 28, 2019 Laurent Lecatelier

"Découverte du K2 de Behringer via The River. Le son du K2 est injecté dans The River, donc The Triko. La sortie de The River est injectée directement dans la Caméra."

"Discovery of K2 Behringer via The River, the sound of K2 is injected into The River, so The Triko.The output of The River is injected directly into the Camera.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MOOG The Source Vs BALORAN The River

Published on Oct 15, 2019 Laurent Lecatelier

"Comparaison entre le MOOG The Source et The River (numéro 00072 presque prêt à partir, le clavier n'est pas fixé :D :D) . J'ai reprogrammé sur The River les 15 patchs du manuel de l'utilisateur MOOG en essayant d'être le plus proche possible ;)

Pour le son SyntheVox (12), rien à faire, ce n'est pas possible, la molette, les plages de réglages sont différentes. Pour le Trill (10), je suis content du résultat même si le range de la modulation ne permet pas l'octave. Tous les sons avce le noise sont très différents car je n'utilise pas la puce du The Source comme générateur de bruit."

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Introducing Jas Acoustics MixCoupler - Star Wars theme on the Baloran The River synthesizer

Published on Oct 2, 2019 Sean Christopher Evoking Emotion with Synthesizers

" Shameless promotion, but a man needs to eat! LOL For those not looking for acoustic treatment for their studio, I hope you at least enjoy my rendition of the Star Wars opening theme on the Baloran The River synth. Thank you for viewing! :)"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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