Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Olivier Briand NR synth Caïman "crazy sounds"

Published on Jul 6, 2016 Olivier Briand

"A demo of NR synth Caïman with experimental sounds from Olivier Briand. Little reverb and delay added."

MFB 522 Analogue Drum Machine

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"The MFB522 is modelled on the 808 but also has its own sound."

Serge Arabesques

Published on Jul 6, 2016 zack dagoba

"Using the sequencers, analog shift registers and wilson analog delay. Who needs keyboards? See http://myblogitsfullofstars.blogspot.... for more info"

VGM #80: Opening Stage (Mega Man X) - Involved in the Troubles

Published on Jul 6, 2016 Ace Waters

"We did it again. This time we were a bunch of nerds having a nice little funk-rock jam on this arrangement of the Mega Man X Opening Stage song."

Frenetic Tap - Heatseekerrr | OP-1

Published on Jul 6, 2016 Heatseekerrr

"Created with an OP-1

More music at"

New EMW ALIAS DVCO Eurorack Module

Published on Jul 6, 2016 EMW Synthesizers

"A short video showing the first test of our new Digital Voltage Controlled Oscillator Eurorack module, with a MSRP of just $109!"

Make Noise Maths Demo Videos by Perfect Circuit Audio


Maths as a Clock Divider

"This patch utilizes the Make Noise Maths slew capabilities in a rhythmic and helpful way. The Maths on the right is just providing clocks which are patched into the Trigger inputs of Channel 1 and 4 of the Maths on the left. If the Rise amount makes the envelope longer than the next Trigger, it won't retrigger until the next gate, allowing one to use it as an analog clock divider. Both channels of Maths are being clocked at the same rate, and as the Rise value changes, the clock division is decided, showing some rhythmic ratios such as 1:2, 2:3, 2:4, and 3:4. The End of Cycle and End of Rise clock outputs are then sent to strike an Optomix for a quick percussive envelope."

Maths as a (waveshaping) VCA

"This patch is similar to the Clock Divider patch, but instead of sending Triggers and using the slewed envelope to offset the Trigger outputs, this patch uses the Gate input for Audio, and slews it completely until no sound is outputted. The output of an oscillator is sent into the Gate input on Maths. As one moves the Rise and Fall knobs, one can hear the timbre shifting slightly, with some locations cutting out the sound completely. If the output of Channel 4 is patched into the Rise CV, it can modulate the Rise control to cut out the sound. In order to get the correct ranges, the output on Channel 4 may have to be fully negative (by use of the polarizer knob). Great as a VCA in a pinch!"

Nick Batt Live Set From Cymru Beats 2016

Published on Jul 6, 2016 sonicstate

"Editor of - Live set from Cardiff's Cymru Beats Modular Meet. With Dreadbox Erebus, Moog Sub 37, Korg Minilogue and MFB Dominion 1"

Nick Batt Live Rig Cymru Beats 2016

Published on Jul 18, 2016 sonicstate

"Nick couldn't film himself at Cymru Beats so we set him up back at Sonic Towers so we could get a look at his live system which all runs from an Arutria Beatstep Pro, hooked up to Moog Sub37, MFB Dominion 1, Dreadbox Erebus and Korg Minilogue. All going into the Behringer X-Air 18 for effects and mix."

Buchla Dodeca Sway | Buchla Dodeca Concrete

Published on Jul 6, 2016 Todd Barton

"A short exploration of the Roman Filippov Buchla 212r Dodeca Module. For better stereo sound go to:"

Buchla Dodeca Concrete

Published on Jul 6, 2016 Todd Barton

"A short contrasting exploration to my earlier Buchla Dodeca Sway. For better audio in stereo:"

DSP Synthesizers 4HP Eurorack Nano Drum Modules Seek Funding on Indiegogo

Now on Indiegogo here.

"Do you long for those great 70's and 80's drum sounds?

Want to include them in your eurorack setup?

Wait no more.

The Nano Drum euro module gives you 4 trig-able polyphonic drumsounds and a global tune with CV input in a 4HP euromodule.

Choose among these classics.

We have done these in smaller runs with great success and now want to manufacture it on a larger scale.

The funding will go to manufacturing of a first run of 50 units. Also into R&D for our next unit.

Manufacturing 50 units means sourcing alot of parts, design and ordering PCB's etc. A large venture.

But can be realized with your help. So let's get down to making some modules." Also available as a DIY kit.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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