Friday, December 30, 2011

Why are the roads so empty

YouTube Uploaded by skoulaman on Dec 30, 2011

"A few days ago I made this 12 note based sequence track with the Doepfer Dark Time.
I used a 3 oscillator tone of the Waldorf Micro Q (two triangles and one sinus) in a very basic setting (and I think that is the power of a Waldorf because you can do very well basic synth tones as complicated pads for example) and a base tone of the Moog LP. During the track the sounds are tweaked. The solo came from the Korg DS-8, it is a preset with a long echo and with a pitch change in the end of the envelope. It is not one of my best tracks but just a tweak with my setup. Neverthelss enjoy listening.
The vid is made during my trip to my work (yes, on a very quit chrismas holiday day) on a highway round Amsterdam at 06:30 in the morning.

greetings Hans 'Skoulaman'"

Dragons II (Music for SEGA Master System)

YouTube Uploaded by littlescale on Dec 30, 2011

"From my 2011 release N.K.Y.W. (National Kill Yourself Week).

Download here:

QuNeo Speaks

YouTube Uploaded by KeithMcMillen on Dec 30, 2011

"First performance with QuNeo controlling sounds in Abelton Live. Pressure is mapped to repeat rate and X and Y control Filter and a Bit Crusher. Lotsa fun - we were fighting over who gets to go next.

Check out our KickStarter Page for more information:"

Discover Ultra Proteus sysex : reloaded

YouTube Uploaded by kenspocket on Dec 30, 2011

"E-mu Ultra Proteus acidtones - Card / System exclusive

resample film score Ultra emu 'E-mu Systems' rom scifi patches Proteus Morpheus z-plane 'sound design' Electronic Experimental dj Electronica Noise "Ultra pro" Ambient Techno Soundtrack 'Film Score' Theme Original 'Electronic Music'"

Stephen Hawking's Synth

Just saw this one on Boing Boing. Stephen Hawking is looking for a new technician. Sam Blackburn answered the following questions regarding Hawking's voice synthesizer:

"Stephen's voice is very distinctive, but you say there might be a problem retaining it?

'I guess the most interesting thing in my office is a little grey box, which contains the only copy we have of Stephen's hardware voice synthesizer. The card inside dates back to the 1980s and this particular one contains Stephen's voice. There's a processor on it which has a unique program that turns text into speech that sounds like Stephen's, and we have only two of these cards. The company that made them went bankrupt and nobody knows how it works any more. I am trying to reverse engineer it, which is quite tricky.'

Can't you update it with a new synthesizer?

'No. It has to sound exactly the same. The voice is one of the unique things that defines Stephen in my opinion. He could easily change to a voice that was clearer, perhaps more soothing to listen to – less robotic sounding – but it wouldn't be Stephen's voice any more.'"

And via Stephen Hawking on Wikipedia:

"The DECtalk DTC01 voice synthesiser he uses, which has an American English accent, is no longer being produced. Asked why he has still kept it after so many years, Hawking mentioned that he has not heard a voice he likes better and that he identifies with it. Hawking is said to be looking for a replacement since, aside from being obsolete, the synthesiser is both large and fragile by current standards. As of mid 2009, he was said to be using NeoSpeech's VoiceText speech synthesiser.[37]

In Hawking's many media appearances, he appears to speak fluently through his synthesiser, but in reality, it is a tedious drawn-out process. Hawking's setup uses a predictive text entry system, which requires only the first few characters in order to auto-complete the word, but as he is only able to use his cheek for data entry, constructing complete sentences takes time. His speeches are prepared in advance, but having a live conversation with him provides insight as to the complexity and work involved. During a TED Conference talk, it took him seven minutes to answer a question."

Also see Speech Synthesis on Wikipedia.

Note: I created a new Speech Synthesis label for this post. I realized I didn't have one and couldn't get myself to use the Speak n' Spell label. :)

Nordostpassagen Pt 1. [Casio SK60 & EMS SYNTHI E]

"Live improvisation at 22/12/11.

Casio SK60. EMS synthi E. (rvrb,delay.0,5 ms).

No post/effects or editing , one take."

Casio SK60 pic from here and EMS SYNTHI E from here. Additional tracks below.

And some additional EMS tracks from Georgios Karamanolakis:

For Cello and Ems Synthi E .

For Cello and Ems Synthi E . by Georgios Karamanolakis
"Live improvisation at 12/11/2010

Cello: Aigli Drakou
EMS Synthi E: Georgios Karamanolakis

It was a rainy night...
In this piece, the cello provides proportional voltages which control various modules of the EMS Synthi E and at the same time is being filtered through it.
Throughout the recording the cello is also mixed with the Synthi E in real time.
No post/effects or editing , strictly one take.
Note that this is our first meeting. "

Sunset over the Mojave. by Georgios Karamanolakis
"Live improvisation at 17/4/11
Ems synthi E, DKE and delay
No post/effects or editing , one take."

Also check out:

Love You, Dad

YouTube Uploaded by attorks on Dec 29, 2011

"On October the 23rd, my beloved father died at the age of 82.
I would like to honor him with this music."

::vtol:: optochord

::vtol:: optochord controlling volfram

"more info -"

"Optical controller with 2 light controlled generators, 2 gooseneck LEDs and 6 assignable LDRs. LED brightness is CV controlled."

Thingamagoop below.

VTOL circuit bent DOD fx-62 "stereo bass chorus"

Sugar-Bytes : What Turnado can do !

YouTube Uploaded by MusicMarketingTV on Nov 11, 2011

"Dan-D Shows us what Turnado can do for your project !

this is some REALLY cool stuff !"

Also see: TURNADO Dictator Tutorial

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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