MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Tatsuya Takahashi

Showing posts sorted by date for query Tatsuya Takahashi. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Tatsuya Takahashi. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Introducing KORG monologue [with CC]

Published on Dec 6, 2016 Korg

"Chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi introduces the monlogue."

Interesting note on alternate scaling with the help of Richard D. James of Aphex Twin.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Masterminds: The Art of Engineering with Dave Smith, Tatsuya Takahashi & Mark Verbos

Dave Smith, Tatsuya Takahashi, and Mark Verbos will be at the Amsterdam Dance Event, discussing their design process and personal philosophies. Details:

"18:15 - 19:00
Compagnietheater (C6 Main Hall) | Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam

Three gamechanging engineers talking about designing new musical instruments, their design processes and personal philosophies.

Dave Smith (US)
Dave Smith is an engineer and musician who has pioneered many groundbreaking technologies in music technology.

Tatsuya Takahashi (JP)
Tatsuya Takahashi is Chief Engineer of Analogue Synthesizers at Korg. Raised in London, he has been with Korg since moving to Tokyo in late 2006. His roles consist of product planning, hardware engineering, and project management. He successfully launched the first analogue synth from Korg in nearly thirty years in the form of the Monotron.

Mark Verbos (US)
Since the early 1990s, Mark Verbos has worked as an Electronic Musician, Recording Engineer/Producer and Synthesizer Tech/Designer. As an electronic musician, he has released countless recordings and performed around the world. His live performances are legendary for being entirely improvised using analog gear. His own synthesizer brand, Verbos Electronics is world renowned for its aesthetics and musical interfaces."

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Introducing KORG volca kick [with CC]

Published on Oct 6, 2016 Korg

"Chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi introduces the volca kick."

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Korg's Chief Engineer Tatsuya Takahashi with the Minilogue

Just a cool pic of KORG's chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi with one of his creations, the Minilogue.

Monday, April 18, 2016

[with CC] Introducing KORG volca fm

Published on Apr 17, 2016 Korg

"Chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi introduces the volca fm."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

KORG's Tatsuya Takahashi Shows Off The New KORG Volca FM

Two new NAMM floor videos added to the main KORG Volca FM post here.


3-Voice, 6-OP.

Note the Reface DX was 4-OP and the original DX7 was 6-OP.

Update: and we have a NAMM floor video below.

NAMM 2016 Korg Volca FM 6 op Synth Published on Jan 21, 2016

"We talk to the designer [Tatsuya Takahashi] about the latest Volca"

NAMM 2016: Korg Volca FM Synth

Published on Jan 21, 2016 Gear4music

Thursday, January 14, 2016

An Introduction to the New KORG minilogue by Chief Engineer Tatsuya Takahashi

Introducing KORG minilogue

Published on Jan 14, 2016 Korg

"Chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi introduces the unique synthesis about minilogue."

Added this one to the main KORG minilogue announcement post here as well. You'll find additional videos, images, and details that have gone up throughout the day there.

Update: Looks like the original video upload was set to private. New embed above.

New KORG Minilogue Video Featuring Creator Tatsuya Takahashi

Just added a new video to the main KORG Minilogue announcement post here. It's the third video from the top in the post.

Korg Officially Announces minilogue; Four-Voice Polyphonic Analog Synth

Korg Minilog: PlugInGuru Quick-e Tour

Published on Jan 14, 2016 PlugInGuru

The details are in. You'll find Korg's Press release with hi-res pics and specs below, but let's start with a few videos. Click here for new posts that have gone up in order.

"Under 2 min and you’re going to want to own one of this amazing synth. The RAW POWER and the WARM analog tone is incredible. Makes every software synth jealous as well. :D"

Friday, November 20, 2015

KORG Volca Sample OK GO Edition Tutorial Videos

Published on Nov 19, 2015 KORGINC

1. KORG volca sample OK GO edition - Basics of Sequencing

"Chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi explains the basics of how the 11 parameters can manipulate the way samples sound on the volca sample OK GO edition."

2. KORG volca sample OK GO edition - Basics of Parameters

"Chief engineer Tatsuya Takahashi explains the basics of how the 11 parameters can manipulate the way samples sound on the volca sample OK GO edition."

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Korg - Hiroaki Nishijima & Tatsuya Takahashi (RBMA Tokyo 2014 Lecture)

Published on Dec 11, 2014 Red Bull Music Academy

"This talk was held on November 3 as part of RBMA Tokyo 2014.

Be sure to use the CC button to turn on the subtitles for this lecture!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

ARP's David Friend & KORG’s Tatsuya Takahashi on the New Korg ARP ODYSSEY

Published on Jun 11, 2015 ARP

"ARP's cofounder and lead designer of the original ARP Odyssey, David Friend, discusses the role he played as Chief Advisor to KORG for the re-issue of the ARP Odyssey. Friend explains his original intention for the ARP ODYSSEY was to provide artists with a synth designed and laid out for live stage performances. He also highlights significant artists who have used the synth and how he is excited to see what young musicians will create with such a historic instrument."

