Monday, August 10, 2015

Yamaha SU700 Demos by Microesfera


Published on Feb 27, 2015 Microesfera

"Diving into the depths of Yamaha su700"

Yamaha SU700 Live Play TECH HOUSE / TECHNO HD 2015

Published on Apr 6, 2015

"!a quick and furious techno"

Yamaha SU700 Classic House 80s 90s Party :) by Microesfera

Young couple receives his first amazing Roland SH101

Published on Aug 10, 2015 Microesfera

Thought this was kind of cool. The excitement of picking up a coveted synth.

Erik Satie Le Piccadilly

Published on Aug 10, 2015 Oren Levy

"Prophet '08 and Eurorack"


Erik Satie Gymnopedie 1 2 and 3

Published on Aug 10, 2015

"Played on the Prophet '08, Elements, and STO via Optomix."


Published on Aug 10, 2015 synths colors

the amazing 8-bit C64 guitar !! (part 2)

Published on Aug 10, 2015 Igor Zinken

"The 8-bit guitar returns to showcase itself in a setting which is freely available to you all (as far as purchasing a guitar with MIDI pickup is free anyways...)

You can play WebSID directly in your Chrome / Safari browser here : [demo video posted here]

Developers interested in using the event based MIDI mechanism written for WebSID, it is available as open source under the name zMIDI :"

And part 1:

the amazing 8-bit C64 guitar !!

Published on Dec 18, 2012

"The sounds of the Commodore 64 made available to the six-string. An Elektron SID Station provides the 8-bit sounds, a pitch-to-MIDI system acts as the mediator between the strings and the synth.

By request : apart from some generic riffs the video features some familiar compositions such as David Bowie's "Fame" at 3:25, Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the sugar plum fairies" at 5:40 and Nine Inch Nails' "Head like a hole" at 6:49. As for originals: the riff from 4:43 to 4:50 is taken from my own "Ganymede" (which - by request - you can listen to on SoundCloud here :
Some of the other sounds displayed in this video have been used to create a short composition which can be found here:"

New Arpeggio Hardware Arpeggiator, Sequencer, and Synthesizer Details & Vids

First revealed back in June of 2013, we now have some additional details on the upcoming Arpeggio. Further below are three making-of videos featuring audio from the Arpeggio's built-in AVR synth engine.


"Introducing arpeggio. A new kind of electronic instrument with an interface so simple you can let your intuition take over. A design focused on seamless composition and performance which gives you the precise control to make any melody you want. Every detail of your sequence at your fingertips. No screens or menus. Arpeggio takes the notes you select and instantly plays them in a looping sequence. Tweak and save note sequences. These form the building blocks of melodic improvisation. String them together to create complex melodies. It’s a blank sketchpad for musical notes. There are no presets. You are the composer.

• Create, play, and save sequences instantly with live arpeggio sequencer.
• Up, up-down, down, down-up, sequence, & random arpeggiator modes.
• Access and chain together up to 512 user created arpeggio patterns.
• Internal 2-oscillator virtual analog monosynth.
• Note division sequencer (1/16th, 1/8th, 1/4 notes etc ).
• USB, 1/4” & 1/8” audio out, MIDI in, MIDI out, CV trigger out.
• MIDI & CV clock sync for syncing to external drum machines (master or slave)
• Control external hardware and software synths.
• High quality internal speaker.
• Takes batteries or power from an AC adapter. Make melodies anywhere!"

Arpeggio Machining Teaser 1 from Tangible Instruments on Vimeo.

"Here is a Video teaser of machining for our prototype, accompanied by Arpeggio's AVR Synth Engine demo."

Arpeggio Machining Teaser 2 from Tangible Instruments on Vimeo.

"Here is the 2nd Video teaser of machining for our prototype, accompanied by Arpeggio's AVR Synth Engine demo. We're cutting a block of aluminum for our button moulds."

Arpeggio 3D Printing from Tangible Instruments on Vimeo.

"Here we're 3D printing our prototype for Arpeggio. An arpeggiator, sequencer, and synthesizer in one portable instrument. 3D printing has really helped us to perfect the look and feel of the case."

Sequential Prophet-6 - The Patches (Part 4)

Published on Aug 10, 2015 perfectcircuitaudio

All parts here.

"This video series demonstrates the sound of the Sequential Prophet 6 analog synthesizer. Note: we are only showing some of the 500 presets in the Prophet 6."

Perfect Circuit Audio on eBay

New Erica Synths SYNCABLE VCO - sound demo

Published on Aug 10, 2015 Erica Synths

Stekker 2015: Richard Devine Live Rig Rundown

Published on Aug 10, 2015 sonicstate

"Richard Devine gives us a look at the 12U system he has been using for his live shows over the past year.

Original Story:"

Stekker 2015: Richard Devine - Live Rig Rundown Part 2

Published on Aug 24, 2015 sonicstate

"Stekker 2015: Richard Devine - Live Rig Rundown Part 2

Richard dives into the Circadian Rhythms new firmware and more"

SYNTHESIZED - Original Movie Score

Be sure to see the movie trailers posted here.

"Composer Christoph Kresse also Filmmaker of Documentary SYNTHESIZED - SYNTHESIZED currently in editing processes, to be released in late Spring 2016 - Film Score was mostly composed during the production process of SYNTHESIZED, however, some material was recorded earlier - Composer background: originally from Hamburg Germany, now living in South Carolina USA, music background in Scottish Bagpipes, world percussion, played drums in Indie, Punk bands during 90s, after earning BA in Audio Technology and Sound Design from Clemson University began producing and recording electronic music, in 2010 actively recorded and performed live as SAKI BOMB, in 2013 started new project with focus on experimental and ambient music as (((Crystal Beach))) focusing especially on modular eurorack and TE OP-1 based compositions. - Soundtrack was released as digital download on the composer's Bandcamp. There are plans to release a limited hardcopy, cd run in the future. SYNTHESIZED Soundtrack was recorded in both, digital and analog domain, which is also a theme in the movie. Composer used Ableton Live, TE OP-1, as well as Arturia virtual synth, a modular system, world percussion and bagpipes."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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