Monday, May 02, 2011

Beat707 Delay Circuit

via Jeremy Abel on Facebook:

"delay circuit from my soon-to-be-done Beat707 sequencer"

See the Beat707 label below for more including video.

Buchla Dual Oscillator Model 258v & Kilpatrick K4816 Pattern Generator

via anonymous

Analogue Solutions Telemark Semi Modular Synthesizer

via this auction

Water Based Touch Controller?

RAW CAMERA 1 (ion quincy jones tribute performance) from Ion on Vimeo.

"An unexpected kiss at elevation 636 (preliminary mix)" - STG and Andrew Crook vs STL 2011

YouTube Uploaded by suitandtieguy on May 2, 2011

"This is a preview of the new album I'm almost finished with called Jefferson County Blues. It's a bit of a travelogue of a trip Andrew and I made to St Louis to see Sound Tribe Sector 9. The track is a preliminary mix of a track off of my new album.

It was a very dark and stormy night as we lead into STL. So stormy that we actually avoided a group of tornadoes which ripped through northern STL. Some of the damage of which is depicted in this video.

Andrew Crook was the man with camera most of the way through. He is Minister of Cultural References and Director of Photography for STG Soundlabs."

Update: the gear:
"Bass: modular (2 Q106 -> Sea Devils Filter -> Signal Amplifiers) into Eventide H3000SE
Nasal pad/lead: Fizmo arpeggio
Arp xylophone type sound: modular (Mankato -> Wave Folder -> Signal Amplifiers) into Lexicon PCM-80
Drums: TR-808"

Minimalismisticness jam op1

YouTube Uploaded by shuchoco on May 1, 2011

"playing with the teenage engineering op1

DIGITAL Synth Engine.
ENDLESS Sequencer.
VALUE LFO assigned to DIGITAL Synth parameter.

sorry about the vertical orientation... it dumb iphone... me dumb user..."

Hanimi Sakura Spectrum

YouTube Uploaded by RADIOKLOW on May 1, 2011

"Small Composition for electronics, dedicated to the Japanese People."

Hanimi Sakura Color

Uploaded by RADIOKLOW on May 1, 2011

"Celebration of the japanese cherry trees pink blossom"

"I am using presets I created on Morphwizz, the I Pad instrument conceived by Jordan Rudess."

Jordan Rudess: Wizdom Music, LLC
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Jean-Michel Jarre in Studio

via Marcel

Click the image for some synth spotting.

Update: see the comments in this post. This one is photoshopped. That is not JMJ's studio.

Biscuit man

via NewT Tron's Photos

Modcan Cyndustries Dual ADSR Module & 25a Jack Converter

via these auctions

Dual ADSR Modul in Modcan format.
"The module features combined rotary/plug pots to select additional functions like Loop, Link, AD and Slow Modes.

The Envelopes from this module are superfast and musical useful."

Modcan Interface Module 25a Jack Converter
"This module converts between standard 6,3 Jacks and Banana Jacks."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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