KORG’s Tatsuya Takahashi breaks down the re-issue of the ARP ODYSSEY

Published on Jun 11, 2015 ARP

"KORG’s Manager and Chief Engineer of Analog Synth Development Tatsuya Takahasi, served as the product planner for the re-issue of the legendary ARP ODYSSEY. In this video, Tatsuya provides insight into the revival of this iconic synth by answering questions about the challenges the team faced during development and the historic information that helped guide key decisions; such as choice of cosmetic designs and internal components.

More Details:
- Tatsuya Takahashi | INTERVIEWS | EXPERIENCE | ARP


Thursday, April 09, 2015

New Korg LFO Module for littleBits

Uploaded on Feb 19, 2015 littleBits Electronics

littleBits is asking people to vote for the new Korg LFO.  I'm guessing we will see it happen, but if you want to make sure and perhaps bump it to the front of their list for new modules, you might want to vote.

"Hey there! I’m Tatsuya Takahashi, chief analog engineer at Korg. The LFO or Low Frequency Oscillator module was designed alongside the littleBits Synth Kit but didn’t make it into the final kit configuration. We thought we would see if people would be interested in it, and thus have submitted it here to the bitLab!

The LFO is an oscillator module that allows you to make slow sweeping changes to sound parameters in the synth kit or with other littleBits modules. You can control the following parameters directly on the module:

-Rate/Frequency knob (speed of oscillation)
-Waveshape control knob (change the duty cycle of a pulse wave or morph a sawtooth to triangle to ramp waveform)
-Waveform selection switch (select triangle/saw or pulse waveform)

The input of the module controls the amplitude of the LFO. We’ve also included an LED on board to help show the rate of oscillation.

Need some circuit ideas? Watch the video to see the LFO in action!!"

littleBits on eBay

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nova Musik - Korg ARP Odyssey event with David Friend, Tatsuya Takahashi and Tadahiko Sakamaki

Published on Jan 29, 2015 Nova Musik

The ARP announcement from KORG from a different angle. The full two hour KORG NAMM event including the New KRONOs and performances is posted here.

"Check out great deals on the Korg ARP Odyssey at Nova Musik:

Korg held a special event on the evening of NAMM 2015 to formally introduce their recreation of the classic ARP Odyssey synthesizer. Here are links to specific times for each of the featured speakers:

1:06 Tadahiko Sakamaki, General Manager of Product Planning, Korg Japan
4:54 Tatsuya Takahashi, Chief Engineer of Analog Synth Development, Korg Japan
12:44 David Friend, President and co-founder, ARP Instruments"

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11:11 [Happy Birthday to KORG's Tatsuya Takahashi]

Published on Nov 11, 2014 benweichiba

"Happy Birthday to KORG's Tatsuya Takahashi , father to the KORG Monotribe , Volcas and more...
Thank you for creating some of my favorite hardware...."

Thursday, June 05, 2014

littleBits x KORG Press Conference

littleBits Introduction - littleBits x KORG Press Conference: Part1

Published on Jun 4, 2014 KORGINC·410 videos

littleBits synth kits on eBay


littleBits x KORG Press Conference
at Maker Faire Tokyo 2013

- Paul Rothman (littleBits)
- Sakamaki Tadahiko (KORG)
- Takahashi Tatsuya (KORG)

Synth Kit Introduction - littleBits x KORG Press Conference: Part2

Synth Kit Demonstration - littleBits x KORG Press Conference: Part3

Saturday, April 26, 2014

KORG volca 16 keys / performed by Seth

Published on Apr 26, 2014 KORGINC·403 videos

"Seth are Tadahiko Sakamaki & Tatsuya Takahashi (KORG)

volca keys 16台を、開発者であるSethことコルグの坂巻匡彦と高橋達也が即興パフォーマンス­。

本楽曲にボーカルとして元恵比寿マスカッツ・山口愛実さんを加えた「16Keys / Seth featuring Manami Yamaguchi」を収録!

- 電磁マシマCD2:

- 山口愛実:

- volca keys:"

Friday, December 20, 2013

X-Mas - KORG Little Bits and KOMMANDER!

Published on Dec 20, 2013 KOMA Elektronik·48 videos

"Today is the last day before our Christmas holiday starts, which means we some office fun! Tatsuya Takahashi of KORG dropped by with the Little Bits synth kit and with the help of a Yamaha SHS-10 (with a very special demo tune), a midi to cv converter and the KOMA Kommander we made a very quirky version of Last Christmas by Wham - Little Bits style.

Have a great Christmas and a happy new year!


Friday, June 21, 2013

Official KORG Volca Intro Videos

Introducing KORG volca keys
Published on Jun 21, 2013 KORGINC·390 videos

"An overview of the Korg volca keys, three note analogue synthesizer.
Presented by its hardware designer and chief engineer, Tatsuya Takahashi, it shows some of the synthesis and sequencing capabilities highlighting the powerful automation features.

3音アナログ・シンセサイザー volca keys。開発者である高橋達也が、VOICING機能による特徴的なシンセシスや、­オートメーションを含むシーケンサー機能についてご紹介します。

more details:
English :
Japanese :"

Korg Volcas on eBay

Introducing KORG volca bass

Introducing KORG volca beats

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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