Monday, October 30, 2017


The instrument I've secretly worked on for 13 years

Published on Oct 26, 2017 ANDREW HUANG

"Check out this collab I did with White Noises: [posted here]

More modular videos on my second channel:


Enjoy their beautiful videos and tell them I sent you!

Ann Annie
Emily Sprague
James Cigler
Jogging House
Kenny Peagler / Pittsburgh Modular
Learning Modular
Mylar Melodies
r beny
Richard Devine
The Tuesday Night Machines

Also not a synth friend YET BUT ONE DAY SOON: Rob Scallon"

Rheyne - Live Jam #184

Published on Oct 30, 2017 Rheyne

"Live looping with analog synths, a Fender Rhodes, and Ableton Live. Recorded in one take with no pre-recorded loops or samples.

Sound sources:
3x Moog Mother-32
Make Noise DPO
Make Noise 0-Coast
Fender Rhodes"

Soulsby Atmegatron v2.5 Update Adds MIDI CC Supprot and More

via the Soulsby Forum:

"V2.5 is released! It's available here:

new features are:

* Global settings reorganised. Function dial still does MIDI channel. Value dial does multiple on/off parameters. These currently are:
0 = Enable MIDI thru
1 = Enable MIDI program change
Red knob = parameter on
Yellow knob = parameter off

To access the global settings, power the Atmegatron on while holding down the function knob. Cycle power to leave global settings

* The test button works again with Arpeggiator patches

* Fixed a couple of warnings when compiling in the Arduino IDE

* Add MIDI CCs for all parameters. These are:
1 Pitch LFO (small range)
5 Portamento
16 Filter env amount
17 Distortion amount
18 Arpeggio type
19 Arpeggio clock div
20 Wave crush preset
32 Waveform
33 Filter Type
37 Filter normalise mode
38 Filter envelope invert
39 LFO invert
40 Arpeggiator PingPong
41 Proportional Portamento
42 Wavecrush pre-filter
71 Filter resonance
72 Amp envelope release
73 Amp envelope attack
74 Filter cutoff
75 Amp envelope decay
77 Pitch LFO (full range)
78 LFO shape
79 LFO clock div
80 Amp envelope sustain
81 Filter envelope attack
82 Filter envelope decay/release
83 Filter envelope sustain
91 PWM amount
92 Amplitude LFO
93 Filter LFO
94 Pitch envelope
95 Phaser amount
123 All notes off"

Dave Smith Instruments In the Spotlight with the Prophet Rev2 and Jedidiah Lachmann

You can find the latest interview in Dave Smith Instruments In the Spotlight series here.

"Originally from Indiana, Jedidiah Lachmann has lived in California, New York, and Auckland, New Zealand before settling in Nashville. He’s a multi-instrumentalist with experience playing a variety of genres. Over the years he’s played with many different artists including Eisley, Halfnoise, Leeland, Abandon, Seabird, Cole Taylor, Lainey Wilson, Brady Toops, and others. Jedidiah was a part of a band called The Ember Days for six years and recorded two albums and two EPs as part of that group. Currently he splits his time between producing in Nashville and touring with several different artists.

We chatted with him about how he’s using the Prophet Rev2."

You can find previous posts featuring DSI's Spotlight series here.

Prophet 12 Patches 2 by BoB SwanS

Published on Oct 30, 2017 BoBSwanS

"This is a demo of my most recent bank of 100 patches for the Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12
The first section of the demo from the beginning up to 7mins 18 seconds is a demo of patches
using a keyboard with Polyphonic Aftertouch to modulate various parameters per voice.

All sounds are direct from the Prophet 12 with no additional processing
The patches are available to buy here

I have 2 packs available with 100 presets per pack at 16 Euro each or 28 Euro for the bundle"

Fun With The Koma Elektronik Field Kit

Published on Oct 30, 2017 Perfect Circuit Audio

"This video shows the Koma Field Kit with the expansion pack which includes contact mics, actuators, a speaker and electromagnetic pickups. The Field Kit has circuitry designed to be used with electro-acoustic devices as well as a voltage controlled radio.

Available here:"

Supporting MATRIXSYNTH Members get %10 off at Perfect Circuit Audio!

Korg Gadget Coming to Nintendo Switch Next Year

via Nintendo Everything

"We don’t have a whole lot of information at present, but KORG Gadget is coming to Switch. It’s being advertised at the M3 event in Japan this weekend. Material at the show reveals the Switch title, along with a Spring 2018 launch window."

This isn't too much of a surprise considering KORG has ported their other synths apps to the Nintendo DS line of gaming devices. Still cool to see though.

Lapsos Episodio 3 - Cosaquitos en Globo

Published on Oct 24, 2017 Lapsos Tv

Featuring Sebo DIY modules in 5U.

"Para el tercer capĂ­tulo de LapsosTv, visitamos el estudio de Cosaquitos en Globo, banda de electrorock y synth pop, caracterizada por el uso de sintetizadores modulares DIY (Do It Yourself)"

"For the third chapter of LapsosTv, we visited the studio of Cosaquitos en Globo, electroorock band and synth pop, characterized by the use of DIY modular synthesizers (Do It Yourself)"

A New World - Firechild

Published on Oct 30, 2017 MrFirechild

"The lead sound in this track is heavily inspired by Kitaro´s signature lead coming from the Minikorg 700s. This time it is made with two Oakley Journeyman filters in series and a Corsynth VCO. Yamaha CS-80, Prophet-10, OB-X and Club Of The Knobs modular can also be heard in this Epic track. Composed and Produced by"

Omsonic - Pixel Dust

Published on Oct 30, 2017 DivKidVideo

"Timing links and index below but this isn't that long ;) ... Here's the Roland TR-606 based hi hat module called Pixel Dust from UK based Omsonic. I've always loved the punch of a 606 so I dived at the chance to check this one out and it delivers the goods! :) Copied below is what Omsonic have to say about the module.


00:28 Introduction, features, overview
03:26 Techno style beat
07:07 Wonky style hip hop beat"

via Omsonic

"Inspired by the Hi-hats section of the famous Roland TR-606 Drum machine.

The sweep knob lets you adjust the graininess as well as the filtering of the over all sound.

Sweep can also be controlled via the 0 to 5V CV input.

Control over the velocity of the closed hat can be achieved via the 0 to 5V (CH Vel) input.

Lots of harsh Hi-hat goodness in one small 6HP module.

Trigger indicator LEDs for both the open and closed hats.

Controls for the decay time of the open and closed hats.

8V Peak to average output level.

Built in the UK with quality parts.

And yes the om sign lights up.'"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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