Saturday, March 12, 2022


video upload by Jason Basson

"I bought recently a very nice vintage organ. In a video I had heard that its rhythms section sounded very nice. I prepared a rhythm on it ( by pushing several buttons at the same time, this gives you a new rhythm! ). I wanted to stay in the vintage environment and I searched a nice sound on the Roland SH-2000. Then I choose a phaser wave on my Siel Flying 49 and some stringsounds on my Eminent Solina String-Ensemble. This track will I also make with my Atari/Ableton with vocals of me and Lady Nathalie."

LYRA-8 // Tutorial for Calm Ambient Tracks

video upload by Dexba

"Many of you asked for it, and finally, here it is!
At first, I wasn't sure about what to put inside a basic tutorial like this, but then I realized it was more about the APPROACH, rather than the technical side, a little bit like nobody watch Bob Ross strictly because of his painting skill.
I had so much fun doing that, and I can't wait to make more, and... get better at it!
Hope you'll enjoy it and find it useful enough 🧡"

LYRA-8 // it's not the destination, it's the journey

video upload by Dexba

"This is the jam I ended up with, following the process I described in the previous video.
This time we're taking it slower, calmer, less creepy, and I felt like that was the case, especially during these challenging times.
Enjoy ✨"

TC Electronic June 60 V2 - Authentic Recreation?

video upload by Keen On Keys

Anyone ID the mini keyboard being used with the Behringer CAT at 15:17?

"In this video, I'm going to take a close look at the June 60 V2 effects pedal. It is supposed to be an authentic recreation of the legendary Roland Juno 60 Chorus. I will compare it to the original and try it out with a few other instruments."

0:00 Intro
1:04 Chorus Explanation
3:58 Unboxing
5:20 A Look Inside
7:18 Functions
8:44 Comparison
17:40 Boss ME-50 Chorus
19:22 Korg Poly 61
25:16 Mono Synth
26:11 Guitar
30:05 Bass Guitar
31:08 Conclusion
32:54 Multitrack Recording

Bit chrush vco - vidéo 2

video upload by oZoe_fr

"Présentation sommaire du prototype du VCO numérique "Bit crusher VCO" d'
Enregistrement Stéréo de la sortie stéréo :-)"

video 1

Wingie 2

video upload by Robin Rimbaud-Scanner

"First play with the Wingie 2 designed by the even inspiring Meng Qi. This is a handheld stereo resonator with built-in microphones that also doubles as a development board. Its dual onboard microphones allow you to interact and enrich vocals as well as the sonic environment around you. So, as an experiment I decided to only use the microphone and create a piece in 30 minutes. What a wonderfully inspiring little instrument/processor this is!

More on Meng Qi's work here"

OB-E Oberheim 8 Voice - GForce Software Overview

video upload by sonicstate

"Our friends over at GForce Software sure take their time over their instruments, so its surprising that the rate of release this year has been positively light-speed compared to previous years. Just a couple of weeks back the OB-E V2 was released, which adds PC support and is M1 silicon native, as well as new features including Drum Mode, Vintage control and other tweaks."

AtomoSynth Koe M6 Mumbling patch #3

video upload by atomolab

"Hello world, here a funny mumbling patch using the AtomoSynth KOE_M6 only, no external effects. Explanation of the patch starts at 2:48"

Friday, March 11, 2022

"Temple Breach" Music Video- OSC1Nation/ Animation By The Orange Wednesday

video upload by damon ramirez

"Except for the electronic drums, all the music and sound design was tracked entirely by the Arturia MicroBrute monophonic synthesizer.
Animation created by Bret Arenson of @The Orange Wednesday on YouTube."

Delay + Filter Accents = Ratchet!

video upload by O.Z. Hall

"The Ratchets are more like grace notes than the standard prominent ratchet sound.
This video covers a technique I recently stumbled across. Play a sequence through a digital delay (e.g. a Z506 Swiss Daisy DSP. Set the delay time to 2.5 x the note length ( 1/4 note in this case ). You can manually change the Wet/Dry mix on the delay to get some interesting variations on the sequence.

Add to that a free running square wave LFO which modulates the VCF cutoff frequency, making some notes brighter ('louder') than others. This makes the later delay brighter/louder.

You get an interesting texture, including the occasional "ratchet" effect."

Roland Juno 106 SN 422432

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via SYNTH CITY Reverb

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"A high water mark for glassine pads, premier brass stabs, and surprisingly present basses, the Roland Juno 106 is well deserving of it's status as a classic synthesizer. All voices have been refurbished, this is a fully working specimen, with all sliders and pots cleaned and working wonderfully. Physically, this is a synth which shows it's age and use, but operationally this Juno is a superior sonic experience."


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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