Monday, November 05, 2018

Erica Synths Black Hole DSP2 (mega modular FX) *In Depth Euroack Demo*

Published on Nov 5, 2018 DivKidVideo

"**TIMING INDEX / SECTIONS BELOW** Here we have the wonderful Black Hole DSP2 from Erica Synths. It's a huge mega uber FX module for the Eurorack format with a tonne of delays, granular FX, reverbs, drone machines, pitch shifters, buffer effects and more! We can go from beautiful warm and lush FX, through more noisy and abstract FX alongside some unique patches/algorithms. We have a CV-able dry/wet blend, crush (with CV) to lower the internal clock rate and slow/pitch down the effects into noise and downsampling effects, there's 3 parameters per effect all with CV inputs and it's true stereo in and out (but mono to stereo is nice to create a stereo image). Throughout the video I show off each effect with a synth sequence (mainly the Erica Synths Graphic VCO [link below]) but there's at least one other sound per effect too with drums or samples (piano, thumb piano, synth stuff, textural beds etc). So grab a drink and sit through it or skip around below as you see fit. Cheers!

Timing index

00:43 Patch previews

02:28 Features, walkthrough

Volca FM & Volca Sample vs. Microbrute in a Drum'n'Bass jam

Published on Nov 5, 2018 Tiny RobotZ

163 bpm Drum'n'Bass
Volca FM
Volca Sample
Arturia Microbrute
Mini KP 2S
Behringer DR600
Xenyx Q1002USB

Eurorack modular ambient with Erica Synths modules .

Published on Nov 5, 2018 Dziam Bass

"Today time comes for real music, a little ambient for those who like light sound, I used here only modules by Erica Synths ,one voice from PICO VCO, the other from PICO VOICE rest modules used Black VC EG, Black Quad VCA, Black Modulator, Black Dual VCF, Black Stereo Mixer, ,PICO SEQ ,PICO DSP, and finally I added tube sound from Fusion Mixer this set provided such a sound.

generally I love these modules because they give a lot of sounds though PICO VCO has 2 banks-16 waves each, or PICO VOICE 8 great sounding like Karplus Strong, Chords, Wavetable, TB303 bassline emulation, PWM, Supersaw, Wavefold and Harmonic saturation so you can generate extensive sound palettes from only two 3HP modules each.
of course, I am talking only about the waves and each module has many other possibilities.
most of these modules you have to get for a 40% OFF price here"

05-The IK Multimedia Uno- Part 5: LFO

Published on Nov 5, 2018 AutomaticGainsay

"Here is a demonstration of the sound and functionality of the full-featured LFO found on the IK Multimedia Uno synthesizer."

All parts here.

New Erica Synths HI HATS D Eurorack Module

Published on Nov 5, 2018 Erica Synths

"Hi-Hats D is Erica Synths take on classical digital hi-hats."

"Hi-Hats D is Erica Synths take on classical digital hi-hats. Instead of using an integrated circuit DAC chip Hi-Hats D are using 6-bit analog DAC for that unmistakable crunchy sound. For amplitude shaping samples are passed trough AS3330 based VCA and are controlled with an analog envelope generator for versatile and snappy sound. Extra feature is Open Hi-Hat looping – when it’s on, a certain part of the sample is looped while the envelope decay is on, thus creating distinct, delay-like effect.

HiHat samples thru analogue DAC and VCA
Tune and Decay controls
CV control with an attenuators over Tune and Decay
VCA response control
Open HiHat looping
Manual trigger
Accent fot better expression"

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Open Source Modular Additive Polyphonic Software Synthesizer

A new open source modular additive polyphonic software synthesizer by Sean Luke.

"It's called Flow, and we've been working on it at George Mason University for a year or so. Download it at It's still got some wires hanging out here and there, and could use some polishing and improvement, but it's ready to go.

Flow is a fully modular polyphonic additive synthesizer. It supports up to 16 voices, up to 256 partials, and has about 50 modules right now. It also supports macro modules: you can save patches and load them as modules to be used in later patches (including parameterizing them). It comes with an extensive manual too. And it supports MPE.

Flow is useful as a music synthesizer and as a teaching and research tool. As you might suspect this is computationally expensive: it's a standalone, not a VST, and with typically about 30 threads running it'll keep your computer nice and warm. :-) Typically uses about 2.5 cores on my Macbook.

Flow is meant to be easy to extend with new modules of your own design: and indeed the back half of the manual is dedicated to software developer walk-throughs.

The software runs on MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

Flow Version 0 is in prerelease, meaning that changes we make are likely to not be backward compatible and could well break your patches (we'll try not to). But try it out, let me know what you think. Write some patches! Design some new modules! We'd love some feedback and contribution."

DEATH ANGELS// Juno-106, System-8, TR-8

Published on Nov 4, 2018 MR TUNA Music

"Found some mushrooms today"

Glitchy Minimal Modular Techno Jam featuring Roland SYSTEM 500

Published on Nov 4, 2018 Honeysmack

"Glitchy Minimal Modular Techno jam - single take featuring full suite of Roland SYSTEM 500 modules.

Main sequencer is the Intellijel Metropolis. Including drums from Roland TR-09 and TR-08. Additional help from Launch Codes and Basimilus Iteritas Alter along with other bits and pieces.

No computers were harmed making this jam."

Bryan Day Rotowhiskers [Episode 90]

Published on Nov 4, 2018 CatSynth TV

"A demo of the Rotowhisker, a new creation by musical-instrument inventor Bryan Day. This is Day's first instrument that is available for purchase.

You can find out more about Bryan Day and his instruments at If you are interested in finding out about purchasing a Rotowhisker, please use the Contact button.

"Bryan Day is a improviser, instrument inventor, illustrator and installation artist based in Richmond, CA. His work involves combining elements of the natural and man-made world using field recordings, custom audio generation software and homemade instruments. Day’s work explores the parallels between the patterns and systems in nature to those in contemporary society."

For more experimental music and instruments, please subscribe to this channel and visit"

Novation Circuit & Launch Control XL - Techno Roulette no13 (KUSH)

Published on Nov 4, 2018 KUSH

"#dawless #novationcircuit #Technoroulette #deeptechno #novationlaunchcontrolxl
Novation Launch Control XL controller template Novation Circuit
Deep live jam"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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