Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Yamaha Montage Sound Demo

Published on Sep 14, 2016 Bonedo

"Yamaha Montage Sound Demo
#Yamaha #Montage - Sound Demo and Performance of Yamaha’s Workstation.

0:00 - 0:20 Piano
0:21 - 0:30 FM E-Piano
0:30 - 0:58 Piano / Pad
0:59 - 1:20 Chorus Pad / E-Piano
1:21 - 1:41 String Ensemble
1:42 - 1:56 Chamber Strings
1:58 - 2:06 Brass Section
2:07 - 2:27 Synth Lead
2:28 - 2:54 Choir / Strings / Church Organ
2:55 - 3:17 FM Piano morphing intro Effect Sound
3:18 - 4:30 Cheesy Eurodance Performance
4:31 - 4:51 Big Synth Strings
4:51 - 5:21 Funky Synth Performance"

Behringer DeepMind 12 - A Quick Look at Knobcon

Behringer DeepMind 12 - A Quick Look - Midiverse - TV

Published on Sep 14, 2016 MIDI-VERSE TV

"What's up everyone, Welcome to Midiverse - TV. Today we're at Knobcon 2016 at the Behringer Booth checking out the new DeepMind 12 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer."

Novation Launchcontrol Live & Circuit - From The Roses /Plekyn

Novation Launchcontrol Live - From The Roses /Plekyn 010

Published on Sep 13, 2016 Plekyn Records

"Launchcontrol midi controler with I use to launch clips, control volume, filter and effects like delay, flanger and other from iPad mini from launchpad app. You can get this app for free from App Store, but if you want some kind of effects to edit , you must pay.
I like Novation controlers, synth, apps and new Circuit."

Spotted this one on discchord.

And one with the Novation Circuit:

Novation Circuit Live - From The Roses /Plekyn 009

Published on Sep 12, 2016

"This is my first Live Set with Circuit from Novation. I like this groovebox like synth. This Voice from Poland!"

Modular Music Days 2016 - Bastl Instruments Live Set

Published on Sep 14, 2016 Synth Anatomy

"At the Modular Music Days 2016, Vaclav from Bastl Instruments played a modular live set at the Solaris Bar in Linz. Check it out here."

VGM #85: Bonetrousle (Undertale) Ft. Steven Morris

Published on Sep 14, 2016 Ace Waters

"WELL . . . ! -HUFF-

IT'S CLEAR . . .







Koma Electronik Common Ground: Neukölln Neighborhood Tour

Published on Sep 14, 2016 KOMA Elektronik

"Take a tour through the neighbourhood around Common Ground, our new community workspace, maker lab and storefront from the crew behind KOMA Elektronik with a focus on electronics, DIY hacking, synthesisers and electronic music. To give you an idea what normal life looks like in our neighborhood KOMA’s Wouter walks you through the kiez showing our favourite places to drink, chill, listen to music or find some experimental tapes before going to our new space Common Ground. Come build with us at Weisestr. 24 in Berlin-Neukölln!

For more information, visit:"

And the press release:

"In Berlin, everyday is now a workshop day.
KOMA Elektronik opens Common Ground, a new electronics makerspace.

Common Ground is the latest project by the crew behind KOMA Elektronik—a new community workspace, maker lab, and storefront for synthesizer-lovers, modular geeks, coders, DIY hackers, and nerds in general based in Berlin-Neukölln.

Over the past 5 years, KOMA has been building audio effects, synth modules, sequencers and other machines to make music with. We are an international group of musicians, artists, engineers, and lovers of life living in Berlin's neighborhood of Neukölln. After working in a more secluded office around the corner, we now think the time has come to share our passion for DIY culture, electronics, and electronic music with the world. We call it Common Ground.

Common Ground is a place where people interested in electronics and electronic music can come together, build together, and learn together. Our team and Werkstatt offer a place where everne from beginners to seasoned pros can realize their visions and complete their most daring projects. We believe that by doing it yourself, you will better understand how electronic machines work and how you can use them.

At Common Ground, you can rent a desk to work on your own project in a professional environment with industry-standard equipment; buy a kit at the counter and build it on site; attend workshops; see performances and discuss with makers of all backgrounds about their craft. We have an ever-changing assortment of used synthesizers and drum-machines, from classics to obscurities.

In our machine room, you can rent time on our drill-press, CNC machine, SMD soldering reflow oven, or 3D printer. We offer alcoholic and non-alcoholic refreshments, both in-house and to take away. For when you want to meet people in private, we’ve opened a schnaps deck overlooking the shop room, where customers can serve themselves.

We look forward to welcoming you into our new space to all find common ground together.
Our doors are now open on Weisestr. 24, 12409 Berlin, Mon-Thu 12-8pm, Fri 12-10pm and Sat 12-6pm!

For more information, visit: If you have any further questions, come by or shoot us an email!"

Grenadier and Microbrute make friends

Published on Sep 14, 2016 SGE

"Grendel Grenadier is being clocked by the square wave LFO of the Arturia Microbrute. Grenadier is driving a JHS Pedals Emperor chorus pedal, then into a Roland RE-20 for delay. Microbrute effect is a Line 6 Echo Pro delay. Both synthesizers are being sequenced internally."

MFB Dominion 1 2014

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"In perfect shape, the Dominion 1. A hefty amount of CV options and a classic sound that I find quite flexible. Comes with original manual and power cable."

MFB Megazwerg Synth

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via this auction

Sequencer Control of Korg ARP Odyssey Filter (The Easy Way)

Published on Sep 12, 2016 Doug Plate

"Here is an updated, shorted video with and easier way to control the Korg Arp Odyssey filter using a control voltage sequencer like the Beatstep.

The Rhodes sound is supplied by the Privia PX-5S which also served as the audio recorder."

And the longer version:

Sequencer Control of Korg Arp Odyssey Filter

Published on Sep 5, 2016 Doug Plate

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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