Tuesday, March 01, 2011

x0xb0x synthesizer w/ mods

via this auction
Other colors available. via the listing:
"I have added the following functions into the x0xb0x:
1./ Bass boost mod
2./ Env Mod Amount (Turning it all the way down)
3./ Env Mod Amount (Increasing the range by 3 times )
4./ Increased Filter Low End
5./ Resonance Boost
6./ Resonance accent increase
7./ Filter Modulation (VCO)
8./ Filter Modulation (VCA)
9./ Variable VCA Decay
10./ Devilfish Filter Overdrive

Panel color option : red , blue , gold.
Case color option : Black
Other Case color option (additional USD$15 for paint) : white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, gold, silver

I have switches for all mods, so you can turn the effect On or off by using the switches.

This x0xb0x is original x0xb0x default setting when all the mod switch is at "Off" position

110V or 220V power supply is incl"

YouTube via djnorythm | Oct 26, 2010 |


via this auction

Serial Number 2727

Diabolical Modified Casio SK-1 with Highly Liquid MIDI

via this auction

"The Diabolical Modified Casio SK-1 custom version is the new and improved circuit-bent glitch monster from Diabolical Devices. Create vast sound-scapes, unique synth sounds and total chaos, all packed inside your favorite childhood toy. The Casio SK-1 is loaded with original features, sampling capabilities, and great sounds (for what it was....) **When no modifications are engaged this will behave as a 100% stock Casio SK-1 Diabolical Devices aka Class A Electronics, LLC is a leader in Professionally Modified Synthesizer and Audio Equipment, Expert Repair Services, and has a full line of Hand-Wired Tubes Amplifiers and Effects (Diabolical Amplification). Their work has been featured at NAMM, art galleries, music videos, countless tech blogs, and used by musicians all over the world, professionals and enthusiasts alike. The circuit-bending and synth mods are the work of head-technician James Gramling who has spent the last 12 years in professional audio service and electronics prototyping. Check out the new for updated specs, custom work questions, and new releases from Diabolical Devices

Diabolical Modified Casio SK-1 Features: 16 point circuit-bending interface: Heavy-duty 1/8" jacks on hand made turret board panel. This patch-bay allows you to scramble sound data as the synth addresses it, and the result is an endless variety of weird effects, noise, filtered and modulated bends, and one of a kind sounds (seriously, you might one hear some things once). It's a mixed bag of playable bends and bends that play themselves. These patch locations will affect each preset sound differently and also affect samples and chord/auto-play functions. This patch-bay also allows you to cross-patch with other bent devices for more ROM scrambling goodness.

4 Hard wired toggle switch bends: Preset circuit bent points at the flip of a switch

Clock/Pitch mod: An external clock generator has been added. When engaged you have control over the master pitch of all keyboard voices, drum sounds, and bent sounds ranging from well above to WAY below original pitch. This modification has a bypass switch, pitch control and LED status indicator.

MIDI input:
1/4 audio output: Original speaker has been removed."

Maps & Atlases' microSAMPLER video.

YouTube via KorgUSAVideos | Mar 1, 2011 |

"Check out this video from rising artists Maps & Atlases, where they show us how they use their Korg microSAMPLER. To learn more about the band, visit!"

Hollow Sun Oscillosine Sample

Sine by Hollow Sun
"Demo of 'Oscillosine', a new Kontakt 4 instrument from Hollow Sun using the valve generated sine oscillator samples from a Hewlett Packard test oscillator thought to date back to the 50s. Demo created by Atomic Shadow."

See this post for screens, details and comments.

Re-Flex ' Politics Of Dancing' 1983

YouTube via AGESOFTHEROD | Apr 2, 2007 |
Some synth spotting in via Ben.
"live on The Tube UK TV show 1983"

Graphic Editor for the Tiptop Audio Z-DSP & Audio Numberz

"Display text editor for use with TipTop Audio Z-DSP, and TipTop Audio Numberz.

The editor is able to open and save .txt files, for quick text recall with Z-DSP screen formatting. It also exports .hex files if needed. But the coolest part now writes directly to Numberz! Just one application for all of your text editing. No more using pickit2 and having to select devices or eprom parts. Just click the write button, confirm and its done!

Please donate to show your appreciation for our programmer. He has made an awesome tool for our Z-DSP projects!...and has done it on his own time!

This donation will not only help with the continuous stream of Mountain Dew needed to keep the code flowing, but it will also encourage future development for the modular community. Thank you."

Winter Soundscape

Winter Soundscape from Travis Thatcher on Vimeo.

"This is what happens when I have free time"

"This is a recording of a self-playing patch (I did tweak the cutoff on the VoS filter slightly throughout though) made using:

VoS VCF, VoS Sequencer, Steiner VCO, MFOS VCO x 2, Buchla 292c LPG Clone, Banalogue VCS, Blacet: Stonez, Dark Star Chaos, Klang Werk, Mini Wave, Binary Zone, Audio Divider, Doepfer LFO and Roland Space Echo RE-201"
This is via Travis Thatcher of Voice of Saturn.

infrared sensing monome

infrared sensing monome from Amanda Ghassaei on Vimeo.

new michael nervous - korg ds 10 - "ohm" for new album day 23

YouTube via michaelnervous | Feb 28, 2011 |

"song called ohm gets it's first upload - long way to go on this and the patterns are not quite done- but I liked it and decided to upload early."

Nintendo DSi on eBay
Nintendo DSi on Amazon
KORG DS-10 on eBay
KORG DS-10 on Amazon

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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