Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July folks! Almost time for fireworks.

Nothing like blogging in the beach. :)

Gotta love drinking wine out of hotel glasses.

Have fun. Keep it safe.

Mad Max Meets AXXE

flickr By customsynth
(click for more)

impOSCar2 Controller by Touch Digital Controllers Ltd

YouTube Uploaded by TouchDCUK on May 20, 2011

See this post for details.

GForce Software impOSCar2 Videos

YouTube Uploaded by GForceSoftwareTV

impOSCar2 Friends
impOSCar2 Tutorial - 3 GUI Sizes
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Additional Modulation Routing
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Arpeggiator
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Ring Modulation
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Unison Modes
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Chord Memory
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Audio Effect
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Quick Memory Buttons
impOSCar2 Tutorial - Patch Management

1978 Multimoog Fingers Burned Ad

via Retro Synth Ads where you'll find the write-up.

Core Synth HD

"Top free iPad music app in 16 countries, top 10 in more than 50! Upgrade now for 1/3 original price!

Get your groove on with Core Synth HD, the definitive monophonic synthesizer for the iPad. With tons of features packed into a small package, Core Synth is great for live performing. A Pitch Wheel replicates perfectly the real thing!

This free app has the following features:

- Pitch Wheel
- 2 Octave keyboard
- Keys light up in different colors when pressed

Oscillator Module
- Dual overlapping oscillators
- Four wave patterns: Square, Triangle, Sawtooth and Reverse Sawtooth
* Select from 5 octaves
* Adjust glide between notes
* Fine tune Oscillator 2 with option to sync with Oscillator 1

Volume Envelope Shaper
- Edit ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)

Low Pass Filter Module
- Adjust Cutoff and Resonance
- Edit ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)

Upgrade to the full version within the app for the following additional features:

- 7 Octave Keyboard
- Octave control to move along entire range
- Modulation Wheel

Patches Module
- Save an unlimited number of individually named patches
- Browse through your collection before applying patch
- Delete unwanted patches

Modulation Module
- Four wave patterns: Square, Triangle, Sawtooth and Reverse Sawtooth
- Modulate Filter, Pitch or Wave
- Adjust LFO Rate and amount

Arpeggiator Module
- Arpeggio moves up to 5 octaves
- Four step modes: Up, Down, Up/Down, Random
- Adjust rate

Many more exciting enhancements to follow! Core Synth HD includes open source code from MobileSynth developed by Allen Porter."

Core Synth HD - Core Engine Apps
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Buchla DARF fun

Buchla DARF fun from todd barton on Vimeo.

"A little self-generating patch with DARF and 266e et al."

Buchla DARF fun-2 from todd barton on Vimeo.

ModJam 070411 RCD Pulse Divisions

ModJam 070411 RCD Pulse Divisions from Low-Gain on Vimeo.

"Just experimenting w/ the RCD with pulse divisions and mixing them back together. Inspired by JRL (thanks for the inspiration! :​watch?v=oI8CkYrcJfc ). I just got the Anti so i got to play with that a bit too. :) Just some noodling around. Main synth line is running through the A-199 reverb. dry and reverb out, anti and pokey are then mixed together using the Unify by Circuit Abbey. Headphone out ran direct to camera."

Diamond: MIDI Arpeggiator in Ruby -- Live coding in IRB

Diamond: MIDI Arpeggiator in Ruby -- Live coding in IRB from Ari Russo on Vimeo.

"Diamond is a cross-platform MIDI arpeggiator that I created in Ruby.

This is a very basic screencast demonstration of using Diamond in IRB. I adjust some of the arpeggiator controls and create two more arpeggiators and sync them to the first. Here's a tutorial which explains what's happening in further depth:​lh4YFh

Sound begins around 40 seconds in.

For more info about Diamond, check it out on github​arirusso/​diamond"

Ancient Tongues

Ancient Tongues from Peter Bajzek on Vimeo.

"Ambient electronic music. Original composition performed on the Korg Radias, controlled by the Nord Lead 3.
©2011 Peter Bajzek"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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