Friday, September 06, 2019

Erica Synths Black System II Demo

Published on Sep 6, 2019 Erica Synths

"Seven patches with the Black System 2

00:03 - Patch 1
01:39 - Patch 2
02:58 - Patch 3
04:20 - Patch 4
05:08 - Patch 5
06:20 - Patch 6
08:21 - Patch 7

Patches 2 and 6 are sequenced by Yamaha QY70 (no sounds are used from the unit)"

What's Better? A £45 Keyboard or an Expensive Eurorack Modular? Leaving The Laptop Episode 13

Published on Sep 6, 2019 Michael Forrest

"Here's a comparison of my old Yamaha PSS-480 and my custom Waldorf Eurorack rig."

Broken Tape Simulator Eurorack Module

Published on Sep 6, 2019 paul tas

Based on the Broken Tape effects box.

Ensoniq ESQ'M - Is It The Most Boring Synth Ever? No!

Published on Sep 6, 2019 Espen Kraft

"Someone told me recently that the Ensoniq ESQ'1 was the most boring synth ever. Therefor I revisit this synth to check if it's true.

A big thanks to Anders Enger Jensen for lending out his near mint ESQ'M to me for this demo. Thanks my friend! :)

The Ensoniq ESQ'1 and ESQ'M are digital/analog hybrid synths, digital oscillators/waveforms and analog filter.
Together with the Korg DW-8000 and the Kawai K3 they were the closest you could get to a PPG without brealing the bank back in the mid- to late 80s.

3 Oscillators per voice with 32 different waveforms to pick from. Extensive modulation routing possibilities and both AM and Oscillator Sync makes this a very complex synth and it gives any production a great set of textures to choose from.

When I test out a synth, I check if it's a synth that can add texture, spice and edge to my more commercial mid-80s synthpop sound. I'm not after industrial, overly dark or experimental adds to my productions. All my demos must be experienced with that in mind. If you're after bleeding resonance, spikes or Trent Reznor'ish soundscapes, you will not find that here. ;-)"

Demo :: OTO BAM Reverb on SH101 (Aphex Riff)

Published on Sep 5, 2019 SOLON Music

"Demo of the OTO Bam Space Generator Reverb using Roland SH101 synth playing Aphex Twin riff from 'Tha' (Selected Ambient Works 85-92).

7 Presets demo'ed:

1.3 Cold Wave (Room)
2.2 Solaris (Ambient)
1.2 Tired Room (Room)
1.6 The Rite of the Plate (Plate)
2.5 The Intruder (Non-Linear)
1.1 Le Salon De Musique (Room)
3.1 SOLON (Ambient)

About SOLON:

Matt Singmin is an English musician based in Sydney, Australia, composing and producing meditative electronic music. He is the DJ & Co-founder of The Future Sound of Yoga, and an explorer of the magic in vintage & modern audio gear."

SH 7 Midi Murf

Published on Sep 5, 2019 UFO LFO

"Running the old Roland through a midi Murf with some eventide Blackhole reverb"

UFO LFO SH 7 videos

MIDERA | Close to midnight

Published on Sep 5, 2019 MIDERA

Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2
Access Virus TI
Elektron Machinedrum

#spectralis #Virus #machinedrum

New Modal Electronics Argon8 8 Voice Polyphonic Wavetable Synthesiser

Published on Sep 6, 2019 sonicstate

Looks like a Synton Syrinx meshed with a KOG Minilogue.

See it at Knobcon in Chicago this weekend!

"The ARGON8 is an 8 voice digital Polysynth with a three octave full size Fatar keybed (with aftertouch),120 high resolution wavetables (from 002 as well) 4 oscillators per voice, 28 wavetable processors including de-rez, phase shapers and rectify.

We had a look at the pre-production prototype - presets have not been created yet and the final look will be tweaked, with Jackson (we're fortunate in that Modal are just down the road). The ARGON8 will be on show at Knobcon this weekend if you are going - we'll have a reporter there so hope to get another look.

Final pricing is TBC, but Modal tell us that it will be competitive certainly sub $1000 - as soon as we know we'll tell you. Modal are also confident that the ARGON8 will be shipping well before Christmas worldwide."

Priced at $699 / £579 / €649


True 8 voice polyphonic


120 carefully crafted wavetables split into 24 banks of 5 morphable waveform sets, covering virtual analogue classics through to cutting edge EDM and many from the original Modal 002 as well as a whole range of mathematically generated tables. Additional PWM bank and 4 noise/modulation banks accessible on Oscillator 2

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Review: Roland MC707 // Sound design // Live looping // Pros and cons (MC-707)

Published on Sep 5, 2019 loopop

Roland MC707

0:00 Intro
0:25 Overview
2:00 Connectivity
2:45 Grid layout
4:20 Scenes
4:45 Track types
5:30 Preset sounds
7:40 Sound design
8:00 Tone engine
14:00 Drum engine
15:00 Sequencing
16:15 Step params
18:05 Clip params
19:40 Step sequencing
20:20 Live looping
22:10 Stretch & pitch
23:55 Sample trim
24:20 Automation
25:50 Pad modes
26:50 Scatter
27:30 Master effects
28:30 Send & return
29:50 MIDI sequencing
30:40 Pros & cons

Synth Spotting with Pete Townshend of The Who

via Pete Townshend's Instagram @yaggerdang

Cameron Jones, mentioned below, is the co-creator of the Synclavier. Curious about that new mac-based program. Cameron recently worked on the Synclavier iOS app and the Synclavier KNOB.

"Between tours I spend a lot of my free time trying to improve my various studios. I have a number of spaces (only one large studio big enough for bands) and each one has a different focus. Recently, after getting inspired by the Eurorack world, and by being able to carry small devices on the road - like Akai MPC Mini, Volcas and Digitakts etc - I realised I’d neglected my larger modular synths that I am damned lucky to have and even luckier to know how to operate. So here’s where I left things with my ARP2500 (restored by the wonderful Phil Cirocco of CMS) and MOOG 35 before I sadly packed my leaving trunk to go on the road. Two months!!! Spiders will move in. The sharp eyed among you might spot the controller and keyboard for my Synclavier 9600 and Direct to Disk system. This has also recently been revived because Cameron Jones created a new Mac-based computer program to run the old towers. Steve Hill’s installed it for me. Cameron also worked with Arturia to create the Synclavier V. This is a fine development of the old FM system. The three stringed things on the wall are all by Collings. Love their boxes. .

This one was sent my way via bĂ–sch @fabmass

Update: you can find a video of it here. Embedding is disabled otherwise I'd embed it in this post.  Thanks to @Precarsious_333 for the link!

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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