Wednesday, November 05, 2008

An even simpler theme; reprise

YouTube via attorks
"I had to trim the video back to 10 minutes because of the YouTube upload limit. If you want to see or download the whole original video of 14 minutes with a better audio quality, see or download the video in the video section of my website.
This is basically the same setup as for the video 'An even simpler theme' added on november the 1st but the music is more subtle. But somehow I can not reach the subtleness of the great masters in Electronic Music (e.g. Redshift, Free System Projekt or von Haulshoven). Still I hope you enjoy this. The Kawai 100F is responsible for the Ring Modulated background noise. Three different sequences, an 8 step sequence on the, a 12 and later 16 step sequence from a MFM VCO through the CGS Steiner filter only using the Band Pass input and a 1 and later 4 step sequence from a MFM VCO through an Ian Fritz 5Pulser through an Oakley Equinoxe Phaser. Again just 3 minor chords (Cm, Bbm and Fm) with chord memory on the AKAI AX80 and an improvised solo on the Nord Lead 1; a truly 2 finger system."


YouTube via ripe909. Note the genoQs Octopus.
"A quick demo of a new custom 303 clone based on the x0xb0x. This limited edition synthesizer is now available for purchase at my website:"


"Another quick demo of the SE BassLine in action. Sorry the audio is from the camera microphone, gives it that warehouse feel!"

navs.modular.lab Patch of the Day - The Random Multiplexer

"First Patch of the Day of the new blog features Doepfer's A-152 voltage addressed T&H/ switch and A-149-1 Source of Uncertainty:

Three detuned VCOs play the same sequence. The Multiplexer, or switch, randomly dictates which VCO sounds when."

See Navs for the full post including sample.

Touch the Wave 0.4

YouTube via objaudio. Audio kicks in at :48.
"オーディオ波形を直接タッチしてスクラッチできるiPhone・iPod touch用DJアプリです。AppStoreにて公開中。"
You can get Touche the Wave here:
Touch the Wave

Gakken SX-150s Available via MAKE

$45.99 via MakerSHED

BTW, the magazine that comes with it is top notch. Amazing images, but... It's in Japanese. Still worth it though.

"This cool little synth kit is easy to put together, requires no soldering and is easy to hack (see links below). There are no English instructions included (book and kit are in Japanese but beautifully done) but the detailed illustrations are more than enough to easily put this kit together. Check out our blog links below to see our review and hacks. Imported from Japan in partnership with Gakken. 4 AA batteries (not included)

Make Blog Posts:
Review by Collin Cunningham
How to Control via MIDI

* Size: 4.5 x 6 inches
* Controls for LFO, pitch envelope, frequency cutoff, resonance and attack/decay
* Slide controller (pen type electrode)
* Output and external input 1/8" Jacks
* Small built-in speaker"

And of course you can find them on Ebay.

Z3000 Smart VCO Coming Tomorrow

TipTop Audio

The SE BassLine

via JK: "I just completed and released a special 303 clone based on the x0xb0x. I will have a limited run of 19 machines completed. It has a custom metal case, silk-screened graphics, metal knobs, etc. Price will be $1500 shipped (in USA), and there are a few other options available for extra cost, such as real 303 knobs, Roland VCA chip, authentic transistors."
For more information please visit

Appendage Touch Ribbon Controller First Video

YouTube via ScottStites

"A preview of the Appendage Touch Ribbon Controller project. Sorry for the lousy audio (working on that)."

Some notes directly from Scott:
"It's a video of my latest project, the Appendage Touch Ribbon Controller. It's just me futzing around on it, more or less. The audio is lousy (my camera has no line input, so it's just crappy mic audio). The Appendage is set up to control a VCO and filter with its mixed output, the EG is controlled by the gate and trigger outputs, and filter cutoff is controlled both by EG and slide output. VCA is controlled by the EG output. It's a single Sawtooth VCO with harmonics added by my Schmitz Late MS-20 filter, then run through my Schmitz 2040 Transistor Clone filter. The Appendage generates four different control voltages, plus it can mix those voltages in different ratios on an additional mixed output. The four voltages are: Initial Note, Slide, Bend, and "TFS", which is a voltage that is proportional to the difference between two points of pressure. In this video, just the initial and TFS control pitch at the beginning. I then add external modulation for a while, take the external modulation out, add a slight bit of bend to produce the standard dying whale noises, then add more bend to give it more vibrato and positional slide. Towards the end, I turn up a feature called "AutoGlide" which basically glides the bend and slide voltages if they're sustained and "hammered on", but does not lag the initial note. It's sort of like the legato type portamento found on various synth keyboards.

There are several other functions not covered in this video."

Update via Scott (I asked him about size):
"The circuit will handle any size of SoftPot (I've tried 500mm, 200mm and...oh dang, smaller than 200 - can't remember if it's 100 or 50mm now). It's almost comical to watch the really small ribbon, because you can drive your modular 10 Octaves (sub to ultrasonic) just by moving your finger a couple of inches or so.

Originally I was hoping there would be a front panel switch that would allow one to switch different sizes out, but that didn't work out - the circuit is calibrated to whatever size of SoftPot ribbon that is used. It'll also operate at +/-15V and +/-12V (in the video it's operating at +/-12V because that was my most current test - I usually use +/-15V rails myself).

This is the full blown Appendage, which has the external inputs for S&H using the ribbon, external gating (great for arpeggios and making it sound like your fingers move at light speed), external keyboard function (which allows a sort of duophony plus the legato portamento I mentioned), and triggering modes (re-trigger and "hyper trigger", which creates triggers on applying pressure and removing pressure - another method to get really fast runs in). It's also switchable between voltage and current mode. The difference between voltage and current mode is how the ribbon reacts to more than one pressure point. It puts out voltages in current mode, BTW, it's just that the ribbon is looked at by the circuit as sort of an infinite resolution constant current keyboard, with left hand priority. In this case, TFS is independent of slide and bend, so the left hand can slide, etc., while the right hand can control things like filter cutoff without affecting any pitch outputs. In current mode, it acts a lot like the late, great John Simonton's description of his PAiA ribbon controller.

It's a fairly large circuit, so we (by "we" I mean Bill Manganaro, State Machine on electro-music - he's laying out the PCB) are planning a slimmer version that will have the basics - Slide, Bend and Initial, plus gate and trigger output and external mod in only (no TFS output). That model would still be a nice pitch controller, but would also be sized for using as an adjunct controller to other controllers (like keyboards)."

KORG DS-10 - El Bimbo (Blue Oyster Bar)

YouTube via starerik
"This is "El Bimbo" written by Claude Ganem, but the track is more known as the "Blue Oyster Bar"-song in the "Police Academy" movies.

I had to create my own ending since I couldn't get the whole song to fit. :("

Rockin' The 505

YouTube via junorave
"Cooking up a groove. 11/05/08"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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